Over 50000 satisfied customers ...

What our customers say

It's now very easy to build a report with the new Flexcel + Aurelius integration. It was so easy that I really thought I was doing something wrong. I will never go back to a report generator, Flexcel is way cooler and easier for reports

- Eduardo Elias

Following a small problem with the TSectionListBox component, I was amazed to see that it was corrected in... 4 days. And what amazes me the most is to see that my clients are more impressed by the look & feel of my software since I'm using TMS components rather than its new features. A great thank you for your efficiency, you help me a lot.

- Jean-Pierre Lamon/Ngscan.com via email

Try TAdvStringGrid from www.tmssoftware.com I find it absolutely indespensible...and for the price, its hard to find anything matching.

- Doc, in Borland Newsgroups

First, I've bought and have been using your component pack a while now, and I like it! I hardly use standard components anymore. So there's a feather in your cap. Congrats!

- Evert Haasdijk, KiQ

TAdvStringGrid is the most fabulous grid I've ever had.

- Salvador Godoy C., Mexico.


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