Just wanted to say that I'm very impressed by your component and the associated documentation. Since starting my company I've used quite a few third-party vendors, and the intuitive usage and excellent documentation on your product is outstanding. Makes interacting with Excel files very easy. Now, if only it was as easy to interact with an instance of Excel...
- Mark Sinclair-McGarvie
We have built several windows (both .NET and Delphi) solutions using FlexCel and we have experienced the good evolution of the product. We like it mainly for the three following reasons: Value for the money: There is no need for any other component to have a full reporting solution. Performance: From the real experience we have performed, FlexCel is very well engineered and the performance you can obtain with it is impressive! The source code is available, and it's very important if you are involved in the development of competitive solutions and products.
- Luis del Ser
I am a very happy user of your grid pack, the amount of properties is overwhelming! That is the only disadvantage (?)....(!)
Keep on doing this good customer support.
- Joost Geluk/Tradinco via email
- Mauricio Piao via email
One of the best components sets on the market. What Delphi is all about