Over 50000 satisfied customers ...

What our customers say

Congratulations on your efficiency and customer relations. I have been very happy with your product and now I am impressed with the way you treat your customers as well (not that I wasn't impressed before).

- Mark Dutch, Australia

Finally, a chart control that hits the sweet spot! As a product, AdvChart has the right approach. It's still very simple to use, the price is perfect, the code is included and easy to modify to taste and things that would be hard to add later or by the user are already taken into account like multiple panes.

- Orlando Diaz

First, I've bought and have been using your component pack a while now, and I like it! I hardly use standard components anymore. So there's a feather in your cap. Congrats!

- Evert Haasdijk, KiQ

TMS software components are the most reliable VCL I used ever and I wish to this company to achieve more success.

- Mahmoud Baalbaki via email

TPlanner really rocks! You are all rockstars!

- Niclas Astrom, Sweden

Build MQTT client apps faster
RAD component based MQTT communication