Latest Releases

Universal highly customizable Delphi & C++ Builder chart component designed for business, statistical, financial & scientific data for use in VCL, FMX and WEB core apps

What's new
  • TMSFNCChartDataGridAdapter support for TMS WEB Core

Universal core layer for creating rich visual and non-visual Delphi & C++ Builder components for VCL, FMX and WEB core apps

What's new
  • Promises BETA

Universal powerful, feature-rich Delphi & C++ Builder UI controls in 1 component set for VCL, FMX and WEB core apps. Includes grid, planner, treeview, ribbon and rich editor

What's new
  • Filter Row in TTMSFNCDataGrid (Options.Filtering.Controls := [gfcEditor]);
  • OnBeforeCreateCustomFilterEditor OnCreateCustomFilterEditor OnAfterCreateCustomFilterEditor events in TTMSFNCDataGrid
  • FirstPage LastPage NextPage PreviousPage PageIndex and PageCount in TTMSFNCDataGrid
  • Introducing TTMSFNCClipboardToolBar TTMSFNCFileIOToolBar TTMSFNCParagraphToolBar TTMSFNCInsertToolBar and TTMSFNCFontToolBar

Universal Delphi & C++ Builder component set to take advantage of unique and proven extraordinary web technology from VCL, FMX and WEB core apps

What's new
  • Added SpellCheck property in TTMSFNCWXHTMLMemo

Our bundle of over 600 VCL UI controls for modern, feature-rich Windows application development, including grids, planner, richeditor, ribbon, web updater, treeview and much more...

What's new
  • Support for vertical aligned wordwrapped cell drawing in TAdvStringGrid TDBAdvGrid

Our bundle of over 600 VCL UI controls for modern, feature-rich Windows application development, including grids, planner, richeditor, ribbon, web updater, treeview and much more...

What's new
  • Property SQLDateQuote added to control quote around date for dataset filter in TAdvDBFilterPanel TAdvDBFilterDialog

Universal import/Export bridge for TMS FNC Grid to Excel .XLS and .XLSX files in VCL, FMX, LCL and web apps

What's new
  • New property "MergeCellsUnderImages"

Universal core layer for creating rich visual and non-visual Delphi & C++ Builder components for VCL, FMX and WEB core apps

What's new
  • Introducing TTMSFNCDataSet TTMSFNCDataLinkCSV TTMSFNCDataLinkJSON v1.0

Import/Export Bridge for TMS Grids to Excel .XLS and .XLSX files

What's new
  • New property "MergeCellsUnderImages"

Universal powerful, feature-rich Delphi & C++ Builder UI controls in 1 component set for VCL, FMX and WEB core apps. Includes grid, planner, treeview, ribbon and rich editor

What's new
  • Options.Keyboard.HomeKeyHandling and Options.Keyboard.EndKeyHandling in TTMSFNCDataGrid
  • Options.Filtering.HideEmptyGroups in TTMSFNCDataGrid

Universal highly customizable Delphi & C++ Builder chart component designed for business, statistical, financial & scientific data for use in VCL, FMX and WEB core apps

What's new
  • Editor layout
  • Multiple specific editors for clearer search
  • VCL Styles support for editors
  • TMSFNCChartDataGridAdapter to link your data with the FNC DataGrid (FNC UI Pack required)
  • OnAreaClick event introduced

Universal Delphi & C++ Builder components for mapping, geographical data, timezone visualization, routes and directions calculation. Use your mapping service of choice like Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Leaflet, Azure Maps, Here Maps in VCL, FMX and WEB core apps

What's new
  • OpenLayers API version updated from v9 to v10
  • TTMSFNCOpenLayers: Options.Version property added to select the OpenLayers API version
  • TTMSFNCDirections: GetDirections parameter added AvoidHighways
  • TTMSFNCDirections: GetDirections simplified overloads
  • TTMSFNCLeaflet: OnMapRightClick OnMarkerRightClick OnPolyElementRightClick events added
  • TTMSFNCHere: OnMapRightClick OnMarkerRightClick OnPolyElementRightClick events added
  • TTMSFNCMapBox: OnMapRightClick OnMarkerRightClick OnPolyElementRightClick events added
  • TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: HeatMaps support added
  • TTMSFNCOpenLayers: HeatMaps support added
  • TTMSFNCHere: HeatMaps support added
  • TTMSFNCLeaflet: HeatMaps support added

Universal powerful, feature-rich Delphi & C++ Builder UI controls in 1 component set for VCL, FMX and WEB core apps. Includes grid, planner, treeview, ribbon and rich editor

What's new
  • Introducing TTMSFNCDirectoryEdit
  • OnGetTimeHint event in TTMSFNCPlanner

Universal powerful, feature-rich Delphi & C++ Builder UI controls in 1 component set for VCL, FMX and WEB core apps. Includes grid, planner, treeview, ribbon and rich editor

What's new
  • Added OnBeforeEditExitValidate event in TTMSFNCDatePicker

Framework for creating modern web applications in Delphi.

What's new
  • TWebCheckListBox.CheckElement(AIndex: integer) function added
  • TWebToast.OnShow event added
  • Exposed OnDblClickCell in TWebStringGrid, TWebDBGrid

Universal Delphi & C++ Builder component set to take advantage of unique and proven extraordinary web technology from VCL, FMX and WEB core apps

What's new
  • TTMSFNCWXDocxViewer

Framework for creating modern web applications in Delphi.

What's new
  • Web form designer
  • Orientation added to TWebRatingPanel
  • Method Clear added to TWebImageControl
  • Support for WebP image types in projects
  • Min / Max date setting added for TWebDateTimePicker
  • BorderStyle added to TWebComboBox
  • Take and Offset added to TWebStellarDataStoreClientDataSet
  • StartP and OnError added to TWebCamera
  • Added RemoveKey() from TWebSessionStorage
  • Padding added for TWebGroupBox
  • OpenAsync PostAsync InsertAsync AppendAsync DeleteAsync ApplyUpdatesAsync added to TWebClientDataSet
  • Added OpenAsync and Close to TWebClientConnection
  • Added promise Open function TWebRESTClient
  • TWebImageControl.SaveToArrayBuffer() added
  • Added SelText property to TWebMemo
  • Methods to read and write blobs in TWebStellarDataStore
  • Automatic Bootstrap class initialization on controls when using web form designer
  • TableDistinct and TableSelectQuery properties added to TWebStellarDataStore and TWebStellarDataStoreClientDataSet
  • Camera support for Raspberry Pi target in Miletus applications
  • OnSearch event added to TWebEdit
  • TWebTableControl PagerAlign property added
  • Support for Bootstrap 5.3.0 added
  • Suppport for bootstrap themed forms when form.CSSLibrary = cssBootstrap in Bootstrap 5.3.0
  • Required RequiredText properties added to TWebComboBox and TWebMemo

Universal core layer for creating rich visual and non-visual Delphi & C++ Builder components for VCL, FMX and WEB core apps

What's new
  • TTMSFNCDataSet TTMSFNCDataLinkCSV and TTMSFNCDataLinkJSON components added (BETA)

Universal Delphi & C++ Builder components for mapping, geographical data, timezone visualization, routes and directions calculation. Use your mapping service of choice like Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Leaflet, Azure Maps, Here Maps in VCL, FMX and WEB core apps

What's new
  • Support for WayPoints (POI) in LoadGPX/SaveToGPX
  • Parameter TEncoding in LoadGPX
  • Event OnCreateGPXWayPoint

Universal powerful, feature-rich Delphi & C++ Builder UI controls in 1 component set for VCL, FMX and WEB core apps. Includes grid, planner, treeview, ribbon and rich editor

What's new
  • Added month and year selectors in TTMSFNCCalendar

Add the Pascal or Basic language scripting to your applications including a full IDE with form designing, object inspector, component palette, debugging and more.

What's new
  • Support for Windows 64-bit (Modern) platform

Our bundle of over 600 VCL UI controls for modern, feature-rich Windows application development, including grids, planner, richeditor, ribbon, web updater, treeview and much more...

What's new
  • Property LabelAlignment added in TAdvMultiInputQueryDialog

Universal Delphi & C++ Builder components for seamless access to Google, Microsoft, Paypal and many more cloud services from VCL, FMX and WEB core apps

What's new
  • TTMSFNCCloudStellarDataStore: Added SelectQuery and Distinct properties
  • TTMSFNCCloudStellarDataStore: Added extra Filter Operators

Universal powerful, feature-rich Delphi & C++ Builder UI controls in 1 component set for VCL, FMX and WEB core apps. Includes grid, planner, treeview, ribbon and rich editor

What's new
  • Introducing TTMSFNCDataGrid v1.0

Our bundle of over 600 VCL UI controls for modern, feature-rich Windows application development, including grids, planner, richeditor, ribbon, web updater, treeview and much more...

What's new
  • Ability to map integer fields on boolean property in TDBInspectorBar


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