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FNC is now TMS Smart Setup ready!

Wednesday, December 6, 2023


A while ago we announced a beta version of TMS Smart Setup, a revolutionary new way to install components / packages, maintain & update them in one go. Today, we can proudly announce our entire FNC suite is ready for TMS Smart Setup. If you have a license to one or more FNC products, a license to the TMS FNC Component Studio or TMS ALL Access, then TMS Smart Setup should show you the FNC products entitled to your account.

TMS Software Delphi  Components


To be able to install the fnc products, update the TMS Smart Setup tool by calling the following command in a command line prompt.

C:\TMS>tms self-update

This will ensure the latest version required for properly building the FNC products is available.


To list products, and check if FNC is available call

C:\TMS>tms list-remote
tms.fnc.apptools (
tms.fnc.blox (
tms.fnc.chart (
tms.fnc.cloudpack (
tms.fnc.core (
tms.fnc.dashboardpack (
tms.fnc.maps (4.1)
tms.fnc.uipack (
tms.fnc.websocket (1.0.2)
tms.fnc.wxpack (


To install all FNC products entitled to your account, call

c:\TMS>tms install tms.fnc.*

TMS Software Delphi  Components

Linux support

With TMS Smart Setup comes support for all platforms including iOS simulator, macOS ARM & Linux. The setups did not compile for those platforms. Right now Linux support is focused on Delphi 12. There are shortcomings in the way packages are compiled related to FMXLinux, and we are investigating why this is the case.

Important Notice

Note that although the TMS Smart Setup FNC version is the same as the normal standalone setup.exe versions downloadable via Subscription Manager, the installation mechanism is different, the content of the product bundles are different. TMS Smart Setup is running a beta period so it's possible that there are installation issues depending on the environment. Please let us know should you miss something. Please install in a clean environment and make sure to first uninstall all older FNC products installed in the old fashioned way through Control Panel. The zip files that are extracted before installation contain all neccessary demos, files as if you would install via a normal installation. Feel free to provide us with any feedback you have, as a comment on this blog, or via one of our social media channels.

Pieter Scheldeman

This blog post has received 8 comments.

1. Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at 5:32:57 PM

Nice to have FNC on board in TMS Smart Setup.
Just tested installation on Delphi 11. All 10 FNC packages fails on platform linux64.
Tried uninstalling and install again: Platform linux64 works fine.
So there may be a problem in FNC packages for platform linux64.


Helge Larsen

2. Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at 5:54:14 PM

Tried using your support email form to send the log file, but I not able to choose the relevant options.
Therefore message here:
More info on the FNC install problem:
1. Dependency issue: FNC Core is not installed as the first package
2. FNC Core: Unit ''Curl'' not found.
If these issues are fixed I think it will work OK


Helge Larsen

3. Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at 7:44:11 PM

Hi, Is this with FMXLinux installed? Because for FNC that’s a requirement

Pieter Scheldeman

4. Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at 8:57:11 PM

i didn''t install Linux, Android or IOS support/platforms and it just worked. what a joy!

With the old installer there were always error messages at the end because of the non-existent platforms and every now and then something was missing after the installation, so that delphi complained when starting up - somehow it was always like playing the lottery.

With the new installer:
Enter install command, wait 10 minutes, not a single mouse click needed and everything works - I like this :-)

Cueni Roland

5. Thursday, December 7, 2023 at 11:00:12 AM


We have seen issues compiling packages for Delphi 12 for Linux, please make sure to update TMS FNC Core to version Note however that we are focusing Linux support on Delphi 12, because there are issues compiling packages in older versions of Delphi.

Pieter Scheldeman

6. Saturday, December 9, 2023 at 6:51:06 PM

You did a great job with your installer. The old way of installing your products was a real pain. Now, most of your products are installed in a snap. Kudos.

By the way, when will smart setup support TMS Scripter and Web Core products ?


7. Sunday, December 10, 2023 at 9:47:47 AM

We work step by step through the whole product portfolio. TMS WEB Core has a highly complex install, we cannot predict when this will be ready. We work on it and will communicate as soon as it is ready.

Bruno Fierens

8. Friday, January 26, 2024 at 4:07:33 AM

Any update on the FNC for LInux 64 installs?

Mathews Chris

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