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Creating Heatmaps in TMS FNC Maps for Delphi

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Heatmaps are a powerful way to visualize data, revealing patterns that might not be immediately obvious in raw data. With TMS FNC Maps, adding a heatmap to your application is straightforward and flexible. This blog post will guide you through the process of creating a heatmap using the AddHeatMap method.

What is a Heatmap?

A heatmap displays data points using varying colors to represent different values. In TMS FNC Maps, each data point can have an optional weight value, which intensifies the color representation, making it easier to identify areas of higher density or importance.

TMS Software Delphi  Components

Adding a Heatmap to your Map

To display a heatmap, you need an array of coordinates. Each coordinate will act as a data point on the map. Here's a basic example:

  ca: TTMSFNCMapsCoordinateRecArray;
  hm: TTMSFNCMapsHeatMap;

  SetLength(ca, 2);

  ca[0].Latitude := 37.782551;
  ca[0].Longitude := -122.445368;
  //Optional setting
  ca[0].Weight := 1;

  ca[1].Latitude := 37.782745;
  ca[1].Longitude := -122.444586;
  //Optional setting
  ca[1].Weight := 1;

  hm := TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.AddHeatMap(ca);
  //Optional settings
  hm.Opacity := 1;
  hm.GradientStartColor := gcGreen;
  hm.GradientMidColor := gcYellow;
  hm.GradientEndColor := gcRed;

Customizing Your Heatmap

You can adjust the data point weight, opacity and gradient colors to match your specific visualization needs. 

Key Parameters

  • Coordinates: An array where each entry represents a data point.

  • Weight: Optional; a weight value that affects the intensity of the data point.

  • Opacity: Adjusts the transparency of the heatmap.

  • Gradient Colors: Define the start, mid, and end colors for the heatmap gradient, enabling smooth transitions between colors.

    Supported Mapping Services

    The Heatmaps functionality is supported by the following mapping services:

        TMS Software Delphi  Components  Google Maps

        TMS Software Delphi  Components  HERE Maps

        TMS Software Delphi  Components  OpenLayers

          TMS Software Delphi  Components  Leaflet


      Heatmaps are a great way to represent complex data visually. With TMS FNC Maps, you can easily add and customize heatmaps to enhance your application's data visualization capabilities. Whether you're highlighting high-density areas or showing patterns over a geographic region, heatmaps can make your data more accessible and easier to understand.

      Available Now

      Ready to enhance your project with powerful mapping visualizations using TMS FNC Maps?
      Download the latest version of TMS FNC Maps and get started today!

      Bart Holvoet

      This blog post has received 2 comments.

      1. Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 12:46:22 AM

      Nice, but since the "radius" parameter is not included, it only works at maximum zoom unless millions of points are included in the heatmap. Could you include the radius parameter in a future version, making it possible to render heatmaps also at larger scales?

      Hammer Øyvind

      2. Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 8:14:36 AM

      Thank you for your feedback!
      We''ll investigate if the radius parameter can be exposed in a future TMS FNC Maps version.

      Bart Holvoet

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