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WYSIWYG rich text editing in FMX
Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The multi-device, true native app platform The FireMonkey® framework is the app development and runtime platform behind RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder. FireMonkey is designed for teams building multi-device, true native apps for Windows, OS X, Android and iOS, and getting them to app stores and enterprises fast.source:
FMX (FireMonkey) released in 2011 and shortly after we delivered a first set of components. Today, we want to show you the TTMSFNCRichEditor component, a light-weight WYSIWYG editor for formatted text.

Below is a list of the most important features the TTMSFNCRichEditor has to offer. The features are not limited to this list, but this will give you a quick insight on what we offer to be able to edit and format rich text content in FireMonkey.- Formatted text with bullets, hyperlinks, images, indenting and aligned paragraphs
- Functions for merging, highlighting text, undo/redo and clipboard operations
- Horizontal ruler support
- Stores its text natively in the .RTE file format
- Possibilities to load from .TXT, .RTF, .HTML and .RTE
- Export to .PDF, .TXT, .RTF, .HTML and .RTE
- Separate rich editing/formatting toolbars
- Emoticons support
- Support for BitmapContainer images
- Autocorrect: custom auto-correct actions
- Interface to TMS Spell Check engine

Learn More!
Want to learn more about what the TTMSFNCRichEditor can do? Here is a video that highlights some of the above features through a demo application.Download & Explore!
The TTMSFNCRichEditor component is part of the TMS FNC UI Pack, which, on top of FMX, also offers the ability to write your code once and target other frameworks (VCL, LCL and WEB). You can download a full featured trial version of the TMS FNC UI Pack and start exploring the capabilities of the TTMSFNCRichEditor component.Coming up
The TTMSFNCRichEditor is the first of a series of components that is covered to empower your FMX (FireMonkey) developments. We started the series with a general overview of the most important components that we have to offer. Next up will be the TTMSFNCPlanner component, a highly configurable planner / scheduler component for FMX (FireMonkey), so stay tuned for more!.Pieter Scheldeman

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