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TMS BIZ past, present and future: read the news

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

TMS Business becomes TMS BIZ, and now you have more options to choose the products you want to use. Learn more in this blog post.

Some history

In this year, 2022, TMS Business reached a milestone: 10 years has passed since the initial release. That's right, TMS Business was first announced in 2012. 

TMS Business it's not a product per se, but a product bundle. And 10 years ago, it included 6 products: TMS Aurelius, TMS Data Modeler, TMS Scripter, TMS Workflow Studio, TMS Diagram Studio and TMS Query Studio.

After 10 years, another 5 products were included in the bundle: TMS Sparkle, TMS RemoteDB, TMS XData, TMS Echo and TMS Logging. And we are not talking about marginal, side products, but flagship products like TMS XData. And now we also created  TMS Sphinx, a new product that will be included in the upcoming TMS BIZ Premium (more on that below).

The following video (from time 37'43") explains in more details about this process. You can jump to minute 37'43" or use this link to open it in Youtube at the right time.

But eventually, TMS Business has became too big, and too different from the initial proposal. That's why we decided it's time to change the licensing model.

New TMS BIZ editions

First things first, we made a subtle change in product name: TMS Business (sometimes suffixed with "Subscription") becomes TMS BIZ. It's now the new name of the bundle, and we will then use "TMS Business" to refer to the "old, legacy" product.

Second, we are offering three TMS BIZ editions, giving you more options to choose from the products you want. Some customers don't need all the products included in the bundle, and now you will have that choice. Finally, a relative price increase was inevitable after 10 years adding features, fixing bugs, providing support and also including 6 full new products to the bundle, without a price change since then.

So now TMS BIZ is offered in Essential, Standard and Premium editions.

TMS BIZ Essential


  • New license: € 395
  • Yearly renewal: € 120

Products included:

TMS BIZ Standard


  • New license: € 495
  • Yearly renewal: € 150

Includes all TMS BIZ Essential products, plus:

TMS BIZ Premium


  • New license: € 595
  • Yearly renewal: € 180

Includes all TMS BIZ Standard products, plus:

You can also check the full TMS BIZ table comparing the prices and included products in each edition.

Migration paths from TMS Business to TMS BIZ

If you are an existing TMS Business customer, you are probably asking yourself what is going to happen. It's very simple, in summary you have four paths: migrating to either TMS BIZ Essential, Standard or Premium, or just staying with existing TMS Business Subscription, which will be grandfathered. Here are the options you have depending on which path you choose:

Migrate to TMS BIZ Essential

To do that, just pay the TMS BIZ Essential renewal price when it's time for you to renew your license: €120 (for single license) or €405 (for site license).

Migrate to TMS BIZ Standard

Same as above: just pay the TMS BIZ Standard renewal price when it's time for you to renew your license: €150 (for single license) or €525 (for site license).

Migrate to TMS BIZ Premium

In this case, you will pay a one-time upgrade fee of €295 (for single license) or €995 (for site license). You will be upgraded to TMS BIZ Premium, and will get a year of support and updates. You will only need to renew one year after the date you paid the one-time upgrade fee.

Keep using the legacy TMS Business Subscription

Everything stays just as it is today, we have just increased the renewal price. When it's time for you to renew your license, it will be €180 (for single license) or €625 (for site license).

To the infinity and beyond

We appreciate all the support and trust you've given to us. 10 years has passed and it's incredible how many solutions we provided and hopefully, made your software development life better, with new technologies and allowing you to reach new possibilities with Delphi that were not possible before. REST servers, data replication, remote SQL servers, OAuth2, OpenID Connect, ORM, and more!

Let's now focus on the next 10 years, we have lots of plans and, of course, we will keep listening to your needs and bringing you the best tools and technologies to make your life easier, safer and better in this ever-changing world of software development!

As always, feel free to provide your feedback and ideas, commenting below, or in our dedicated TMS BIZ category in Support Center.

Wagner Landgraf

This blog post has received 4 comments.

1. Thursday, August 25, 2022 at 5:17:57 PM

What happens if not interested in BIZ Standard but TMS Essential + TMS Echo?
We need to get the Premium nonetheless?
Thanks for any clarification.


2. Friday, August 26, 2022 at 12:08:26 AM

Yes, TMS Echo is only available in BIZ Premium. But if you are already a user, you can simply keep your existing subscription with the existing products you have.

Wagner Landgraf

3. Friday, August 26, 2022 at 3:59:19 PM

Interesting comment by Steve. As what I would use is Essential plus the premium 2 apps and not the 3 included in standard.

Russell Weetch

4. Saturday, August 27, 2022 at 10:16:09 AM

Great work, I hope that you extend the the TMS BIZ by including native clients for other framework like Flutter and react js in any of it is Editions no matter, so that it will be easily to integrate it as a Delphi Client. for the idea you can look at


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