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TMS XData REST Server on Linux - Step by Step - Part 4
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
This is part 4 of the tutorial on how to create TMS XData and TMS Sparkle servers on Linux. On Part 3, we have created and deployed our first Apache Module using WebBroker. Now we're going to add TMS Sparkle to it.Here is video for part 4: Adding TMS Sparkle and using Sparkle modules in the Apache module.
Basically, what we need to do is "wrap" the WebBroker request/response objects into a Sparkle request/response objects. So any Sparkle module can process the requests and provide responses. This part is also described in the documentation, in this page:
1. In WebModuleUnit1 unit, add the units Sparkle.WebBroker.Server and Sparkle.WebBroker.Adapter to the uses clause:
uses {...}, Sparkle.WebBroker.Server, Sparkle.WebBroker.Adapter, // just for the anonymous module example Sparkle.HttpServer.Module, Sparkle.HttpServer.Context;
2. Declare and create a global TWebBrokerServer instance:
Add a global variable declaration in the unit:
var Server: TWebBrokerServer;
And then create it in initialization:
initialization Server := TWebBrokerServer.Create; finalization Server.Free; end.
3. Replace the WebModule1DefaultHandlerAction event handler with the code below to dispatch the requests:
procedure TWebModule1.WebModule1DefaultHandlerAction(Sender: TObject; Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; var Handled: Boolean); var Adapter: IWebBrokerAdapter; begin Adapter := TWebBrokerAdapter.Create(Request, Response); Server.DispatchRequest(Adapter); end;
And this should be enough to have TMS Sparkle "plugged" into the Apache module. From now on, you can code just like you do on Windows: create Sparkle modules (like XData), and add them to the server Dispatcher. As a quick example, you could add the following anonymous module to test:
initialization Server := TWebBrokerServer.Create; // add modules you want to use. This example assumes a simple Sparkle module, // but you can add your XData, RemoteDB or any other Sparkle module Server.Dispatcher.AddModule(TAnonymousServerModule.Create( 'http://localhost/tms/hello', procedure(const C: THttpServerContext) begin C.Response.StatusCode := 200; C.Response.ContentType := 'text/plain''; C.Response.Close(TEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes('Hello from Sparkle!')); end )); finalization Server.Free; end.
Now you can rebuild the module and deploy to Linux. If you now go to Linux and restart Apache:
sudo apache2ctl stop sudo apache2ctl start
And refresh the URL in your browser:
You should see a response "Hello from Sparkle!"
In the next part (the final one) we will add the XData module to our Apache module.
Wagner Landgraf

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Wagner Landgraf
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