Thanks for an excellent product. I did have some issues Friday but these were expertly solved by Adrian Gallero over the weekend. I cannot recommend you products and service high enough. Thanks and kind regards
- Kevin Clegg
Having bought the full component package (TMS VCL Subscription) I cannot imagine how I've been able to work without it until today ! The TAdvGrid was our first requirement but all the other components give a great improvement to the tools we develop for our labs.
But the most incredible one remains the Scripter Studio . We've been maintaining our own scripter for years, but this one is really THE one we've been looking for. With Diagram Studio,it opens windows on possibilities that were unthinkable to realize up to now.
I couldn't finish this testimonial without saying a word on the support: the greatest. Answers in the day, when it is not in the hour.
- Michel Matsumoto/Alcatel-Lucent France via email
We use TAdvStringGrid in all our C++Builder applications, which are used in over 55 countries worldwide, and we find it invaluable. TAdvStringGrid is flexible and full of great features, yet remains easy to use and represents exceptional value for money. We have found that TAdvStringGrid is continually developing and having useful new features added, and when we require support, the TMS Software Team are always quick to answer our questions with advice and code examples. We really do find TAdvStringGrid an excellent product and would recommend it to anyone.
- Chris Johnson, UK, TimeTabler
Your components are the best I've found on the net! You put in just the right features, just as I think of them myself.
- Olav Lindkjølen, Norway
Wat een fijn programma is die Subscription Manager! Super. Alles wordt toch eventjes voor je geregeld wat betreft downloaden en installeren. Dat automatische compileren is ook fantastisch. Ik raad een subscription ook aan aan al mijn mede Delphi ontwikkelaars!
Ik ben reuze benieuwd hoe dit programma reageert op updates van reeds geïnstalleerde componenten en zelfs nieuwe componenten. Met vriendelijke groeten
een tevreden klant,
Tom van der Vlugt
- Tom van der Vlugt via email