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TMS hands-on training day

Monday, September 14, 2015

TMS software organizes a new training day on Tuesday November 24th in Kortrijk, Belgium. On this training day we will cover following 3 product areas to help you getting the maximum out of your applications with TMS components:
  • TMS VCL UI components for Windows application development.
  • TMS FireMonkey UI components for cross-platform FireMonkey application development.
  • TMS components to access cloud services from Windows and FireMonkey applications.

In tentative program

  • 09h00-09h30: Registration & coffee
  • 09h30-10h30: In depth with TMS VCL components pt 1
  • 10h30-10h45: Q&A
  • 10h45-11h15: Coffee break
  • 11h15-12h15: In depth with TMS VCL components pt 2
  • 12h15-12h30: Q&A
  • 12h30-13h30: Lunch
  • 13h30-14h30: In depth with TMS FireMonkey components pt 1
  • 14h30-14h45: Q&A
  • 14h45-15h15: Coffee break
  • 15h15-16h15: In depth with TMS FireMonkey components pt 2
  • 16h15-16h30: Q&A
  • 16h30-17h30: In depth with TMS Cloud components
  • 17h30-17h45: Q&A
Given the large number of components we have, we like to hear which topics are of most interest to you to fine-tune our program to your needs. Therefore you can vote on your favorite topics in the online registration form

We also suggest to bring your laptop if you want to follow the samples live or if you want one of our experts to have a look at your implementations. For a maximum interactivity, the number of seats will be limited to 20 persons.

Registrations until October 31st

The cost of the TMS training day is 75 EU + VAT. This includes a full day access to the sessions and coffee/drinks during this day. A hot meal is served for lunch.


  • Kennedy Hotel, Pres. Kennedypark 1, B-8500 Kortrijk
  • Free parking
  • Nearby highway (E17) exit
  • Facilities for hotel rooms at the event are available for international attendees

Nancy Lescouhier

This blog post has received 1 comment.

1. Sunday, September 20, 2015 at 10:33:24 PM

Would love to see recordings of these sessions, would be happy to pay for them.

Alister Christie

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