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What our customers say

At long last a data aware planner that I can use :-) One that does what is promised and is both powerful and straighforward to use. Congratulations to all at TMS Software. I have tried and registered two previously ,I guess most us have tried before and been disappointed, but this TMS component has got the requirements EXACTLY right. It is easy to understand the underlying concept and linking to ones own database is a breeze. I understood the demo within 15 minutes and had started my own project knowing HOW the majority of things worked within an hour - within 2 hours I had a workingsystem :-) I am looking forward to building everything from personal diaries to resource planning systems. Now I can deliver planning systems that my customers want, when they want it and know they will be reliable !! Congrats again . Well done

- Steven J Healey, Delphi Prefix Registry

TMS is a great product and the service is one of the best I have seen if not the best.

- Santiago Calderon in Borland newsgroups

In case it helps anybody, the component I found is TAdvStringGrid. It does all I wanted and much more. I was getting useful results within 2 hours of downloading it. Some of the additional features I hadn't thought of but have used anyway. The application has a significantly improved interface inside 1 day.

- Steve Mullarkey, Australia

I have installed the beta and compiled our app with it and no issues Thanks for such a great product and excellent support.

- Andrew Cumming

Once again we would like to say how nice your components are and flexible and useful, easy to program and making an application friendly for use.

- Nikolai Todorov via email

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