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More service than ever for Delphi development with TMS certified consulting partners

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Over the past couple of years, it has become clear to us that for many individual software developers and in many companies where Delphi is used as the main software development tool, the challenges have not become easier:

  • It is not easy to find software developers, let alone good Delphi developers
  • Where Windows knowledgde was fine 10 years ago, these days knowledge of macOS, iOS, Linux, Android, web technologies is mandatory to be relevant
  • Architectures are shifting towards microservices based backends, use of push notifications etc...
  • There are more highly complex libraries, SDKs, REST services, components than ever to choose from
  • ...

It has always been the goal of TMS software from our first days to deliver easy to use software components that take out a lot of deep technical challenges out of software development and allowing our users to focus on the business logic. While we also always aim to deliver fast & professional support services for our components, the needs of our customers also often exceed what regular product based support can offer. We see more and more customers wanting:

  • Assistance in setting up new architectures
  • Outsourcing specific component integrations or entire project developments
  • On-site training & consulting
  • Migrations of existing projects to unicode, cross-platform or web
  • Temporarily extra resources for projects
  • Help in getting started entirely new web projects with TMS WEB Core and/or FNC components
  • - ...

Therefore, we've started our network of TMS certified consulting partners. These are partner companies we know, have a long term relationship with and that we know have deep and expert level knowledge in Delphi and our TMS software component products. Important is the presence of these partners in the same time-zone, speaking the same language, directly reachable by phone or in the office.

We have created a special landing page for our partners where you can find a partner nearby. With this launch, we can already present 5 TMS certified consulting partners in 3 continents: FlixEngineering in the USA (English), our branch in Brazil for South America (Portuguese & English), C-Quel for the Benelux (Dutch, French, English), Kassebaum Engineering for Germany, Swiss, Austria (German, English) and Softacom for entire Europe (English, Russian). We have added the areas of expertise of our different consulting partners on the landing page. While our consulting partners have expert level knowledge in Delphi and our components, there is also a direct line and close collaboration with our development team. So, our partners are always backed by our component development team and have an insight in our internal developments, upcoming products, ... so the partners can at all times make the best possible & well-informed decisions for helping Delphi users.

Visit the partners landing page for more information and details!

We also plan for extending our network of consulting partners in the coming months and years. Especially in the areas of Asia, Australia, South Europe, South Africa where there is also a lot of Delphi development with TMS components going on. If your organisation is interested in becoming such partner, feel free to reach out & discuss.

One thing is clear, as a Delphi developer working with TMS components, you are never alone. Your projects with Delphi and TMS components are guaranteed for success with our team that is always ready for excellent component specific support via email or our forums and our partners offering a wide range of services beyond this.

Bruno Fierens

This blog post has received 3 comments.

1. Wednesday, May 29, 2019 at 5:42:28 PM


Aschbacher Peter

2. Friday, May 31, 2019 at 8:00:29 AM

Awesome! As one of the few developers in Nigeria, I will definitely like to be one of your partners

Ere Ebikekeme

3. Friday, May 31, 2019 at 8:44:02 AM

Please get in touch with us via email so the case can be looked at & discussed.

Bruno Fierens

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