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TMS WEB Core for Visual Studio Code v1.9 available

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Today, we mark yet another remarkable milestone with the release of TMS WEB Core for Visual Studio Code v1.9.

The highlights of this new release are:

  1. Support for creating Miletus cross-platform desktop applications targeting macOS ARM

    Now you can create a desktop application supporting the new Apple M1 hardware in addition to the Intel Apple devices we already supported.

  2. Support for creating Miletus cross-platform desktop applications targeting Raspberry Pi

    An entirely new territory opens up to not only create apps running on the Raspberry Pi directly but also with having the components to directly communicate with the hardware extensions connected to the Raspberry Pi over i²c, SPI, UART or GDPIO! Discover in this video what the Miletus Raspberry Pi target can bring you.

Other than these two highlights, the new version v1.9 includes all TMS WEB Core latest framework enhancements for creating classic web client applications and PWA's (installable progressive web applications). 

With TMS WEB Core for Visual Studio Code, we empower the Object Pascal developer to create software directly from a Windows, macOS or Linux machine from within the (free) IDE of choice for web developers: Visual Studio Code.

Discover TMS WEB Core for Visual Studio Code now. Note that in addition to the wide range of components already included in the TMS WEB Core framework, the TMS FNC product family now also fully supports TMS WEB Core for Visual Studio Code! You can download the trial versions of FNC components and install these in the IDE and discover the full potential TMS WEB Core brings!

Bruno Fierens

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