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TMS WEB Core controls in the upcoming form controls visual update for Chrome

Friday, April 10, 2020

With Microsoft adopting the Chrome engine for its Edge Chromium browser, the force of the collaboration between the Google and Microsoft team is showing now also in an upcoming update for the default visual appearance of HTML form controls.
Where these controls always looked a bit stale before (hence the popularity of CSS libs such as bootstrap), Google and Microsoft are working on a visual overhaul that will be released in Chrome 83.
But, the good news is that from Chrome 81 you can already see a glimpse of the upcoming visual style overhaul and what's more, this visual overhaul is automatically picked up by the standard TMS WEB Core form controls without needing to do any effort.

To experiment for yourself, make sure to update to Chrome 81 and go to the settings page chrome://flags/#form-controls-refresh and enable the Web Platform Controls UI update:

After doing this, your TMS WEB Core applications look and feel goes from:


Read more about these upcoming changes from the Google team here

Excited to go ahead and discover these and more fascinating features of web application development word as Delphi developer?

Discover TMS WEB Core now that lets you create web client applications with unprecedented capabilities!

You can download the trial version, go ahead with the standalone version you purchased or with TMS WEB Core and additional tools that are all included in TMS ALL-ACCESS. Our team looks forward to all your comments, feedback, feature-requests to help steering the development of TMS WEB Core to the next stages!

Bruno Fierens

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