Version History



  • New : TomTom Maps API version updated from v6.23 to v6.25
  • New : TMSFNCMapBox: Support for 3D Maps
  • New : TMSFNCMapBox: Options TimeOfDay (3D maps only)
  • New : TMSFNCMapBox: Options Tilt and Heading (map rotation)
  • New : TMSFNCMapBox: MapStyle updated and new styles added
  • New : TMSFNCHere: Support for 3D Maps
  • New : TMSFNCHere: Options Tilt and Heading (map rotation)
  • New : TMSFNCHere: Migrated to HARP map engine
  • New : TMSFNCHere: MapStyle added
  • New : TMSFNCGoogleMaps: MarkerClusterer lib updated from v4.0.1 to v5.1.3
  • New : Polyline.Split Polyline.Merge Polyline.Segment added
  • New : OpenLayers API version updated from v8 to v9
  • New : Markers DefaultIcon added
  • New : MapBox Maps API version updated from v2.15.0 to v3.4.0
  • New : Here Maps API version updated from v3.1.42.2 to v3.1.54.0
  • New : FindNearestPolylineCoordinate: Find the nearest coordinate in Polylines
  • New : FindNearestCoordinate: Find the nearest coordinate in an array for a given coordinate
  • New : Azure Maps API version updated from v2 to v3
  • Improved : TMSFNCTomTom: Default Marker Icon position
  • Improved : TMSFNCMapBox: Default Marker Icon position
  • Fixed : TTMSFNCOpenLayers: Issue with CloseAllPopups in TMS WEB Core
  • Fixed : TTMSFNCGoogleRoutes: Issues with GetDirections call


  • Improved : LoadGeoJSON compatibility for MultiPolygon type
  • Improved : Core Improvements


  • Improved : TTMSFNCGeocoding: MapBox: Possible issue with parsing coordinates


  • Improved : Core Improvements


  • Fixed : Issue with closing Popups in OpenLayers


  • Fixed : TTMSFNCLeaflet: Issue with OnMarkerDragEnd coordinates
  • Fixed : Issue compiling in Visual Studio Code
  • Fixed : Elevation AirMap and MapQuest services have been discontinued


  • Fixed : Issue with unicode characters in ElementContainers and Labels


  • Improved : Core Improvements


  • New : TTMSFNCTollCost: Options.TravelInfo properties added
  • New : TTMSFNCTollCost: Here migration to Here Routes API
  • New : TTMSFNCStaticMap: Here API version updated
  • New : RAD Studio 12 support added


  • New : TTMSFNCPlaces: TomTom service added
  • New : TTMSFNCGoogleRoutes component


  • Improved : Core Improvements


  • New : TTMSFNCOpenLayers: OpenLayers v8 API compatibilty
  • New : TTMSFNCGooglePlaces: Support to use GetPlaceDetail with results from GetAutoComplete
  • New : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: OnKMLLayerClick event added
  • Fixed : TTMSFNCTollCost: Issue with JSON parsing in Here
  • Fixed : TTMSFNCElevation: Issue with AirMap due to changes in the API


  • New : TTMSFNCTomTom: API version updated
  • New : TTMSFNCMapBox: API version updated
  • New : TTMSFNCLeaflet component
  • New : TTMSFNCHere: API version updated
  • New : Leaflet mapping service support


  • Improved : Core Improvements


  • Fixed : Issue with StreetName not properly implemented in TTMSFNCGeocoding


  • New : TTMSFNCGeocoding: StreetName property added
  • New : Bounds positioning for ElementContainers and Labels
  • Fixed : TTMSFNCOpenLayers: Issue with MarkerMouseEnter/MarkerMouseLeave events


  • Fixed : TTMSFNCOpenLayers: Issue with MarkerMouseEnter/MarkerMouseLeave events


  • Improved : Core Improvements


  • New : TTMSFNCOpenLayers: Support for WMS and GeoJSON type tilelayers
  • New : TTMSFNCOpenLayers: Options.ShowBaseLayer property
  • New : TTMSFNCOpenLayers: LibraryLocation property for offline support
  • New : LatLonToXY and XYToLatLon functions for MapKit Azure OpenLayers Bing
  • New : GPX export in TTMSFNCDirections and TTMSFNCRouteCalculator
  • New : ElementContainers: Coordinate positioning support
  • New : Abstract Label support
  • Fixed : Azure Maps: Fixed issue with Map events due to changes in the API


  • Improved : Core Improvements


  • Fixed : Issue with Google Maps not displaying


  • New : TTMSFNCOpenLayers: WMS support
  • New : TTMSFNCOpenLayers: Marker Clusters
  • New : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps TTMSFNCMapKit: Polygon Holes
  • New : TTMSFNCDirections: Google: Support for Origin Destination and WayPoints string values
  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCHereDirections: Truck Options
  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCHere: Polygon Holes
  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCBingMaps: Polygon Holes


  • Improved : Core Improvements


  • Improved : Core Improvements


  • Fixed : Issue with designtime OverlayViews not picked up
  • Fixed : Issue with OverlayViews consuming events on Android


  • Fixed : Issue with HTTP vs HTTPS for MapQuest


  • Fixed : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: Issue with OnRetrievedDirectionsData ADirectionsData.Routes[].Path value
  • Fixed : OpenLayers API URLs updated


  • Fixed : Exposed RouteCalculator property on TTMSFNCMapBox and TTMSFNCTomTom inherited classes


  • New : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: Options.ShowRotateControl property added
  • New : Options.MapStyleURL to add your own predefined custom style in TTMSFNCMapBox
  • New : Options.MapStyle extended with custom option in TTMSFNCMapBox
  • New : MapBox and TomTom added for route calculator support
  • New : Draggable markers and OnMarkerDragEnd event in TTMSFNCMapBox and TTMSFNCTomTom
  • Fixed : TTMSFNCOpenLayers: Issue with popup position after marker changed position


  • Improved : TTMSFNCGeocoding: OpenStreetMap error handling
  • Fixed : Issue with StrToFloat in OpenRouteService and GeoApify


  • New : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: Options.Version property added to select the Google Maps JS API version


  • New : PolyLine Distance property
  • Fixed : TTMSFNCGeocoding: Issue with TomTom when no Locale specified


  • New : TTMSFNCOpenLayers: OnMapRenderComplete event added
  • New : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: Options.ShowScaleControl property added
  • New : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: Options.DisablePOI property added
  • New : TTMSFNCGeocoding: Precision property for Google Geocoding
  • New : IsPointInArea / PolyElement.ContainsPoint: Check if coordinate is inside Poly area
  • Fixed : TTMSFNCDirections: Here issue with distance and duration values
  • Fixed : Issue with popup visible when dragging markers in TTMSFNCOpenLayers


  • New : Draggable Markers and Poly elements in TTMSFNCOpenLayers


  • Fixed : Issue with title popup being shown more than once in OpenLayers


  • New : MeasureArea: Calculate PolyElement area in square metres
  • Fixed : TMSFNCGoogleMaps: OnRetrievedDirectionsData event now includes ADirectionsData.Routes.Legs.OriginCoordinate and DestinationCoordinate
  • Fixed : Issue in OpenLayers marker and poly element click detection


  • New : Include JavaScript and CSS libraries at design-time
  • New : HTML element action binding
  • New : HTML / CSS overlay containers


  • New : Added Intersection address field in TTMSFNCGeocoding for Google
  • Improved : Marker OverlayView is automatically hidden when Marker is inside a Marker Cluster in TTMSFNCGoogleMaps
  • Improved : Core Improvements
  • Fixed : Issue with returning correct postal code in TTMSFNCGeocoding for Google
  • Fixed : Issue updating elements on Android


  • Improved : Core Improvements


  • New : TTMSFNCPlaces component: places autocomplete service wrapper
  • New : TTMSFNCGooglePlaces component: places service wrapper
  • New : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: Support for polyline symbols
  • New : TTMSFNCGeocoding: GeoApify support added
  • New : TTMSFNCDirections: GeoApify support added
  • Improved : TTMSFNCOpenLayers: Polyline.Label.BackgroundColor/BorderColor rendering


  • Fixed : Issue with displaying custom marker icons for Google Maps


  • New : OnMapRightClick OnMarkerRightClick OnPolyElementRightClick events in TTMSFNCGoogleMaps
  • New : DefaultIconSize IconWidth IconHeight properties in TTMSFNCGoogleMapsMarker
  • Fixed : Issue with offset left and top in TTMSFNCGoogleMaps in combination with OverlayViews


  • New : XYToLatLon LatLonToXY support for Google Maps, Here Maps, MapBox and MapKit
  • New : TTMSFNCRouteCalculator: Support for OpenRouteService
  • New : TTMSFNCOpenLayers: Added Polyline.Label.BackgroundColor/BorderColor/Padding properties
  • New : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: Options.Tilt support
  • New : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: Options.Heading (map rotation)
  • New : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: MapID support
  • New : TTMSFNCGeocoding: Support for OpenRouteService
  • New : TTMSFNCDirections: Support for OpenRouteService
  • Improved : TTMSFNCGeocoding: OpenStreetMap Nominatim address details
  • Fixed : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: Default Cluster ImagePath updated
  • Fixed : TTMSFNCGeocoding: Possible issue with parsing json data
  • Fixed : Issue with JSON parsing in iOS/macOS (related to GetBounds)


  • New : TTMSFNCMaps: OnMapMoveStart and OnMapMoveEnd events added
  • New : TTMSFNCGeocoding: Support for OpenStreetMap Nominatim geocoding and reverse geocoding


  • Improved : RouteCalculator custom Markers config
  • Improved : Performance adding and clearing large amount of elements


  • Fixed : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: Issue with clearing OverlayViews


  • New : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: OverlayView support added
  • New : Delphi 11 and C Builder 11 support
  • Fixed : TTMSFNCRouteCalculator: Issue with Route Instructions after updating segment
  • Fixed : TTMSFNCRouteCalculator: Issue with Route ID
  • Fixed : Issue with OnRouteCalculatorWayPointUpdated event not being triggered correctly for the end segment


  • Fixed : TTMSFNCMapBox: Issue with updating the map
  • Fixed : Issue with invalid pointer when building in release mode and pressing ESCAPE
  • Fixed : Issue with GetBounds not returning correct coordinates in OpenLayers


  • New : TTMSFNCRouteCalculator: view edit calculate import and export routes
  • New : TTMSFNCOpenLayers: Label support in polylines and polygons
  • New : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: Geodesic property added for Polylines
  • Improved : TTMSFNCMaps.Here: Support for base64 encoded marker icons
  • Improved : TTMSFNCMaps.Here: OnMapMouseMove event handling


  • Fixed : Issue destroying non-visual components


  • New : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: Geodesic property added for Polylines
  • New : Province property added in TTMSFNCGeocoding
  • New : Optional Locale parameter added in TTMSFNCGeocoding
  • Fixed : Issue destroying map


  • New : TTMSFNCTollCost: Calculate toll route costs
  • New : TTMSFNCTimeZone: Return the timezone for a certain area or location
  • New : TTMSFNCStaticMap: Return a static image of a map area
  • New : TTMSFNCMapsImage: Display an image
  • New : TTMSFNCDirections: Return optimized waypoint index
  • New : OnCreateGeoJSONObject event


  • New : beta support for FMXLinux
  • Fixed : Regression moving webbrowser related methods to protected


  • New : beta support for Visual Studio Code


  • New : MapRotation option in TTMSFNCMapKit
  • New : Introducing TTMSFNCMapKit
  • New : Integrated directions in TTMSFNCGoogleMaps and TTMSFNCMapKit
  • Improved : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: OnMapTypeChange now returns the selected MapType
  • Improved : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: MapTypeID updating


  • Improved : Core Improvements


  • New : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: Options.ShowStreetView property
  • New : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: OnStreetViewChange event
  • New : TTMSFNCDirections: GetDirections AvoidTolls parameter
  • Improved : Core Improvements


  • Improved : Core Improvements


  • New : TTMSFNCOpenLayers: Support for TileLayers
  • New : Support for Plus Codes encoding/decoding via TTMSFNCMapsPlusCode (available in *TMSFNCMapsCommonTypes unit)
  • New : SaveToGPXFile SaveToGPXStream SaveToGPXText support
  • Improved : Core Improvements


  • Fixed : Core Fixes


  • Fixed : Issue introducing Anchor property did generate the wrong default offset now DefaultAnchor (true by default) can be used to switch to custom anchor position in TTMSFNCGoogleMaps


  • New : TTMSFNCTomTom: Options.MapStyle property
  • New : TTMSFNCOpenLayers: Options.TileServer property
  • New : TTMSFNCMapBox: Options.MapStyle property
  • New : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: ZIndex property on markers and poly elements
  • New : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: Options.BackgroundColor
  • New : TTMSFNCElevation: Component for getting elevation data based on coordinates
  • New : Support for Apple MapKit JS
  • New : GetBounds
  • Improved : migration Here Maps Geocoding and Directions v7 to v8
  • Improved : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: Cluster updating
  • Improved : Event propagation across different services
  • Fixed : Issue with updating high number of markers/polyelements


  • Improved : Core Improvements


  • New : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: Clusters.Text property
  • New : TTMSFNCGeoCoding: Get(Reverse)Geocoding result Status and ErrorMessage added
  • New : TTMSFNCDirections: TravelMode tmPublicTransport tmTruck added (where available)
  • New : TTMSFNCDirections: GetDirections result Status and ErrorMessage added
  • New : LoadGPXFromFile/LoadGPXFromStream/LoadGPXFromText now also supports elevation and timestamp data
  • New : Events OnCreateGPXTrack OnCreateGPXSegment


  • New : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: OnClusterClick OnClusterMouseEnter OnClusterMouseLeave events
  • New : TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: Clusters.ImagePath property


  • Improved : Core Improvements


  • Fixed : Issue with Openlayers being slow when having multiple elements such as markers and polygons polylines
  • Fixed : Issue with Bing Maps ZoomOnDblClick also disabling ZoomOnWheelScroll


  • New : Delphi 10.4 Sydney and C Builder 10.4 Sydney support


  • New : TTMSFNCLocation.Connection property
  • New : Options.ZoomOnDblClick property
  • New : GetCenterCoordinate GetZoomLevel
  • Improved : Core Improvements


  • Improved : property LocalFileAccess to provide access to local files such as images for markers
  • Improved : Core improvements


  • Fixed : Issue with persistence in TMS FNC Core


  • Fixed : Missing Edge Chromium DLLs in distribution


  • New : first release


  • Fixed : Issue with detecting TMS FNC Core


  • New : First BETA release


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What our customers say

Installed today (fnc core + fnc maps + chromium v84/dev). then created a test app (vcl, dx 10.3) with old tms map and new tms map, side by side. fantastic performance. thank you!

- Oleg Kyrylenko

As a developer for 30+ years, and a Delphi developer since 1996, I've a solid foundation on desktop development. But I was skeptical of indulging in web development. Though the market was demanding a switch, it seemed too difficult to make the transition. TMS Software was my "magic bullet" to get me started with zero intimidation. Love their Web Core and XData products. Now I can develop powerful web applications using Delphi. TMS Software has renewed my love for Delphi and won my heart for their innovators. Thanks to the team for great products and a large volume of demos and manuals. You ROCK!

- Larry

In the past I have purchased other components from other parties. I will say proudly that TMS is the best in support, price and style. Whenever I need a help your team is always there to help me. Keep up the good work

- Mohamed Thooloon

Hi Bruno Just want to drop you a line about how great your presentation was today. We often fail to point out to someone when they do a great job! You did a great job, you gave me a lot of ideas, and you answered my question very well. THANK you for your great products & super support.

- Lawrence Green

Thank you for developing components where I can best describe it like this: TMS components is a case where "The wheels fit the car, and NOT the car fit the wheels". Well done.

- Sathiparsad


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