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Annotate PDF documents in a native iOS Delphi application

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

TMS iCL is our Delphi iOS component library. The components are in fact wrappers around the iOS operating system level defined controls and are usable from a FireMonkey form. 
As iCL controls wrap iOS operating system controls, the entire look & feel as well as feature set of the iCL control is defined by what the iOS control offers. It is rendered by the iOS operating system.
Another advantage is the performance,
 the control remains extremely fast and responsive, irrespective of the number of items or the complexity of what is displayed.


In this update we added 2 new components.

Picking content from the photos library

On an iOS device, you have a photos library, which contains photos as well as videos of all sorts and types. Up until now, it was not possible to select more than one item from the library. We are happy to announce a new component TTMSFMXNativePHPickerViewControllerPopup, which will take care of this. 

TMS Software Delphi  Components

Annotating PDF documents

We also introduced 2 new components that go hand in hand and will allow you to open PDF documents, view them and add annotations. The annotations can then be stored inside the PDF document, and the document can then be saved. The TTMSFMXNativePDFDocument & TTMSFMXNativePDFDocumentViewer components are designed to do this. Additionally, starting from iOS 16 we adapted the components to make use of the PencilKit features.
TMS Software Delphi  Components

More information on TMS iCL.

Pieter Scheldeman

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