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Visualize your Data Grid information with FNC Chart in Delphi

Thursday, November 21, 2024

With the latest release of TMS FNC Chart, developers can now easily visualize data in the TMS FNC Data Grid with the help of the TTMSFNCChartDataGridAdapter. This integration allows for the creation of dynamic and visually compelling graphs and charts based on the data within a TMS FNC Data Grid. This functionality requires the TMS FNC UI Pack alongside TMS FNC Chart.

TTMSFNCChartDataGridAdapter: Bringing Your Data to Life

TMS Software Delphi  Components

The TTMSFNCChartDataGridAdapter is the central component for connecting TMS FNC Chart to the TMS FNC Data Grid, enabling effortless data synchronization and visualization. Due to dependencies on the TMS FNC UI Pack, their is an additional package in the files that needs to be installed manually.
But if you are using TMS Smart Setup, it will detect when TMS FNC UI Pack and TMS FNC Chart are installed and automatically install the package. (With the instruction "tms install tms.fnc.chartgridadapter".)

Quick Setup Guide

To start using the TMS FNC Chart with TMS FNC Data Grid, follow these steps:

  1. Add a TTMSFNCChart, a TTMSFNCDataGrid, and a TTMSFNCChartDataGridAdapter to your form.
  2. Link the Adapter property of TTMSFNCChart to TTMSFNCChartDataGridAdapter.
  3. Set the source of the TMSFNCChartDataGridAdapter to the TMSFNCDataGrid.

TMS Software Delphi  Components

With these simple steps, you can quickly begin visualizing your data. By default, TMSFNCChartDataGridAdapter creates a new series for each column that contains data in the first row. If it detects text in the first row, it uses the first column as the X-axis label.

TMS Software Delphi  Components

Customizing Series with TMSFNCChartDataGridAdapterSeries

If your data layout is more complex or requires multi-point series, the TMSFNCChartDataGridAdapterSeries collection allows you to define custom series. Set the AutoCreateSeries property of TMSFNCChartDataGridAdapter to False, add a new series item, and specify which columns to use from your TMSFNCDataGrid.

TMS Software Delphi  Components

You can also customize data formats; for instance, setting the X-axis format to vftDateTime for date-based data. When editing cells programmatically, call the Synchronize method to refresh the chart with new data.

procedure TForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[1,0] := 'Date';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[2,0] := 'Low';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[3,0] := 'High';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[4,0] := 'Open';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[5,0] := 'Close';

  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[1,1] := '7/06/2024';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[1,2] := '8/06/2024';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[1,3] := '9/06/2024';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[1,4] := '10/06/2024';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[1,5] := '11/06/2024';

  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[2,1] := '24.8';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[2,2] := '23.8';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[2,3] := '22.8';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[2,4] := '21.8';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[2,5] := '20.8';

  TMSFNCDataGrid1.Cells[3,1] := '32.5';
  TMSFNCDataGrid1.Cells[3,2] := '30.2';
  TMSFNCDataGrid1.Cells[3,3] := '34.6';
  TMSFNCDataGrid1.Cells[3,4] := '30.2';
  TMSFNCDataGrid1.Cells[3,5] := '33.7';

  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[4,1] := '27.3';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[4,2] := '25.3';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[4,3] := '28.0';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[4,4] := '30.1';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[4,5] := '30.0';

  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[5,1] := '25.3';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[5,2] := '28.1';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[5,3] := '30.2';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[5,4] := '30.2';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[5,5] := '24.6';

  TMSFNCChart.DefaultLoadOptions.XValuesFormatType := vftDateTime;


In the Synchronized event, you can further customize the chart, such as setting specific chart types:

procedure TForm.TMSFNCChartDataGridAdapterSynchronized(Sender: TObject);
  TMSFNCChart.Series[0].ChartType := ctCandleStick;
  TMSFNCChart.Series[0].MinXOffsetPercentage := 10;
  TMSFNCChart.Series[0].MaxXOffsetPercentage := 10;

TMS Software Delphi  Components

Events for Customized Data Handling

For more granular control over how grid data is represented in the chart, TMS FNC Chart provides events. For example, you can use the SetColumnValueType event to designate certain columns as X-axis labels or exclude columns from the series.

// Example data
procedure TForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[1,0] := 'Prod-Num';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[2,0] := 'Product';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[3,0] := 'Price';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[4,0] := 'Volume';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[5,0] := 'Color';

  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[1,1] := 'CA-J-123.45';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[1,2] := 'CA-S-155.78';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[1,3] := 'CA-S-267.36';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[1,4] := 'CA-D-102.10';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[1,5] := 'CA-S-403.48';

  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[2,1] := 'Jeans';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[2,2] := 'Shirts';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[2,3] := 'Sweaters';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[2,4] := 'Dresses';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[2,5] := 'Shoes';

  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[3,1] := '48.99';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[3,2] := '26.99';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[3,3] := '34.99';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[3,4] := '49.99';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[3,5] := '64.99';

  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[4,1] := '1856';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[4,2] := '2223';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[4,3] := '1668';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[4,4] := '846';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[4,5] := '912';

  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[5,1] := '#FCEC7F';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[5,2] := '#FC7FCE';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[5,3] := '#FCAD7F';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[5,4] := '#7FFCAD';
  TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[5,5] := '#7FCEFC';

The SetColumnValueType event, makes it possible to change the type that is automatically defined with the AutoCreateSeries property. In this case, we will use the column with the product name instead of the product number. And we don't want to add the price column.
procedure TForm1.TMSFNCChartGridAdapterSetColumnValueType(Sender: TObject;
  AColumn: Integer; ACell: string; var AValueType: TTMSFNCChartPointValueType);
  if AColumn = 2 then
    AValueType := cvtXLabel
  else if AColumn = 3 then
    AValueType := cvtNone;
Additionally, the RowToPoint event allows customization of point attributes, such as setting colors based on a column value.

procedure TForm1.TMSFNCChartGridAdapterRowToPoint(Sender: TObject;
  ARow: Integer; ASeries: TTMSFNCChartSerie; APoint: TTMSFNCChartPoint);
  APoint.Color := TTMSFNCGraphics.HTMLToColor(TMSFNCDataGrid.Cells[5, ARow]);

TMS Software Delphi  Components


The TMS FNC Chart integration with TMS FNC Data Grid via TTMSFNCChartDataGridAdapter transforms data from grid cells into compelling visualizations. The enhanced customization options make it simple to adapt the visualization to suit various data layouts and application needs.

Gjalt Vanhouwaert

This blog post has received 2 comments.

1. Friday, November 22, 2024 at 11:33:01 AM

Does it already work on TMS Web Core too?

Monterisi Stefano

2. Sunday, November 24, 2024 at 10:51:52 AM


Unfortunately no, there is some core functionality in TMS WEB Core missing that requires our attention. We are currently working hard to support WEB as well. You can expect some data grid changes for TMS WEB Core soon.

Pieter Scheldeman

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