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Real-Time Communication with WebSockets in TMS Sparkle
Monday, August 19, 2024
What are WebSockets
In today's web-driven world, applications often require real-time communication between clients and servers. Whether it's a chat application, live notifications, or real-time data updates, the traditional HTTP request-response model can sometimes fall short. This is where WebSockets come into play.
WebSockets offer a way to open a persistent connection between a client and a server, allowing data to be exchanged in real-time without the need for repeated HTTP requests. Once established, a WebSocket connection remains open, enabling the server to push updates to the client instantly. This makes WebSockets ideal for applications that require low-latency communication and constant updates.
If you're familiar with applications like real-time stock trading platforms, multiplayer games, or even modern web-based chat services, chances are you've interacted with WebSocket technology without even realizing it. WebSockets provide the backbone for these kinds of interactive and dynamic experiences on the web.
WebSocket Support in TMS Sparkle
With the latest updates, TMS Sparkle now includes support for WebSockets, allowing Delphi developers to build modern, real-time applications with ease. As part of the TMS BIZ suite, Sparkle provides a robust platform for handling WebSocket connections, making it simple to integrate real-time communication into your Delphi applications.
WebSocket support in Sparkle is currently available on HTTP.sys-based servers and is fully server-side. By defining specific WebSocket endpoints in your Sparkle server, you can upgrade incoming HTTP requests to WebSocket connections, enabling real-time communication with your clients.
How to Use WebSockets in TMS Sparkle
Adding WebSocket middleware
First thing you need to do is to add the WebSocket middleware to your Sparkle/XData server. The middleware will inspect the request and if it's a WebSocket request, it will provide an upgrader interface for you to upgrade the request to a WebSocket request.
Upgrading a Request to WebSocket
The first step in handling WebSocket communication is upgrading the incoming HTTP request to a WebSocket connection. In Sparkle, this is achieved using the IWebSocketUpgrader interface. Once the request is upgraded, you can manage the WebSocket connection using the IWebSocket interface.
Here's a basic example of how to upgrade a request to WebSocket and start handling communication:
var Upgrader: IWebSocketUpgrader; WebSocket: IWebSocket; begin Upgrader := THttpServerContext.Current.Item<IWebSocketUpgrader>; if Upgrader <> nil then WebSocket := Upgrader.Upgrade; end;
Once the connection is upgraded, you can use the Send and Receive methods to handle messages or use the SendFrame and ReceiveFrame methods for more granular control.
Sending and Receiving Messages
After upgrading the connection, you can start exchanging messages with the client. For instance, you might want to send a welcome message to the client as soon as the connection is established:
WebSocket.Send('Welcome to the WebSocket server!');
Similarly, you can receive messages from the client and handle them accordingly:
varMsg: IWebSocketMessage; begin Msg := WebSocket.Receive; if Msg.MessageType = TWebSocketMessageType.Text then Log('Received: ' + Msg.Text); end;
This allows for real-time communication between the client and server, with the ability to instantly react to user input or other events.
Managing WebSocket State
Sparkle also provides methods to manage the WebSocket connection's state, such as closing the connection when it's no longer needed:
This ensures that your server handles connections efficiently and gracefully, freeing up resources when clients disconnect.
Example: Real-Time Echo Service
To give you a better idea of how to use WebSockets in Sparkle, here's a simple example of a WebSocket service that echoes messages back to the client:
[ServiceImplementation]TWebSocketService = class(TInterfacedObject, IWebSocketService) private procedure Echo; end; procedure TWebSocketService.Echo; var Upgrader: IWebSocketUpgrader; WebSocket: IWebSocket; Msg: IWebSocketMessage; begin Upgrader := THttpServerContext.Current.Item<IWebSocketUpgrader>; if Upgrader = nil then begin TXDataOperationContext.Current.Handler.SetStatusCode(400); Exit; end; WebSocket := Upgrader.Upgrade; while WebSocket.State = TWebSocketState.Open do begin Msg := WebSocket.Receive; case Msg.MessageType of TWebSocketMessageType.Text: WebSocket.Send('Echo: ' + Msg.Text); TWebSocketMessageType.Close: WebSocket.SendClose(WebSocketStatusCodes.NormalClosure); end; end; end; initialization RegisterServiceType(TWebSocketService);
This simple service upgrades the connection to WebSocket, listens for messages from the client, and echoes them back.
Sample application
If you install TMS Sparkle (registered or trial version), in folder "demos\websockets" (under the TMS Sparkle product folder) you will find a working demo, with a Sparkle WebSocket receiving and sending data to a web client application written in plain simple vanilla HTML/Javascript. Try it out!
WebSockets open up a whole new world of possibilities for real-time communication in your applications. With TMS Sparkle's WebSocket support, Delphi developers can now easily integrate this powerful technology into their projects. Whether you're building a chat application, a live notification system, or any other real-time service, WebSockets in Sparkle provide the tools you need.
To learn more about how to use WebSockets with TMS Sparkle, check out the official documentation. If you're new to TMS BIZ products, you can also download a trial version and start exploring the full range of features available in Sparkle and other components.
Get started with real-time communication in your Delphi applications today with TMS Sparkle!
Wagner Landgraf

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