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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Get ready to mark your calendars because the TMS Training Days are back, and this year, we're heading to the vibrant city of Lille, France, on September 26th and 27th. Set against the pic...

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Monday, April 7, 2014

TMS Sparkle is a brand new product released by TMS Software. It is a Delphi framework for network, Internet programming. As stated in the online documentation, TMS Sparkle is the core building block for several other TMS products and technologies, ...

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Create documentation is boring. At least that's my opinion, and most developers I know also don't like to write it. But that's something we need to do, of course. Thus, the easiest it gets to document things, the better. Photo by Aaron Burden o...

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Delphi 10.4 Sydney has just been released! Less than one day after the release, we at TMS Software released an update of TMS Business products to support it: TMS Aurelius, TMS XData, TMS Sparkle, TMS RemoteDB, TMS Echo. There are several nice feat...

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

This is part 3 of the tutorial on how to create TMS XData and TMS Sparkle servers on Linux. On Part 2, we have installed PAServer and launched our first "Hello, World" console application on Linux. Here is video for part 3: Create and deploy an Apac...

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Two new features in TMS Business: TMS Aurelius Cached Updates and TMS RemoteDB Batch/Bulk Updates Photo by Arshad Pooloo on Unsplash We have new releases in TMS Business world! TMS Aurelius 4.12 and TMS RemoteDB 2.5 have just been released, each...

Thursday, May 25, 2017

This is part 5 of the tutorial on how to create TMS XData and TMS Sparkle servers on Linux. On Part 4, we have added Sparkle to our Apache module, preparing it to receive any modules we want to add. And in this final part we will add the TMS XData mo...

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Since TMS Web Core generates pure stand-alone HTML/JS/CSS applications, and because that applications can be fully responsive, I have decided to do a quick experiment on how to convert the TMS Web Core application to a native mobile application using...

Monday, March 22, 2021

TMS Aurelius 5 has been released with lots of new features! Photo by Tony Hand on Unsplash As we have antecipated in a previous blog post, lots of new features were expected for the next major release of TMS Aurelius, our state-of-art ORM framework...

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

We're excited to announce TMS XData 5.2 version with several new great features. TMS XData is the more straightforward way to take your Delphi app to the cloud, allowing you to create secure, robust REST servers along with a huge ecosystem around it...

Monday, December 12, 2016

My number 9 feature of My Top 10 Aurelius Features refers to PODO - Plain Old Delphi Objects. Or in other words, the fact that Aurelius entities are simple, clean Delphi classes. When Aurelius project started back in mid 2011, there were some objec...