Over 50000 satisfied customers ...

What our customers say

I saw the components during your presentation at the Verona ITDEVCON 2010 I fell in love (I speak about components), congratulations! Your products are always of excellent quality. Thanks for the work you do.

- Carlo Narcisi/biosfera via email

After looking carefully at all the Competitor products in detail and having worked with one competitor product extensively we decided to move to FlexCel - this was no small decision but we have been rewarded with the most powerful and complete implementation. .Net managed code and a huge set of features. With FlexCel we really push the boundaries and have found it is really up to the task. Most importantly when we needed new business critical functionality the guys on support have really responded and given us and the product features when they were needed. I would strongly recommend FlexCel from both a technical and service response point of view.

- Richard White MBus C.E.O.

TMS software components are the most reliable VCL I used ever and I wish to this company to achieve more success.

- Mahmoud Baalbaki via email

Great controls - Just like I remember from the project I worked on 1998-2003. The controls only got better


Just wanted to say that these new components are amazing. Not only do you put out an excellent product but you are always coming up with new and innovative components. You guys must never sleep! A very large part of our software product is designed with TMS components and the most common customer comment when they see our new GUI is "Wow". So.... "thanks" - you guys rule!

- Robyn Freeman via TMS newsgroup


Powerful UI controls in 1 component set
Single high-performance multi-platform codebase