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What our customers say

I am really impressed about your know-how around Excel's under the hood workings. I've been kicking the FlexCel API around a bit over the weekend and must say it is the best investment I made in a long time in both time and money! And the speed at which you guys respond is incredible !

- Tim Young

I saw the components during your presentation at the Verona ITDEVCON 2010 I fell in love (I speak about components), congratulations! Your products are always of excellent quality. Thanks for the work you do.

- Carlo Narcisi/biosfera via email

I literally stumbled across FlexCel Studio for .NET on the internet. Whenever I searched for similar software, I ran across others that sucked, and the costs for them are outrageous. You guys have one hell of a product. I have been using it for the last two days, and I am very impressed not only by what I can accomplish but also your excellent documentation and examples.

- Frank Gennaro

On another note keep up the good work over there I am loving the TMS Web Core saves me learning a million lines of JavaScript at my age, its astonishing how good and fast it is and the range of demos have given me some additional insight as to what's now easy to achieve for me in web development.

- Paul Krasnowski

Wagner, I must congratulate with you: I really enjoy reading and watching your posts and videos about TMS Aurelius. First, I appreciate them because they are very specific and up to the point. Second, as a TMS Aurelius user, the more of your post I read, the more I am confident about the choice I have made between TMS Aurelius and "The Others". I love the simplicity of TMS Aurelius: this is the very distinctive trait of it: If you know how to deal with Plain Old Simple Object in Delphi, then you know 80% of TMS Aurelius. And your posts about it, are something I always find very interesting. Thank you so much.

- Fabio Vitale

TMS FlexCel

Native Excel file generation & manipulation
Powerful, extensive & flexible