Thanks for the effort to create the VCL grid goodies !
These chunks of outcome-oriented teaching-material are very useful.
It's unbelievable how powerful the grid is when one knows how to unveil it's countless options...
- Feichtenschlager Thomas
Wat een fijn programma is die Subscription Manager! Super. Alles wordt toch eventjes voor je geregeld wat betreft downloaden en installeren. Dat automatische compileren is ook fantastisch. Ik raad een subscription ook aan aan al mijn mede Delphi ontwikkelaars!
Ik ben reuze benieuwd hoe dit programma reageert op updates van reeds geïnstalleerde componenten en zelfs nieuwe componenten. Met vriendelijke groeten
een tevreden klant,
Tom van der Vlugt
- Tom van der Vlugt via email
The additional facilities the new version of the grid has given me has been a godsend, well worth the asking price and keep up the good work. Also, it's great to see and author responding to users questions so quickly. There's a few companies I've bought components from who should take a lesson from you in customer service.
- Kenvyn Davies, UK via email
The delay between sending a support request and getting an answer from TMS seems to be exactly the time needed for writing the answer-mail.
- Thomas Reppel / Grid Data via email
I was able to successfully replace Asta with remotedb and it's absolutely awesome!!!! I've been trying to replace for 8 years. Loving the product - performance is fantastic!
- Rhett Price