Thanks so much for providing outstanding components and service with your TMS Smooth Controls Package for RAD Studio XE2. I had originally used the free versions with RAD Studio 2010 and XE, but the value, support, and excellence of your products made it a no-brainer for me to purchase the XE2 version.
It's a pleasure working with a company that develops great products and provides the kind of customer support that makes it easy for developers such as myself to incorporate your components into my RAD Studio products.
I shall continue to use, update, and purchase component packages from your company in the future.
- Reef Morse, Scientific Software Services via email
AdvStringGrid, the Swiss Army Knife of Grids :-)
- Graham Wideman, USA
Thanks for a very nice and easy diagram editing environment Diagram studio is a quite straightforward way of designing things.
- John Karlaftis
Dear Sir/Madam.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to uninstall and return the TMS Component Pack we recently purchased. It's just too darn good.
What are my clients going to say when I can now implement a whole screed of additional functionality so quickly and easily? How are they going to react when, all of a sudden, their applications look 10 times better?
And there are so many components! It's going to take weeks, if not months, to play with them all.
It's criminal, I tell you. You shouldn't be able to sell a component package this good.
I guess I'll hang onto it a little while longer, and try to figure out how to explain it to our clients.
Keep up the good work ;-)
- Paul Matthews - ProSouth Solutions via email
Try TAdvStringGrid from I find it absolutely indespensible...and for the price, its hard to find anything matching.