Thanks again for your great support & video webinars!
You have changed the way I build Delphi apps,
I can't begin to thank you enough for your products,
Looking forward to your next updates!
Please keep up the great work!
- Lawrence Green
Try TAdvStringGrid from I find it absolutely indespensible...and for the price, its hard to find anything matching.
- Doc, in Borland Newsgroups
Just to express my (so far) complete satisfaction with TMS Component Pack. I just purchased it, it arrived very fast, service was prompt and polite, emails were answered within minutes. The installation into BCB5 Pro worked great, and the components themselves seemed to work for a few quickie tests. Browsing the documentation further, there are some great components in this package.
- Martin Fensome in Borland newsgroups
I am very happy with you product, it meets just about all of my needs and is great value for money.
- Mike Hamilton
I'm very pleased with the TMS Component Pack too. The support is excellent and the components are great.