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New WX Pack component: The OCR helper!
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Making your
own OCR application has never been easier! Introduced in version of
WX pack is the new OCR Helper component, which simplifies the use of the OCR
component even further. Creating & loading templates, selecting parts of an
image and even getting visual feedback after the OCR process are possible with
this component.
Basic usage
To use the
component, you simply drag it on the form, load an image and assign the OCR
component. From there, you can start selecting parts of an image on
which you want to start the OCR process. If needed you can even save these
parts as a template, which you can re-use on other images. This is something you can commonly use on standard document types from where you always want to extract specific content.
With the AutoStart option, you can have the OCR process start immediately on every part you select, or you can select multiple parts and start them all at
the same time. This will allocate all available OCR workers and enqueue the
rest of the parts. Every time a worker is finished and becomes available, the
next part will start.
these parts will return feedback if enabled. This will highlight the words that
do not meet the confidence limits set by the user with optionally 3 different colors for 3 different confidence levels.
Learn everything you need to know to get started watching the video below.
Discover what more WX component can do for you
In this blog article, you can read & see what more the WX component technology offers!
Bradley Velghe

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Bruno Fierens

Bruno Fierens
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