Over 50000 satisfied customers ...

What our customers say

It's now very easy to build a report with the new Flexcel + Aurelius integration. It was so easy that I really thought I was doing something wrong. I will never go back to a report generator, Flexcel is way cooler and easier for reports.

- Eduardo Elias

Another question which has been a subject for discussion here. How does your organisation manage to provide such quick and helpful response to support questions? Is this type of support provided by dedicated support staff, or developers? I see that you also give support in many languages. We are impressed! Your company sets standards that we all should try to meet!

- Richard Bibby via email

This is huge! Visual Studio Code is my go-to for a cross platform editor. Good luck!

- Frazor Scott

I am very happy with you product, it meets just about all of my needs and is great value for money.

- Mike Hamilton

Now that I'm using your HTML-based components (extremely useful), your planner control (awesome) and your web update control (very impressive), the TMS component pack has evolved into one of the most useful and unique (something which is becoming very difiicult to find.. all component libraries seem to try do the same thing in different ways...) libraries in my component arsenal.

- Keith Blows, South Africa

TMS FlexCel

Native Excel file generation & manipulation
Powerful, extensive & flexible