Over 50000 satisfied customers ...

What our customers say

I fell in love with this great product, it changed my opinion and my vision in programming. I am using it at least 12 hours per day and everyday I understand what a clean code you have used to make it ...thanks a lot.

- Mehrdad Esmaili

TMS GUIMotions deeply impressed me. With GUIMotions I have all I need very fast, reasonably cheap and completely native. I just want to say thank you to these great guys in this company and write my opinion about this component for others.

- Mr. Mamouri

The email was a genuine query but it was also a test as to how quick you were to respond to user questions and you passed that with flying colours. I am very impressed with your company and the quality of the controls you have to offer.

- Warren Weber, Australia

Now that I'm using your HTML-based components (extremely useful), your planner control (awesome) and your web update control (very impressive), the TMS component pack has evolved into one of the most useful and unique (something which is becoming very difiicult to find.. all component libraries seem to try do the same thing in different ways...) libraries in my component arsenal.

- Keith Blows, South Africa

The AdvStringGrid is by far the most powerful and flexible grid component that I have ever worked with. We will transform all other grid components in our products to AdvStringGrid component. It's great to have these components !!! Also thanks for the great support.

- Thomas Reppel / GRID-DATA via email


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