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TMS WEB Core v2.1 Rotondo for Delphi released
Monday, March 20, 2023
We're happy to inform that TMS WEB Core v2.1 Rotondo has been released.
TMS WEB Core is our RAD component based framework for web client development,
using Object Pascal from the Delphi IDE.
The new release brings new features and improvements throughout the entire product:
New components
- TWebDBEditBtn: DB-aware version of TWebEditBtn, an edit control with attached button
- TWebAuth: A component to make authentication & sign-in via services Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Auth0 possible
- TWebResponsiveManager: Visual responsive design management component
- TWebInputMessageDlg: Dialog component to capture user input in various formats in the app
- TWebEditDropDownTableControl, TWebDBEditDropDownTableControl: Edit and DB-aware edit with dropdown grid to pick values from
New component features
- Header & footer added in TWeb(DB)TableControl and dropdown variants
- Filtering & searching inputs in TWeb(DB)TableControl and dropdown variants
- Paging in TWeb(DB)TableControl and dropdown variants
- Automatic URL, email, image rendering in TWeb(DB)TableControl and dropdown variants
- Column alignment and image width control in TWebDBGrid
- Async JSON or CSV loading in TWebStringGrid, TWebTableControl
- Menu item CSS for TWebMainMenu, TWebPopupMenu
- Async methods in TWebMessageDlg, TWebInputMessageDlg
- SelectAll, CopyToClipboard added in TWebEdit, TWebMemo
- TWebPageControl, TWebTabSet additional CSS style settings
- TWebWaitMessage TimeOut added
Framework improvements
- TColor now has alpha channel support (set colors as values $AABBGGRR)
- Application.OnException event added for application wide RTL exception handling
- Application.OnExit event added to have central app leaving handling
- TJSONBool class added as base class for TJSONTrue, TJSONFalse for better Delphi RTL compatibility
- Assert class extended to send optional messages for unit testing
- TJSONArray enumerator added
IDE integration improvements
- HTTP Header editor for the TWebHttpRequest component
- Support for Bootstrap 5.2.3 added in JavaScript Library Manager
- Improved "Live Preview", to preview forms live as you design from the IDE
Miletus improvements & new features
- Serverless Windows implementation
- Auto-updating component TMiletusUpdate added
Documentation improvement
- Now, there is online component help
- Directly open component doc from the component context menu at design-time
RTL & compiler update
- Integrated latest pas2compiler improvements and RTL code for enhanced Delphi language compatibility
See TMS WEB Core v2.1 in action in this webinar
Want to see what TMS WEB Core v2.1 demonstrated via a recently held webinar, you can now follow this video recording:
See it all live & meet with the team
Yes, the team behind TMS WEB Core is present at the upcoming TMS Training Days. 2 days filled of knowledge about web development with Delphi and so much more. All this in the amazing historical city of Bruges. Be fast and book the last tickets now at early-bird price before March 15!
Get started!
There are many reasons to get started discovering web client application development with TMS WEB Core now:
- Reuse your existing Object Pascal skills and code.
- Write your next app once and have it used from literally everywhere. From any device running an up-to-date browser, your users will be able to use your app.
- Forget deployment & update hassle. Your web app is always current for your users.
- Create beautiful designs by integrating readily available off the shelf HTML templates.
- Take advantage of not only hundreds of components but also thousands of free JavaScript libraries.
- Consider our Visual Studio Code edition of TMS WEB Core if you prefer to develop directly from a macOS or Linux machine.
Take your time to discover & learn everything with the fully-functional and not time limited TMS WEB Core trial for Delphi XE7 to the latest Delphi 11.3 Alexandria. In addition to our documentation, online-help, hundreds of blog articles, there is the TMS WEB Core book by Holger Flick as well as TMS WEB Core course by Wagner Landgraf.
What's next?
You are in control. We listen to your feedback, comments, wishes and suggestions for where to take TMS WEB Core next. We look forward to get into dialogue with you. Let us know either here via this blog comments, our support center or via direct email.
Bruno Fierens

This blog post has received 3 comments.

Ebikekeme Ere

Another question: Can I use and
with Miletus?
Thank you!
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Andrew Simard