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A busy Business week

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

In the last week we had very busy days. There were two Delphi events happening in Belgium: TMS Business Day, on Wednesday 19th, in Kortrijk, and BE-Delphi, on Thursday 20th, in Antwerp.

On both days we had Wagner Landgraf, the product manager of TMS Business Subscription product line - who flew from Brazil especially for the events - doing presentations about products included in the TMS Business subscription, like our ORM TMS Aurelius, multi-tier TMS XData and TMS RemoteDB, TMS Data Modeler among others. At BE-Delphi, TMS has also done a strong presence with many team members at the TMS booth and a session on multi-tier by Wagner Landgraf.

The most important result of the week was the great feedback we got from the attendees and existing customers. We had time to discuss existing features, future plans for the products, hear suggestions, and most important of all, we have received mostly positive comments about presentations and the products. So thank you all that participated with us! We'll be planning more events on TMS tools in 2015. Let us know where you'd like to meet us and what topics you want to be covered.

TMS Team at BE-Delphi 2014

BE-Delphi 2014 presentation

TMS Business Day 2014

Wagner Landgraf

This blog post has received 1 comment.

1. Thursday, November 27, 2014 at 1:28:59 PM

Very interesting ! Are there any videos ? Have you realese a roadmap about TMS Business subscription products ?

Stefano Barontini

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