Version History



  • New : TStrings.IndexOfValue function added in class helper
  • Improved : TryStrToInt/TryStrToInt64 failing on more non-number values
  • Improved : Exception raised when table not found and OnTableNotFound event handler assigned in TWebStellarDataStoreClientDataSet
  • Improved : Error handling with TStellarDS support
  • Fixed : Issue with import of requestFullscreen exitFullscreen APIs
  • Fixed : Issue with grid fixed cell colors in specific circumstances
  • Fixed : Issue with backspace key in TWebMaskEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebRatingControl and left client or right alignment
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebDBLookupComboBox when other DB-aware controls are set to same data field
  • Fixed : Issue with TMiletusFileWatcher on Raspberry Pi


  • New : TWebStringGrid.CheckEnabled[colrow]: boolean property added
  • New : TWebGraphicControl TWebImageControl Center property added
  • Improved : JSON unit inclusion in WEBLib.REST for design-time
  • Improved : Exposed StatusText property of TJSXMLHttpRequest
  • Fixed : Rare issue when calling RoundRect() with wrong parameters
  • Fixed : Issue with adding non-existing files to TMiletusFileWatcher
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebRatingControl and alignment
  • Fixed : Issue with TJSONBool.Create overload
  • Fixed : Issue with OnChange event not triggering in TMiletusFileWatcher
  • Fixed : Issue with Miletus message observer
  • Fixed : Background and font color handling in fixed cells in grids


  • New : TWebDBNavigator.MaterialGlyphColor property added
  • New : TGridColumn.AutoFormatDateTime property added to control date/time formatting in TWebDBGrid
  • New : TApplication.CreateFormDirect() override added with parameter to specify a form hosting element ID
  • New : Introduced TWebStringGrid.FixedFont
  • New : Exposed TWebTabSheet BorderStyle and BorderColor properties
  • Improved : Auto focus on first control in tab order handling
  • Fixed : Issue with sync version of TMiletusOpenDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebEditAutoComplete.OnChange event handler


  • New : Method TWebStringGrid.ClearSelection added
  • New : Exposed BorderColor and Padding to TWebScrollBox
  • New : Case-insensitive query string parameter search added
  • Improved : Optimalisation in JSON AddPair() handling
  • Improved : GPX file compatibility for import
  • Improved : Bootstrap tooltip handling
  • Fixed : Selection handling when editing in grid with goRowSelect = true
  • Fixed : Issue with persisting UTF8 text in TStrings in DFM
  • Fixed : Issue with dialogs in Miletus
  • Fixed : Issue with AllowDirectorySeparators in System


  • New : TabEnabled property added to TWebTabSheet
  • New : TListItem.Data: string property added for TWebListControl
  • New : support : components for Stellar DataStore
  • Improved : Rendering of TWebResponsiveGrid for adding absolute positioned items in grid cells
  • Improved : Behavior of TWebDBCheckBox when bound to ftString fields
  • Fixed : Issue with making TWebGridPanel transparent
  • Fixed : Issue with Layout in TWebLinkLabel


  • Improved : Use of Title property for TWebInputMessageDlg()
  • Improved : Event TWebGeolocation.OnGeolocationUpdateEx event added
  • Improved : Control HeightStyle/WidthStyle no effect on linked HTML elements
  • Improved : Applying auto theming to multiform apps
  • Fixed : Issue with setting ItemIndex for hierarchical filled TWebListControl
  • Fixed : Issue with form OnKeyPress and Escape handling in TWebInputMessageDialog


  • New : Event TWebGeolocation.OnGeolocationEx with accuracy parameter
  • New : Event TWebGeolocation.OnGeolocationError
  • Fixed : Issue with updating WebLinkLabel.Caption in specific circumstances
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebEditAutoComplete in combination with TWebResponsiveManager
  • Fixed : Access to TWebDateTimePicker.Time irrespective of locale


  • Improved : Exposed TabOrder/TabStop for TWebTreeView
  • Improved : Exposed TCanvas.Context for IDE
  • Improved : Design-time access to TControl.ElementHandle
  • Improved : Dataset clearing from empty JSON
  • Improved : AddButton() call for TWebTableControl TWebStringGrid
  • Fixed : Possible endless loop in TWebStringGrid scroll
  • Fixed : Issue with initializing TWebGoogleMaps on HTML template element
  • Fixed : Issue with hiding columns in TWebTableControl with footer visible
  • Fixed : Issue with fixed column in TWebStringGrid without horiz. scrollbar
  • Fixed : Issue with clearing items in TWebListControl in BeginUpdate/EndUpdate block
  • Fixed : Issue with changing TWebStringGrid font at runtime
  • Fixed : Issue with TJSONObject.AddPair with TJSONArray


  • Improved : Support for Lazarus v3.0 IDE


  • Improved : TWebMemo auto size behavior
  • Improved : Exposed TWebMemo.Scrollbars
  • Improved : Exposed ParentFont in TWebTableControl
  • Improved : Exposed Center in TWebButton and TWebEdit
  • Fixed : Rendering issue in Dictaphone demo
  • Fixed : Issue with conflict with Vcl.Skia
  • Fixed : Issue when switching between single line and multiline text in TWebLabel


  • Improved : Compiler speed
  • Fixed : Issue with using multiple TWebMainMenu instances on a single page
  • Fixed : Issue with updating multiline text in TWebLabel
  • Fixed : Issue with specific headers for TWebHttpRequest
  • Fixed : Issue with TForm ClientHeight handling


  • New : function GPXToCoordinates(AGPXData: string): TJSArray; to convert a GPX file to polyline coordinates
  • New : TWebLeafletMaps added
  • New : TWebDBComboBox.ListSync property added to make the ListSource dataset automatically move its active record when the combobox changes
  • New : Class helper to stream TObject to JSON and vice versa
  • New : Center property added for TWebCustomControl
  • New : Added public property ElementHandle to TWebFrame
  • Fixed : Issue with using TWebLoginPanel Font at runtime
  • Fixed : Issue with class helper for UInt64
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebDBComboBox.Items updating when the ListSource dataset changes
  • Fixed : Changed default TWebComboBox bootstrap classname to form-select


  • Improved : OnMouseLeave OnMouseEnter added in TWebHTMLContainer
  • Fixed : Issue with using Google Recaptcha in release mode
  • Fixed : Issue with compiler optimization in TWebEditAutoComplete
  • Fixed : Issue with clearing RowCollection or ColumnCollection in TWebGridPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebListBox.Sorted setting
  • Fixed : Issue with StyleElements property exposed on TWebCheckListBox
  • Fixed : Issue with DataSet.AfterScroll not triggered control in connection with DB-aware controls


  • New : TWebNFC component added
  • New : TStringListHelper with methods LoadFromJSONArray LoadFromJSONArrayURL
  • New : Miletus Raspberry Pi 64bit support support for Raspberry Pi 5
  • New : Event TWebEditAutoComplete.OnLookupUpdate()
  • New : Delphi 12 compatible multiline string support added
  • Fixed : Issue with form dragging when browser zoom level is not 100
  • Fixed : Issue with aligned hosted form on HTML element
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebToggleButton and Bootstrap


  • New : Delphi 12 support
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebCheckListBox on modal forms


  • New : ValueColor property added for TWebProgressBar
  • New : Support for multiline labels through line feed characters in TWebLabel
  • New : Padding support in connection with alignment in TWebPanel
  • Improved : Event handler name creation for TWebElementAction
  • Fixed : Issue with Form.OnShow event not triggered in particular cases


  • Fixed : Issue with Form.OnShow event in case it is used with hosted forms


  • New : TWebForm.ElementPopupClassName to define custom CSS for a popup form container element
  • New : TWebCheckBox.Alignment property
  • New : Support for lookup fields and lookup fields editing in TWebDBGrid
  • New : Made TWebToggleButton resizable
  • New : Extended GetMiletusFilesP with filter support and added GetMiletusDirectoriesP
  • New : Event OnValidate added to TWebDBEdit
  • Improved : TWebDateTimePicker bootstrap style
  • Improved : Exposed OnMouseLeave OnMouseEnter in TWebLabel TWebLinkLabel
  • Fixed : pas2js transpiler issue with directly including 32bit unicode characters in strings
  • Fixed : WebRichEdit.CursorPosition handling for multiline text
  • Fixed : TWebEdit and TWebMemo clipboard handling conflicting with Lighthouse PWA check
  • Fixed : Regressing with forcing form height on BODY element
  • Fixed : Issue with vertical text alignment in specific conditions in TWebLabel
  • Fixed : Issue with using Padding property on TWebFrame
  • Fixed : Issue with incorrect triggered form.OnShow event
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebSearchEdit.Enabled and TWebSearchEdit.SearchImageURL
  • Fixed : Design-time issue with deleting TWebAccordion on form designer


  • New : TTreeNode.AbsoluteIndex property added
  • New : LoadFromArrayBuffer() added to TWebImageControl
  • New : Exposed more touch events on controls
  • New : Events exposed in TWebDBNavigator
  • New : Delphi IDE based debugging
  • Improved : Canvas context creation attribute change for new browser warning
  • Fixed : Issue with use of TWebLinkLabel on frame
  • Fixed : Issue with click events on touch screen with FNC controls
  • Fixed : Issue with accelerator characters on TWebLabel
  • Fixed : Issue with GetCellClassName() in TWebTableControl


  • Improved : New virtual protected method TTreeView.CreateNodes added to allow overriding it
  • Improved : Changed TTreeNodes.CreateNode to virtual to enable overriding it
  • Fixed : Trigger of OnChange in TWebDBLookupComboBox after dataset active record updated
  • Fixed : Issue with calling MessageDlg() from child forms
  • Fixed : Issue with automatic routing and form creation


  • Fixed : Issue with installing for Lazarus
  • Fixed : Issue with gradient drawing in polygon drawing on TCanvas
  • Fixed : Issue with form font initialization on Delphi 11
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebTableControl loading of JSON data in paged table
  • Fixed : Issue with SelectAll in TWebSearchEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with HTML tags used in TWebTableControl cells
  • Fixed : Issue with 4 byte length data not triggering the OnNotifyArray event in TWebBluetooth


  • New : TWebCamera methods to get and apply device constraints
  • Improved : Font size apply on TWebRichEdit for bullets
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebTableControl with RowHeader = true and RowCount = 0
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebStringGrid when compiled in release mode


  • Improved : TWebStringGrid column alignment rendering
  • Improved : Design-time initialization of controls for Bootstrap style
  • Improved : Admin routing demo HTML template


  • New : TWebGoogleMaps.MapElement: TJSHTMLElement property added
  • Improved : Rendering of TWebRadioGroup TWebCheckGroup
  • Fixed : Issue with NAME attribute for HTML template linked items for TWebEdit TWebMemo
  • Fixed : Issue when using Field.DisplayFormat for date/time fields used in TWebDBGrid


  • Improved : TWebDBGrid uses default geDate editor type for ftDateTimeField
  • Improved : TWebClientDataSet design-time editor
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebRichEdit WantImage setting
  • Fixed : Issue with Firestore design-time editor and date/time fields


  • New : TWebClientConnection.SkipFirstCSVLine added
  • New : TWebClientConnection.Delimiter added
  • Improved : Fields are now added to dataset at design-time automatically after fetch
  • Fixed : Issue with loading JSON in TWebClientDataSet


  • New : function GetSysInfo() added
  • New : TWebRTC component
  • New : TWebLinkLabel.Target property added
  • New : TWebHTMLContainer.LoadFromURL() added
  • New : TWebClientConnection can load CSV files into a TWebClientDataSet
  • New : TWebBrowserControl.OnLoad event added
  • New : TElementAction extended to add and/or remove CSS classes from target elements
  • New : TButton.Cancel / TButton.ModalResult added
  • New : TApplication.OnPopState event added
  • New : TApplication.HandleOAuth: boolean property added to disable built-in OAUTH handling
  • New : Support for custom inplace editors in TWebStringGrid TWebDBGrid
  • New : Support for custom drawing in TWebStringGrid cells added
  • New : Settings for HAxis VAxis text color added for TWebGoogleChart
  • New : Export of TWebDBGrid TWebDBTableControl from TWebXLSX
  • New : Design-time integration for setup of binding to Firebase backend
  • New : Automatic routing with TApplication.Route
  • Improved : Tab handling in subforms
  • Improved : TWebSignatureCapture behavior for mobile/touch devices
  • Improved : TWebRadioGroup focus handling
  • Improved : Rendering of TWebResponsiveGrid in row mode
  • Improved : RTTI handling for calling methods in pas2js RTL
  • Improved : Grid focus handling
  • Fixed : Mapping of integer field value on TWebDBRadioGroup
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebTreeView.Items.Count
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebTableControl cell access
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebStringGrid border in specific cases when updating style
  • Fixed : Issue in TWebDBTableControl when dataset has 0 rows
  • Fixed : Date editing in TWebDBGrid


  • New : Values accessor array for TWebListBox TWebComboBox
  • New : LoginWidth LoginHeight properties added in TWebRESTClient
  • New : App.AuthURL added in TWebRESTClient
  • Improved : OAuth2 flow handling
  • Fixed : PWA project initialization for desktop browser compatibility
  • Fixed : Issue with compiler optimization in TWebStringGrid alignment handling


  • New : WordWrap property added in TWebTableControl
  • New : TWebResponsiveGrid.Options.Order to control flow
  • New : Property WantImages added to TWebRichEdit
  • Improved : TWebCheckListBox rendering with Bootstrap
  • Improved : Delphi TStringList compatibility with TrailingLineBreak added
  • Fixed : Issue with milliseconds in TRestClient.IsoToDateTime()
  • Fixed : Issue with linking TWebStringGrid to HTML TABLE by ElementID
  • Fixed : Issue with alignment in TWebForm using a form container


  • Improved : TWebClipboard component to set image on the clipboard
  • Improved : TWebClipboard component to get and set text on the clipboard
  • Improved : Methods FullExpand/FullCollapse exposed in TWebTreeView
  • Fixed : TTreeNode.Selected property exposed
  • Fixed : Issue with not found string in TWebTableControl with paging


  • New : TWebListBox.DeleteSelected added
  • Improved : TWebDBGrid TWebDBTableControl can be assigned to TWebXLSX
  • Fixed : Selection not visible in TWebTableControl when SelectionColor = clNone or SelectionTextColor = clNone
  • Fixed : Issue with hiding columns in BeginUpdate/EndUpdate block in TWebTableControl
  • Fixed : Issue with displaying modal dialogs with Bootstrap 5.2.x


  • Fixed : Issue with TWebCheckListBox checked state access


  • Fixed : Issue with TWebMainMenu and control visibility on form


  • New : grid.EditAdvance: boolean property added
  • New : geNone editor type for grid to specify read-only cells
  • New : TWebTableControl.FindCell() with AllCells: boolean parameter added
  • New : TWebTableControl paging added
  • New : TWebTableControl Header/Footer added
  • New : TWebResponsiveManager to add visual responsive design to your application
  • New : TWebMyCloudDataClientDataSet.AccessToken exposed
  • New : TWebMemo.SelectAll method added
  • New : TWebMainMenu TWebPopupMenu custom menu item CSS class
  • New : TWebMainMenu TWebPopupMenu custom font control
  • New : TWebInputMessageDlg component added
  • New : TWebGridPanel.ControlCollection.GetItemAtCell(AColARow: integer): TControlCollectionItem; added
  • New : TWebGridPanel.ControlCollection.FindItem(AControl: TWinControl): TControlCollectionItem; added
  • New : TWebEditDropdownTableControl TWebDBEditDropdownTableControl added
  • New : TWebEdit.CopyToClipbard TWebMemo.CopyToClipboard added
  • New : TWebDBEditDropDownControl added
  • New : TWebDBEditBtn component added
  • New : TWebBrowserControl.CurrentURL: string function added
  • New : TWebAuth component added for Apple Auth0 Facebook Google and Microsoft sign in
  • New : TJSONBool abstract class added
  • New : TColor wil use alpha channel also for HTML
  • New : Support for Bootstrap 5.2.3 added
  • New : Miletus auto update functionality added
  • New : Miletus Windows serverless solution added
  • New : MessageDlgAsync InputMessageDlgAsync functions added
  • New : LoadFromJSONAsync LoadFromCSVAsync added in TWebTableControl and TWebStringGrid
  • New : ImageAlign ImageWidth in TWebTableControl.Options
  • New : Design-time HTTP header editor
  • New : Column Alignment ImageWidth in TWebDBGrid
  • New : CellBorders CellBorderColor in TWebTableControl.Options
  • New : Built-in filter and search option in TWeb(DB)TableControl Header/Footer
  • New : AutoCellURL AutoCellEMail AutoCellImage in TWebTableControl.Options
  • New : AutoCellFormat in TWebTableControl.Options
  • New : Assert class extended to send optional custom messages along during unit testing
  • New : Application.OnExit Application.OnException event added
  • New : Allow to work with key/value pairs in TWebDBComboBox
  • Improved : TWebPageControl TWebTabSet bootstrap style and CSS settings
  • Improved : TStringList compatibility with Delphi
  • Improved : TJSONArray enumerator added
  • Improved : Linking of TWebCheckBox to HTML INPUT element or HTML SPAN with INPUT and SPAN to link caption too
  • Improved : Extension to make TWebImageZoomControl work better with linked template images
  • Improved : Default Item[] property on TWebMainMenu.Items TWebPopupMenu.Items added
  • Fixed : Text drawing issue with text with #0 char
  • Fixed : TWebCheckBox default State property
  • Fixed : Runtime font changing in TWebRadioGroup
  • Fixed : Issue with using treeview on multiple simultaneous used forms
  • Fixed : Issue with using grids on multiple simultaneous used forms
  • Fixed : Issue with right-click on TWebStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with key events in TWebSyntaxMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with checking Bootstrap version
  • Fixed : Issue with adding multiple forms at once to a project from the IDE
  • Fixed : Issue with XYToClient in connection with TWebScrollBox
  • Fixed : Issue with TabStop in TWebDateTimePicker
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebTableControl.InsertRow()
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebPopupMenu.OnPopup
  • Fixed : Issue with OnClick when clicking outside range of TWebListControl
  • Fixed : Automatically exclude BLOB fields for TMyCloudData dataset updates


  • Fixed : Rare issue with mapped HTML control color initialization
  • Fixed : Issue with linked HTML elements and overflow attribute
  • Fixed : Issue with assigning an ElementID in TWebSyntaxMemo
  • New: Application.BootstrapVersion property added


  • New : Support for linear and radial gradients in TCanvas drawing
  • Improved : TWebTableControl default enabled state is true
  • Improved : Language exception handling
  • Fixed : Issue with key param in control.OnKeyPress
  • Fixed : Issue with OnStartCapture and OnStopCapture events in TWebMediaCapture


  • New : TWebMultimediaPlayer.Preload property added
  • New : Application.IsPWA: boolean property added
  • Improved : Handling of promise error at application error handling level
  • Fixed : Rare issue with TWebRating control and value hints
  • Fixed : Mouse interaction issue with TWebTableControl.Enabled = false
  • Fixed : Issue with disabled items in TWebRadioGroup and TWebCheckGroup
  • Fixed : Focus column handling after row change in TWebDBGrid
  • Fixed : Code optimization issue in TWebTableControl


  • Improved : Popup form positioning in scrolled browser windows
  • Fixed : Issue with sorting in TWebTableControl when row header is used
  • Fixed : Issue with runtime changing menu item properties in TWebPopupMenu
  • Fixed : Issue with cell coordinates in OnClickCell in combination with cell merging
  • Fixed : Issue with Camera assigning in TWebMediaCapture.
  • Fixed : Issue in TWebDBGrid rendering in insert state when FixedCols = 0
  • Fixed : DB active record indicator issue on last row in TWebDBGrid fixed
  • Fixed : Access of cells in TWebStringGrid when cell merging is used


  • Fixed : Initialization issue in TWebDBNavigator speedbuttons


  • New : Property Application.FormCaptionHeight added
  • New : Application.DownloadBinaryFile overload with TJSBlob data type
  • Fixed : ParentFont issue for TWebSpeedButton in Visual Studio Code
  • Fixed : Issue with setting data in TWebDBGrid after inserting first row in dataset
  • Fixed : Issue with decimals in TWebEdit weFloat mode


  • New : Application.OnActivate event added
  • Improved : Use of TField.ReadOnly to control editing in TWebDBGrid
  • Improved : Use of OnCanEditCell for checkbox fields in grids
  • Improved : TField change handling on edited rows in TWebDBGrid


  • New : TWebDateTimePicker.AutoDropDown property added
  • Fixed : Issue with streaming to PDF
  • Fixed : Issue with set operator on char


  • Improved : Use of Brush.Style for drawing shapes
  • Improved : TWebIndexedDBDataSet does not need to be closed anymore before destroying programmatically
  • Improved : Published DropDown related properties in TWebCountryDropDown
  • Improved : Performance enhancements TWebStringGrid TWebDBGrid
  • Improved : Internal use of TWebStringGrid JavaScript event handlers
  • Improved : Focus handling in TWebStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with specific properties on TWebEditBtn TWebSearchEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with row position for dataset insert in TWebDBGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with WordWrap in TWebMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebSearchEdit.Alignment
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebCamera.OnCameraStreamPlay event
  • Fixed : Issue with InsertColumn/InsertRow in release mode in TWebStringGrid


  • Fixed : Package adaptions for Lazarus on Linux
  • Fixed : Key value mapping for specific keys in OnKeyDown/OnKeyUp event handler
  • Fixed : Issue with setting TWebCheckListBox.Checked[] from BeginUpdate/EndUpdate
  • Fixed : Issue with design-time handling of TabOrder in standard controls
  • Fixed : Issue with dataset record delete in RTL
  • Fixed : Issue with component streaming in RTL


  • New : Touch & wheel event support added in TWebElementActionList
  • New : TWebXLSX added
  • New : TWebSpeechRecognition added
  • New : TWebSearchEdit added
  • New : TWebMultiMediaPlayer.Poster added
  • New : TWebEditBtn added
  • New : TWebDropDownControl, TWebEditDropDownControl added
  • New : TWebDBListControl added
  • New : TWebCountryListBox, TWebCountryDropDown, TWebCountryComboBox added
  • New : TWebComboBox.OnFocusIn TWebComboBox.OnFocusOut events added
  • New : TWebCheckListBox added
  • New : TWebCSSClass added
  • New : Support to add controls to TWebStringGrid, TWebTableControl
  • New : Row selection in TWebTableControl added
  • New : Multi-language support in MessageDlg() added
  • New : MaterialGlyphType support added
  • New : Delete entire folder from project manager added
  • New : Browser multi-screen API wrapped added
  • Improved : Exception handling in async promise handlers
  • Fixed : Issue with editing in TWebDBGrid with checkboxes
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebMultiMediaPlayer.PlaybackRate not applied when set at design-time.
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebContinuousScroll.OnObjectToArray not working
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebContinuousScroll.OnGetData not triggering
  • : Fixed: Issue with TWebClientDataset.AfterScroll when used with grid or tablecontrol


  • Improved : Exposed Enabled property for TWebDBNavigator
  • Fixed : Issue with starting inplace editing for TWebStringGrid with specific characters
  • Fixed : Issue with closing forms from FNC controls in specific circumstances
  • Fixed : Issue with absolute positioned controls and align calculation in specific circumstances
  • Fixed : Issue with OnChange event handler in TWebMaskEdit


  • Improved : TWebLinkLabel rendering
  • Improved : Performance with tab switching in TWebPageControl
  • Fixed : Issue with scrolling in child forms
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebCheckGroup and changing items at runtime
  • Fixed : Issue in specific circumstances with TWebPopupMenu on child forms
  • Fixed : Exposed PopupMenu for TWebDBGrid


  • Fixed : Regression with creating application from datamodule
  • Fixed : Issue with parsing floating top-margin values
  • Fixed : Issue in About dialog in IDE


  • New : TWebListBox.ElementItemClassName property added
  • New : TApplication.CreateFormDirect() added
  • New : Bootstrap hints for Bootstrap forms support added
  • Improved : RTL function Tan() added
  • Improved : Popup dialog close button position
  • Improved : JSON parsing for getting child node count
  • Improved : High DPI support for design-time editors in Delphi 11
  • Improved : Control color updating
  • Improved : Actualized materials icons design-time list
  • Fixed : TWebLookupComboBox.LookupValues.Clear handling
  • Fixed : Small issue with control vert. scrollbar calculation
  • Fixed : Miletus Raspberry border issue.
  • Fixed : JQXGrid: Issue with retrieving cell value
  • Fixed : Issue with width and height initialization of controls linked to HTML elements
  • Fixed : Issue with setting ElementFont property for TWebForm
  • Fixed : Issue with MaterialGlyphSize in TWebSpeedButton
  • Fixed : Alignment with margins in TWebPageControl


  • New : geMemo editor type added in TWebStringGrid
  • New : WordWrap property added in TWebStringGrid
  • New : TWebResponsiveGrid.OnGetItemTemplate event added
  • New : Support for custom images added in TWebDBNavigator
  • New : SelectCell() added in TWebTableControl
  • New : ScrollRowInView() added in TWebTableControl
  • New : MultiSelect option added to TWebResponsiveGrid
  • New : Miletus use of USB UART on Raspberry Pi
  • New : Miletus extensibility through libraries
  • New : Hyperlinks clicable with Ctrl key in TWebRichEditToolbar
  • New : Hyperlink button added in TWebRichEditToolbar
  • New : FindCellFindNext functions added in TWebTableControl
  • New : Filtering capability added in TWebTableControl TWebDBTableControl
  • New : Editable dialog to add custom JavaScript libraries references
  • Improved : Setting tabsheet order at design-time in TWebPageControl
  • Improved : Exposed OnClickCell in TWebDBGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with toast messages when compiled in release mode
  • Fixed : Issue with run-time creation of TWebStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with inherited forms in specific circumstances


  • Improved : RTL updates
  • Fixed : Label layout handling when Align = alClient
  • Fixed : Issue with setting TMenuItem.Name based on Caption
  • Fixed : Issue with frames in specific circumstances
  • Fixed : Issue with changing TWebStringGrid.RowCount at design-time


  • New : Support for handling native shell app memory buffer
  • New : SPI calls with command data for Raspberry Pi
  • Improved : TWebPageControl: Rendering with ShowTabs set to False and ElementClassName not empty
  • Improved : Rendering of aligned TWebLabel with center or bottom layout
  • Improved : Exposed PopupMenu for TWebPaintBox
  • Fixed : Issue with showing files for TWebFileUpload when using the file picker
  • Fixed : Issue with changing TWebEdit font during OnChange event


  • New : ZoomBkgColor ZoomBkgOpacity added to TWebImageZoomControl
  • New : Unit test project added
  • New : Overload LoadFromJSON(AJSON: TJSObject) added in TWebTableControl
  • New : Overload LoadFromJSON(AJSON: TJSObject) added in TWebResponsiveGrid
  • New : Font Awesome added to default JavaScript libraries
  • New : Async cryptography functions
  • New : Added TMiletusShell.Execute(ACommand AWorkingDir: string) for direct shell command execution.
  • New : Added ExecSQL(AQuery: string) in all Miletus DBDrivers.
  • Improved : TWebMainMenu: submenu icon behaviour
  • Improved : Synced RTL DB.pas JSONDataSet.pas with pas2js
  • Improved : DataSet updating for TWebDBGrid editing
  • Improved : Alignment of controls within controls linked to template elements
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebForm OnKeyDown event handler
  • Fixed : Issue with Miletus executable for macOS Monterey
  • Fixed : Issue with JSONDataSet calculated fields handling
  • Fixed : Adapted local files handling for changes with browser updates


  • New : TWebWaitMessage.PictureURL property added
  • New : TWebTableControl HideCol(),UnHideCol(),HideRow(),UnHideRow() methods added
  • New : Method GetCursorPos() added
  • Improved : TWebGroupBox rendering
  • Fixed : Issue with link items in TWebListControl
  • Fixed : Issue with binding TWebRatingPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with XYToClient() on popup forms in scrolled windows
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebDBTableControl with EnabledControls and empty dataset


  • New : macOS ARM support added for Miletus
  • New : acNope type added for AutoCompletion setting
  • New : WEBLib.Diagnostics unit added with TStopWatch record
  • New : TWebMainMenu and TWebPopupMenu: Menu Item Hint displayed when hovering
  • New : TWebHttpRequest.OnProgress event added
  • New : TWebHttpRequest.GetSize() added
  • New : TWebEdit.SpellCheck property added
  • New : ShowPicture FontHoverColor DragColor property added for TWebFileUpload
  • New : Runtime form creation demo
  • New : Raspberry Pi support added for Miletus
  • New : Published TitleTextURL properties for TWebShare Execute function
  • New : Demo for runtime form creation added
  • New : Demo for Google Recaptcha added
  • New : Bootstrap web application type added
  • Improved : Toast rendering with Bootstrap 5
  • Improved : TControlGroup rendering with Bootstrap
  • Improved : Exposed extra events for TWebClientConnection to manage server callbacks
  • Fixed : TabIndex of HTML templated linked elements is not longer set
  • Fixed : Issue with template linked grids
  • Fixed : Issue with setting ItemIndex of TWebRadioGroup to -1
  • Fixed : Issue with getting date in OnExit from WebDateTimePicker
  • Fixed : Issue with cell click on grid with HTML in cells
  • Fixed : Issue with basic authorization HTTP(s) requests
  • Fixed : Issue with WidthPercent/HeightPercent initialization in TWebCamera
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebLabel.AutoSize = false and large text


  • New : TWebGoogleChart: Support for Annotations
  • New : TWebGoogleChart: ChartArea options
  • New : TTreeNode function GetNext/GetPrev implemented
  • New : Support for Delphi 11 added
  • New : ColAlignments[] property for TWebStringGrid
  • New : Accelerator key support in TWebSpeedButton TWebBitBtn
  • Improved : Performance loading TWebDBLookupComboBox from ListSource
  • Fixed : TWebWaitMessage() z-index issue
  • Fixed : Setting Caption of Popup form in code
  • Fixed : Issue with anchoring
  • Fixed : Issue with XYToClient() when form container is used during scrolling
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebClientConnection and command for data proxy


  • New : Added the following events in TWebContinuousScroll: OnItemClick OnItemMouseDown OnItemMouseUp OnItemMouseMove OnItemMouseEnter OnItemMouseLeave
  • Improved : Compiler resource handling
  • Fixed : Issue with z-index in TWebWaitMessage
  • Fixed : Issue with form loading in container and form size
  • Fixed : Issue with JSONPair.JSonValue.Value property getter


  • New : GeoLocation tracking
  • Improved : Switching controls dynamically from linked to unlinked
  • Improved : Calling TWebStringGrid.SelectCell(-1-1) will hide the focused cell
  • Fixed : TWebOpenDialog.Options compatibility with VCL code


  • New : WebGoogleMaps.SetTilt() method added
  • New : WebGoogleMaps.SetHeading() method added
  • New : WebGoogleMaps.Distance() function added
  • New : TWebSpeechSynthesis component
  • New : TWebDeviceOrientation component
  • New : TWebConsoleLog component
  • New : Property to control accuracy of TWebGeoLocation
  • New : MapRender and MapID property in TWebGoogleMaps
  • Fixed : Issue with menu item images and layout
  • Fixed : Issue with TStringList.LoadFromStream()
  • Fixed : Issue with OnDblClick event on TWebTreeView


  • New : functions FileSizeFmt/FileSizeFmtSpeed added in WebLib.WebTools
  • Fixed : Issue with menu in Miletus apps in dark mode Windows
  • Fixed : Issue with design-time install in Lazarus
  • Fixed : Issue with Firebird and Interbase database access in Miletus apps


  • Fixed : Issue with TWebTreeView.EndUpdate
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebSpeedButton.Color
  • Fixed : Issue with TStringStream.ReadString
  • Fixed : Exposed OnKey* events in TWebGoogleMaps


  • New : TWebStringGrid.OnClickCell event added
  • New : TWebStringGrid SelectionColor/SelectionTextColor/GridLineColor/BorderColor properties added
  • New : TWebSessionStorage as component exposed with OnChange event
  • New : TWebRating component
  • New : TWebLocalStorage as component exposed with OnChange event
  • New : TWebDBGrid SelectionColor/SelectionTextColor/GridLineColor/BorderColor properties added
  • New : TWebCrypto component SHA1 encryption support
  • New : TWebClientConnection PostData property
  • New : TWebClientConnection Command/CustomCommand properties
  • New : TWebChatBox component
  • New : Support to create TFrame at runtime
  • New : SpellCheck property added to TWebMemo
  • New : RGBA() function added
  • New : Promise based function to load a file via a TStringList
  • New : Miletus support to get operating system version information
  • New : Miletus support for access to INI files and registry
  • New : Miletus macOS and Linux support
  • New : Miletus database support for Firebird and Interbase
  • Improved : Form OnResize event triggering
  • Improved : Canvas.Pixels[xy] returns pixel alpha channel value
  • Improved : Adding multiline cell text to TWebStringGrid
  • Fixed : Position of popup menus in popup forms
  • Fixed : Handling of controls in TWebMultiMediaPlayer
  • Fixed : FNC incompatibility with grid


  • New : Property TWebStringGrid.ShowSelection added
  • Improved : Various improvements for working with generics list
  • Improved : Trial version build process
  • Improved : Published ElementID property for TWebAccordion TWebTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with range selection in TWebStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with programmatic expand in TWebAccordion
  • Fixed : Issue with multiple Miletus database connections
  • Fixed : Added missing TSysCharSet class


  • Fixed : Issue with setting focus on TWebRadioGroup without items
  • Fixed : Issue with linking TWebStringGrid with SPAN element in HTML template
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebGroupBox rendering
  • Fixed : Issue with ElementClassName property editor


  • New : jQuery 3.5.1 lib added
  • New : TWebScrollBox.HorzScrollBar TWebScrollBox.VertScrollBar properties added
  • New : Protected class function TCustomForm.GetHTMLFileName added
  • New : Property HTML added in TWebLabel to offer ability to specify HTML tags
  • New : Exposed TWebGroupBox.Legend TWebGroupBox.FieldSet
  • New : Bootstrap 5.0.1 lib added
  • New : Bootstrap 4.4.1 lib added
  • Improved : TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue() to make it compatible with Delphi RTL
  • Improved : Rendering of TWebGroupBox
  • Fixed : Issue with special key handling in TWebStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with setting date/time for TWebDBDateTimePicker
  • Fixed : Issue with autosize anchored label
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebTableControl.OnClick
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebPopupMenu item click handler
  • Fixed : Issue with Dataset check for TWebDBCheckBox
  • Fixed : Initialization TWebForm.Popup


  • New : Pas2js compiler 2.0.6 integrated
  • New : Electron 12 support
  • Improved : TWebRadioGroup TWebCheckGroup rendering
  • Improved : TWebDBGrid performance
  • Fixed : Issue with async and timeout in TWebHTTPRequest


  • Improved : Performance with rendering controls
  • Fixed : Issue with record structures in classes
  • Fixed : Issue with live preview server
  • Fixed : Issue with design-time install Lazarus
  • Fixed : Issue with array insert
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebRichEdit word-wrap when used on a TWebPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with TStrings.Text handling


  • New : cdMemo column type in TWebDBGrid for blob text fields
  • New : Use of environment variables with syntax $() in web compiler paths
  • New : TWebUSBSerial TWebUSBHID components
  • New : TWebTableControls.LoadFromStrings() added
  • New : TWebTableControl.InsertRow()/TWebTableControl.RemoveRow() added
  • New : TWebStringGrid.LoadFromStrings() added
  • New : TWebStringGrid merge cells functionality added
  • New : TWebStringGrid functions to deal with checkboxes in cells
  • New : TWebSocketClient.GetDataAsBytes() method added to receive binary data
  • New : TWebPopupMenu component
  • New : TWebLocalTextFile TWebLocalBinaryFile TWebLocalFolder components added
  • New : TWebImageControl.ResizeImage() overload added to resize with aspect ratio
  • New : TWebImageControl.LoadFromURL() async anonymous functions
  • New : TWebHTTPRequest TWebRESTClient ResponseType property added
  • New : TWebForm.ShowClose property added
  • New : TWebForm.Shadow property published
  • New : TWebForm.OnHashChange event added
  • New : TWebForm.OnDOMContentLoaded event added
  • New : TWebForm.Load and TWebForm.Execute async methods added
  • New : TWebForm.ElementCaptionClassName published
  • New : TWebDBImageControl can work with pictures in binary blob fields
  • New : TWebComboBox.Items.AddPair() uses HTML SELECT value/name pairs
  • New : TCanvas.CopyRect() method added
  • New : ShowSeconds property added for TWebDateTimePicker
  • New : Server-side filtering for the TWebFireStoreClientDataSet
  • New : PopupMenu property added to components
  • New : Miletus framework added
  • New : Direct TJSArray interface for data for TWebStringGrid TWebTableControl
  • New : Different inplace editors for TWebStringGrid TWebDBGrid
  • New : Async methods in TFile
  • New : Async method Perform in TWebHTTPRequest
  • Improved : TWideStringField added for Delphi compatibility
  • Improved : TWebActionList.CreateActions virtual method added
  • Fixed : Issue with popup form with caption
  • Fixed : Issue with initialization of active tab in TWebPageControl
  • Fixed : Issue with focusing edit control on Android and keyboard
  • Fixed : Issue with backspace and mask editor


  • New : TWebIndexedDB.ONIDBAfterUpdate event added
  • New : MaterialGlyphSize property added in TWebSpeedButton TWebBitBtn
  • New : MaterialGlyphColor property added in TWebSpeedButton TWebBitBtn
  • New : InsertRow RemoveRow methods added in TWebStringGrid
  • Improved : TWebStringGrid key handling
  • Improved : TWebStringGrid inplace editing
  • Improved : Styling when applying ElementDialogClassName for TWebMessageDlg
  • Improved : Non autosizing TWebLabel with alignment
  • Fixed : Rare issue with destroying TWebGridPanel
  • Fixed : Overflow issue with integers in JSON parser
  • Fixed : Issue with triggering event OnGetFileAsArrayBuffer from TWebOpenDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with linked TWebDateTimePicker controls
  • Fixed : Issue with input controls auto completion
  • Fixed : Issue with getting DB field blob data as byte array
  • Fixed : Issue with extra linefeed when adding/getting text from TWebMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with event binding for bound TWebImageControl
  • Fixed : Issue with adding new pair to existing JSON object
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebMainMenu in combination with modal dialogs
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebImageControl.ResizeImage()
  • Fixed : Issue with FormatDateTime() to show day names


  • New : TWebContinuousScroll.PostData and TWebContinuousScroll.RequestMode added
  • Fixed : Issue with setting control WidthStyle/HeightStyle on TWebGridPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with setting child controls for TWebHTMLDiv TWebHTMLSpan
  • Fixed : Issue with removing attributes on TWebMultiMediaPlayer
  • Fixed : Issue with property setter for Position in TWebProgressBar
  • Fixed : Issue with decoding on retrieved cookie values
  • Fixed : Issue with clearing text in TWebHTMLDiv TWebHTMLSpan
  • Fixed : Issue with async data fetching in TWebContinuousScroll
  • Fixed : Issue with XY to client in specific circumstances with relative positioned controls


  • Fixed : Issue with using localfiles in combination with compiler optimization
  • Fixed : Issue with setting HTML directly in TWebLabel.Caption
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebRadioButton TWebCheckBox and HeightStyle = ssAuto
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebContinuousScroll scrolling
  • Fixed : Issue with JSON parsing of Pascal JSON objects created in code
  • Fixed : Issue in WEBLib.JSON to update JSON pair values


  • New : pas2js v2.0 compiler and RTL integration


  • New : TWebTabSheet events OnHide OnShow OnMouseDown OnMouseMove OnMouseUp OnClick OnDblClick exposed
  • New : TWebDateTimePicker properties Checked/ShowCheckBox added
  • New : Allow to set width and height percentage values as float values
  • New : Added autocomplete type acNone for TWebEdit
  • New : (ITEMINDEX) specifier can be used in TWebResposiveGrid template
  • Improved : Rounding with ssPercent width/height style and alignment in controls
  • Improved : Element checking for TWebRadioGroup TWebCheckGroup when bound to HTML
  • Fixed : Typo TAppplicationError renamed to TApplicationError
  • Fixed : TWebMyCloudData: Issue with Entity Insert/Update date encoding
  • Fixed : Issue with styling when multiple grids are used on form
  • Fixed : Issue with ParentFont handling for child controls
  • Fixed : Issue with DecimalSeparator in WebShop demo


  • New : (ITEMINDEX) specifier can be used in TWebResposiveGrid template


  • New : TWebResponsiveGrid.ItemByTag() function added
  • New : TPen.Mode property added mapping only to a select few HTML5 CANVAS composition modes
  • New : Properties VisibleColCount VisibleRowCount added in TWebStringGrid
  • New : Compiler pas2js v1.4.32 version
  • Improved : TWebTableControlSelectionEditor added
  • Improved : TWebPageControl.ActivePage property is now writeable
  • Improved : TWebPageControl tab switching
  • Improved : TWebEditAutoComplete handling return when no lookup item is selected
  • Improved : Synchronized WEBLib.JSON unit for design-time
  • Improved : Scroll and key handling in TWebStringGrid TWebDBGrid
  • Improved : Handling of default control cursor
  • Fixed : TryRFC3339ToDateTime to use milliseconds
  • Fixed : Issue with using HTML formatted text in TWebListControl items
  • Fixed : Issue with usage of TWebToast in combination with TWebPageControl
  • Fixed : Issue with successively opening and closing TWebFirestoreClientDataSet
  • Fixed : Issue with linked TWebScrollBox
  • Fixed : Issue with TJSONObject.AddPair() on parsed JSON object
  • Fixed : Issue with CSS handling of TWebResponsiveGrid when multiple instances are used


  • New : OnWriteDone event added in TWebBluetooth
  • New : File.GetFileAsText() overload with encoding parameter
  • Improved : Lazarus design-time integration
  • Fixed : TWebMainMenu: The hamburger menu items now appear on top of a TWebPageControl
  • Fixed : Issue with non-visual controls on hosted forms
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebStretchPanel fixed panel child control position
  • Fixed : Issue with HTTP request in TWebContinuousScroll


  • Fixed : Compatibility issue with Lazarus


  • New : Headers property added in TWebContinuousScroll
  • New : Clear method in TWebContinuousScroll
  • New : Classes for HTML TABLETDTR element access
  • Improved : Default value for TWebForm.CSSLibrary property
  • Fixed : Issue with multilevel popup dialogs
  • Fixed : Issue with linking a TWebHTMLForm


  • New : heInput event type added in TWebElementAction
  • New : TWebToastItem.Update method added
  • New : TWebClipboard.CopyToClipboard added
  • New : Extended TWebGoogleMaps.AddMarker() with XOffsetYOffset parameter
  • New : Exposed TWebBitBtn.Font
  • New : Added TWebScrollBox.ScrollBy() method
  • Fixed : Issue with setting TWebStringGrid.ColCount when grid.FixedRows = 0
  • Fixed : Issue with form close action caFree
  • Fixed : Issue with binding TWebHTMLForm to HTML element
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebStringGrid.SetFocus
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebClientConnection with no dataset connected
  • Fixed : Issue with ResizeObserver in TWebForm


  • Fixed : Issue with resize observer in TWebForm
  • Fixed : Issue with XYToClient for FNC popup controls


  • New : TWebClipboard component for managing clipboard interaction
  • New : Support for dragging persistent fields from dataset editor on forms
  • New : Support for Drag and Drop between controls
  • Improved : Updated Sentry library reference to newer version
  • Improved : TWebPageControl performance
  • Improved : Exposed TWebEdit.SelText public property
  • Fixed : TFloatField initialization from persistent fields
  • Fixed : Issue with updating TWebLinkLabel caption at runtime
  • Fixed : Issue with runtime changing TElementAction.Event
  • Fixed : Issue with XYToClient() in scrolled browser window
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebForm.OnBeforeUnload


  • Improved : Exposed Enabled property for TWebPaintbox
  • Improved : Compatibility with TMS WEB Core for Visual Studio Code
  • Fixed : XYToClient handling in forms with caption
  • Fixed : Issue with invisible scrollbar not returning correct position value
  • Fixed : Issue with color setting in TWebImageSlider
  • Fixed : Issue with binding a TWebComboBox with Style = csDropDown
  • Fixed : Issue when multiple TWebToast components are used in the application.


  • Improved : Picture.Width/Picture.Height available as public property after loading image
  • Improved : Made ElementHandles public property of TWebElementAction
  • Improved : Internationalization
  • Improved : Button border handling when Bootstrap is used
  • Fixed : Rare timing issue in TWebSocketClient
  • Fixed : Issue with setting up Toast notifications at designtime
  • Fixed : Issue with combobox itemindex initialization
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebToast OnHide
  • Fixed : Issue with IE incompatibility
  • Fixed : Handling of mixed absolute and relative positioned controls
  • Fixed : Design-time painting of TWebDateTimePicker


  • Fixed : Issue with binding TWebRichEditToolBar to HTML elements
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebListControl and use of badges
  • Fixed : Issue with Fields initialization in TWebClientDataSet
  • Fixed : Issue with Electron in trial version


  • Improved : Exposed ElementPosition property for TWebGoogleMaps
  • Fixed : Wordwrapped rendering TWebRadioButton
  • Fixed : Issue with compiler optimization in TWebToolBar
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebPaintBox OnClick/OnDblClick
  • Fixed : Issue with AutoEdit in TWebDBEdit


  • New : heNone event type added in TWebElementActionList
  • New : TWebToast component added
  • New : TWebStringGrid TWebDBGrid new event OnColumnSized()
  • New : TWebShare component added
  • New : TWebSentry component added
  • New : TWebImageSlider.SlideTo() .SlideNext() .SlidePrev() .SlideFirst() SlideLast() added
  • New : TWebImageSlider.ActiveImageIndex property added
  • New : TWebComboBox.Style property added
  • New : TWebActionList.Action[AName] property added
  • New : TCanvas.Arc() method added for VCL compatibility
  • New : TApplication.ColorScheme property added
  • New : Local database access to mySQL PostgreSQL databases from Electron apps
  • New : Live Preview functionality added
  • New : HTML element sync functionality added
  • New : Grid.SaveToCSV() method added
  • New : FixedTextColor property added in TWebStringGrid TWebDBGrid
  • New : Direct mySQL and postgreSQL database access dataset components added
  • New : Compiler v1.4.30 integrated
  • New : Automatic OS color scheme adaption added
  • Improved : TWebListControl expand/collapse dynamic HTML element changing
  • Improved : ISO8601 date/time format handling in DB-aware components


  • New : Exposed property Down for TWebSpeedButton
  • New : Exposed App.Secret for TWebGoogleCalendar
  • Improved : Touch handling for TWebSplitter
  • Improved : Runtime ElementID property changing
  • Fixed : TWebGoogleCalendar: Request issues due to changes in the Google Calendar API
  • Fixed : TWebEdit control backspace handling on Android
  • Fixed : Regression with TWebPageControl
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebClientDataSet opening during form loading


  • New : TApplication.AppContainer property added
  • New : OnCanEditCell event added for TWebStringGrid TWebDBGrid
  • New : Changed initialization of TWebIndexedDBDClientDataSet to make it easier to work with multiple tables
  • Fixed : Issue with setting a TWebButton caption with HTML tags instead of plain text
  • Fixed : Issue with dataset filtering with TWebDBGrid TWebDBTableControl
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebClientDataSet persistent fields handling
  • Fixed : Issue with OnMouseWheelDown OnMouseWheelUp in TWebStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with Font.Assign()


  • New : pas2js 1.4.24 compiler support added
  • New : TWebSignatureCapture component added
  • New : TWebRadServerClientDataSet component added
  • New : TWebPayPal migration to PayPal JavaScript SDK
  • New : TWebImageSlider control
  • New : TWebGoogleChart support for multiple series with gctScatter type chart
  • New : TWebFaunaDBClientDataSet component added
  • New : TWebElementActionList component added
  • New : TWebDreamFactoryClientDataSet component added
  • New : TWebContinuousScroll control
  • New : TWebClientDataSet.EmptyDataSet method added
  • New : TWebBluetooth component added
  • New : TBitmap load from URLfilecache with anonymous method added
  • New : Exposed access to GraphicsContext in TWebCustomControl
  • New : Electron 8 suport
  • New : Delphi 10.4 Sydney support
  • Improved : TWebRadioGroup runtime appearance
  • Improved : Incorporated latest RTL changes
  • Improved : Drawing of Canvas.RoundRect()
  • Improved : Custom control painting performance improvement with use of BeginUpdate/EndUpdate
  • Fixed : Use of TWebRichEditorToolBar without connected TWebRichEditor
  • Fixed : OnError handling for TWebClientConnection
  • Fixed : Issue with handling empty datasets in DB-aware controls
  • Fixed : Issue with destroy of TWebImageSlider
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebImageZoomControl placed on popup form
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebEditAutoComplete.SetFocus()
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebEditAutoComplete.SetFocus
  • Fixed : Issue with Column margin settings on TWebGridPanel


  • New : TWebForm.OnOrientationChange event added
  • New : TWebComboBox TWebLookupComboBox TextHint property added
  • Improved : Alignment handling after screen orientation change
  • Fixed : Issue with DisableTab


  • Improved : Runtime switching between CSS styled and non CSS styled controls
  • Fixed : Issue with clipboard cut for readonly DB-aware controls
  • Fixed : Issue with align of controls with height > browser window height
  • Fixed : Issue with align after reparenting
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebDBGrid when changing index on dataset


  • Fixed : Issue with TControl.Loaded


  • Fixed : Issue with TPersistent.SetEvent()


  • New : OnError event for TWebHttpRequest TWebRESTClient components added
  • Improved : Published Anchors on runtime TWebToolBar component
  • Improved : Published Anchors on runtime TWebToggleButton component
  • Improved : Handling of dataset creation from JSON with no FieldDefs set
  • Improved : Handling of DataSource.AutoEdit for DB-aware controls
  • Improved : Handling of DB-aware controls ReadOnly / Enabled
  • Fixed : Menu z-index issue
  • Fixed : Issue with form background color when form.ElementClassName is used
  • Fixed : Issue with XYToClient ClientToXY for controls on hosted forms
  • Fixed : Issue with TabStop handling
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebHTMLSpan.CreateInitialize
  • Fixed : Issue in TWebSessionStorage class


  • Improved : Handling MenuItem.Enabled for TWebMainMenu
  • Improved : Alignment on popup forms
  • Fixed : Small issue in FloatToStrF() in RTL with ThousandSeparator
  • Fixed : Published OnDestroy event for TWebForm
  • Fixed : Issues with z-index for BringToFront in combination with modal forms/dialogs
  • Fixed : Issue with setting cursor for TWebGoogleMaps
  • Fixed : Issue with handling empty datasets
  • Fixed : Issue with border when showing forms that should not be popup forms
  • Fixed : Issue with accessing TWebResponsiveGridItem by ElementHandle
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebTreeView font handling
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebDBGrid.ShowIndicator = false
  • Fixed : Issue with TTreeNode.Expand() TTreeNode.Collapse()
  • Fixed : Initialization issue when controls are created for template elements
  • Fixed : Alignment withing templated controls improvement


  • New : string helper IsNumber added in WEBLib.Utils
  • New : Support to move and size popup form programmatically
  • New : Support for runtime switch to templated control
  • New : Support for alignment in popup forms
  • New : Sizeable popup dialog support added
  • New : Property AllowTouch at base control level added
  • New : Exposed ElementFont for TWebForm
  • New : Application.IsMobile property added
  • Improved : Use of TWebHTMLForm and alignment of child controls
  • Improved : Treeview node expands/collapses when dbl-clicked
  • Improved : TWebSpinEdit spin up/down buttons always visible
  • Improved : Popup form caption rendering
  • Improved : Owner of TMenuItem specification in TWebMainMenu
  • Improved : Margin handling within items of TWebResponsiveGridPanel
  • Improved : Alignment on mobile devices
  • Improved : Aligning in popup forms
  • Improved : Added EnabledPropagation = true for TWebPageControl to allow mouse handling for child controls
  • Fixed : Text result return for CharCase = wecUppercasewecLowercase in TWebEdit
  • Fixed : TWebPayPal: Issue with events in Release mode
  • Fixed : Runtime name initialization of TWebCheckBox TWebRadioButton
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebRichEdit.OnChange when linked with a template element
  • Fixed : Issue with TFormatSettings.ShortDateFormat
  • Fixed : Exposed Enabled at design-time for TWebDateTimePicker


  • New : ElementPosition ElementFont properties exposed for TWebTreeView
  • Improved : Various improvements for runtime control creation
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebTableControl when used with templates


  • New : Exposed OnChange event in TWebRichEdit
  • New : Exposed HeightStyle and WidthStyle properties on TWebToolBar
  • New : ElementNodeClassName ElementNodeSelectedClassName added for TWebTreeView
  • New : ElementLabelClassName property added for TWebLabel
  • New : Added TWebSQLRestClientDataset TWebSQLRestConnection TWebFirestoreClientDataset TWebMyCloudDbClientDataset support for Lazarus
  • Improved : TWebStretchPanel behavior
  • Improved : TWebRichEdit read-only handling
  • Improved : TWebRadioButton TWebCheckbox TWebRadioGroup TWebCheckGroup tab/focus handling
  • Improved : TWebLabel autosize behavior
  • Improved : TWebClientConnection.Active property setter with AutoOpenDataSet now works always automatically
  • Improved : TPropertyEditor handling
  • Improved : Exposed ElementPosition on TWebDBNavigator
  • Fixed : TWebStringGrid template binding
  • Fixed : OnClick OnDblClick events published for ThreeJS controls
  • Fixed : Issue with using multiple identical frames to a form


  • New : ReadOnly property added for TWebRichEdit
  • Improved : TWebMainMenu runtime updating
  • Improved : Sizing in TWebStringGrid with alignment
  • Improved : Property editor registration
  • Fixed : Visible property exposed for TWebRichEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebBitBtn default color value
  • Fixed : Issue with TMenuItem.GetChildren() when item has no children


  • Fixed : Form menu handling
  • Fixed : Default control background color handling


  • Fixed : TWebBitBtn color issue at runtime and designtime
  • Fixed : Issue with handling frames
  • Fixed : Issue with compiling with Lazarus
  • Fixed : Compiler hint for jQuery controls for UpdateSize() method


  • New : Exposed events OnMouseLeave OnMouseEnter in TWebImageControl
  • Improved : TWebResponsiveGrid design-time painting
  • Improved : TWebRadioGroup runtime performance
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebThreeJSModelBox event handlers
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebPageControl.OnChange event handling
  • Fixed : Issue with TJSONArray.ToJSON


  • Improved : TWebRadioGroup item spacing
  • Improved : Handling for compile info to IDE
  • Improved : Form.ElementClassName handling when subforms are created
  • Improved : DB-aware control handling
  • Fixed : Issues with Lazarus for Linux compatibility
  • Fixed : Issue with setting TWebGoogleMaps Options.MapStyle in Object Inspector
  • Fixed : Issue with selected color in TWebColorPicker
  • Fixed : Issue with managing Application.MainForm
  • Fixed : Issue with initializing RowCount for TWebTableControl when no row header is used
  • Fixed : Issue with font color inheritance in TWebMainMenu
  • Fixed : Issue with design time appearance in TWebMainMenu


  • Improved : Color and font handling in combination with CSS styles
  • Fixed : TopLeft grid cell CSS setting
  • Fixed : Runtime list subitem updating and list updating
  • Fixed : Runtime control color updating
  • Fixed : Issue with dynamic form creation


  • Fixed : Regression with element binding
  • Fixed : Issue with dragging forms via caption
  • Fixed : Design-time component compiling in Lazarus


  • New : TWebOpenDialog component added
  • New : TFile methods added to access local files with anonymous methods
  • Improved : TWebDBGrid performance improvements
  • Improved : Handling of structure of Electron applications
  • Improved : Handling of runtime creation of TWebStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with runtime adding pairs to TWebLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with event handlers on TWebDataModule
  • Fixed : Issue with Unicode handling
  • Fixed : Issue with OnClick/OnDblClick in TWebHTMLDiv TWebHTMLSpan
  • Fixed : Form background color handling when CSS class for form is used
  • Fixed : Bootstrap MessageDlg() positioning fix


  • Improved : TWebRadioGroup rendering
  • Improved : Scrollbar handling in Edge browser
  • Fixed : Issue with empty list rendering
  • Fixed : Exposed runtime clientdataset events


  • Improved : control.AddControlStyle() allows to update an existing CSS element
  • Fixed : TWebPanel OnClick OnDblClick published in runtime class
  • Fixed : Issue with showing dialogs when Bootstrap is used


  • New : myClouddata support via TWebmyCloudDBClientDataset
  • New : Web Crypto API wrapper classes TAESEncryption TRSAEncryption TRSASignature THMACSignature
  • New : Visual form inheritance support
  • New : Themes support in TWebGoogleMaps
  • New : TWebMainMenu with responsive behavior and hamburger menu functionality for mobile devices
  • New : TWebLookupComboBox TWebDBLookupComboBox components added
  • New : TWebImageZoomControl UI control
  • New : TWebFilePicker TWebFileUpload improved local file access and upload function
  • New : Support to add waypoints in route calculation with TWebGoogleMaps
  • New : Support for use on Lazarus for Linux
  • New : Support for Frames
  • New : SQLRestDBBridge support via TWebSQLRestClientDataset
  • New : Regular expression API wrapper class TRegEx
  • New : Push notifications via TWebPushnotifications component
  • New : Project setting for specifying Electron packager version to use
  • New : Polygons polylines rectangles circles support in TWebGoogleMaps
  • New : Optional automatic JavaScript file versioning
  • New : Lazarus demos added
  • New : Latest pas2js and RTL release version used
  • New : KML layers support in TWebGoogleMaps
  • New : Firestore support via TWebFirestoreClientDataset
  • New : Design-time settings dialog for UI control to HTML element binding
  • New : Design-time editor for HTML properties
  • New : Demo for upload frames form inheritance added
  • New : Capability to load GPX files in TWebGoogleMaps
  • New : Automatic minify/uglify when compiling in release mode
  • New : 5 back-end based demos added
  • Improved : TFont.Orientation added for code compability (but unused in web)
  • Fixed : Numerous smaller improvements and fixes
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebRadioGroup Caption


  • New : OnMarkerClick in TWebGoogleMaps
  • Improved : System colors range
  • Improved : Support for Lazarus design-time
  • Fixed : TWebScrollbox alignment issue
  • Fixed : Small issue in Bootstrap demo
  • Fixed : Issue with label position in runtime created TWebPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebDBGrid handling of insert state in dataset
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebCustomControl.Destroy when used in parent container


  • Fixed : Issue with RTL StrToDate();


  • New : Compiler v1.4.14
  • Improved : TWebClientConnection headers used for design-time field fetch
  • Improved : Handling of JSON parsing
  • Improved : Dynamic updating of rows/columns in TWebGridPanel
  • Improved : Developers guide updates
  • Fixed : Issue with using TWebTableControl as linked control to HTML element
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebForm class in the Lazarus form designer
  • Fixed : Issue with OnItemClick in TWebResponsiveGrid


  • New : TWebHttpRequest Timeout property and OnTimeout event handler
  • New : TStrings.SaveToFile() method added
  • New : OnValidateEdit event added in TWebStringGrid TWebDBGrid
  • Improved : Focus handling during grid editing


  • Improved : DB controls handling in connection with DataSet.EnableControls/DataSet.DisableControls
  • Improved : Component name initialization
  • Improved : Binding of TWebProgressBar to bootstrap progressbar
  • Fixed : TWebSocketClient issue with handling string message data
  • Fixed : Selected[] property moved to public for TWebListBox
  • Fixed : RTL issue with FloatToStr() in IE
  • Fixed : Issue with event binding for TWebFilePicker bound to HTML template element
  • Fixed : Issue with TabStop on TWebHTMLDiv
  • Fixed : Issue with BringToFront/SendToBack


  • Fixed : Issue with event binding on forms loading in an existing HTML element
  • Fixed : Issue with TGraphic.Empty after LoadFromFile()
  • Fixed : Issue with MessageDlg()


  • Fixed : Issue with setting columns for TWebDBTableControl not connected to a dataset
  • Fixed : Issue with exception handling in specific circumstances
  • Fixed : Issue with bookmark handling in TWebDBGrid TWebDBResponsiveGrid TWebDBTableControl
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebPanel.Visible handling
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebPageControl design time context menu
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebJQXTabs rendering


  • Improved : Issue with instantiating componentsfrom the from OncreateEvent
  • Fixed : Display issue with TWebPageControl


  • New : Support for design-time added DB fields in dataset
  • New : Action property added to TWebHMLForm
  • Improved : TWebPanel label is now centered
  • Improved : TWebDBGrid behavior after closing dataset
  • Improved : Picture.Assign(OtherPicture) can now be used
  • Fixed : ActiveForm reference in Application sometimes wrong


  • Fixed : TWebTreeview and TWebAccordion registration in Lazarus IDE
  • Fixed : Issue with updating Caption for TWebPanel linked to HTML template item


  • New : Role property added to TWebHTMLDiv TWebHTMLSpan
  • New : Introducing pas2js compiler 1.4.10
  • New : Element*ClassNames added in various controls for more CSS control
  • New : Bootstrap themes demo added
  • New : Application.InsertCSS() Application.RemoveCSS() Application.ChangeCSS() added
  • New : Accept property added to TWebFileUpload
  • Improved : Designtime switch between relative and absolute controls
  • Improved : ChildOrder automatic handling on relative container elements
  • Fixed : TWebDBEdit TWebDBMaskEdit TWebDBMemo clipboard cut/paste handling
  • Fixed : Issue with hosted forms using a FormContainer
  • Fixed : Issue with height attribute of popup forms


  • Fixed : Issue with connecting TWebDBGrid to empty dataset
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebMemo editing
  • Fixed : Issue with ReadOnly handling for TWebDBEdit


  • New : Touch events exposed on TWebLabel TWebHTMLDiv TWebHTMLSpan TWebHTMLContainer
  • New : NPM command selectable via settings in the IDE
  • New : InsertLinebreaks property and InsertHTML() method added in TWebRichEdit
  • New : ElementStopPropagation property exposed
  • New : Designtime context menu to switch between absolute and relative position
  • New : Canvas.DownloadImage() Canvas.GetAsImage() methods added
  • Fixed : Use of TWebSplitter on popup form
  • Fixed : Setting Cursor property of TWebForm
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebBitBtn on Lazarus
  • Fixed : Designtime updating with TWebBitBtn.Glyph
  • Fixed : Designtime handling of glyph in TWebSpeedButton


  • Fixed : Trial WEBLib.Utils inclusion


  • New : cdExternalLink column type in TWebDBGrid
  • New : TWebDBGrid demo added
  • Improved : TRestClient behavior for fast subsequent HTTP calls
  • Improved : Default TRestClient.TestTokens call will trigger OnAccessToken
  • Fixed : Issue with LocalStorage value retrieval


  • New : OnDataReceived event added for TWebClientConnection
  • Improved : Structure of several new demos
  • Improved : Lazarus IDE integration support
  • Improved : IDE plugin handling of unicode / non-latin char paths
  • Improved : Firefox browser login detection
  • Improved : Documentation
  • Fixed : TWebGoogleCharts issue in release mode
  • Fixed : Lazarus packages fix
  • Fixed : JSONDataSet index handling issue
  • Fixed : Issue when removing form units from an Electron project
  • Fixed : Issue when TPayPalItem.Tax handling


  • New : Wrapper component for DIV and SPAN
  • New : TWebTreeview component
  • New : TWebAccordion component
  • New : Syntax highlighting editor control added
  • New : Support for Lazarus 2.x
  • New : Responsive grid panel
  • New : Latest pas2js compiler integration with support for anonymous methods class helpers advanced records
  • New : IndexedDB access classes and TWebIndexedDBClientDataSet component
  • New : Grid checkbox cell and column support
  • New : File picker for local file retrieval
  • New : Electron target that can be choosen to create cross-platform desktop applications for Windows macOS Linux
  • New : Easier browser target selection with the TMS browser selector toolbar for the Delphi IDE
  • New : Child order control for relative control rendering
  • New : Camera control component and QR code barcode decoder component
  • New : Audio capture component
  • New : 3D chart math chart objects and scenes support
  • Improved : Various new demo applications added
  • Improved : Progressive Web Application latest standard implementation
  • Improved : Numerous improvements to existing components integration in the IDE use of templates ...
  • Improved : Developers manual extended


  • New : TJSONNull type added
  • New : TApplication.DownloadTextFile() method added
  • New : OnSubmit event added for TWebHTMLForm
  • Improved : Grid and DBGrid editing
  • Fixed : Issue with using ElementID for TWebFileUpload
  • Fixed : Issue with triggering OnResize upon form open
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebRadioGroup setting ItemIndex = -1
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebAutoCompletionEdit and setting ItemIndex


  • Improved : ScrollBars property exposed for TWebScrollBox
  • Improved : Handling of form templates with scripts
  • Fixed : TMSWebCompiler added in Lazarus installer


  • New : TWebMessageDialog language customization support added
  • New : TWebForm.PopupOpacity property added for popup forms
  • New : TWebEdit.Pattern TWebEdit.Required TWebEdit.AutoFocus properties added
  • New : Headers/User/Password properties added to TWebClientConnection
  • New : Extended TApplication with RouteForm() and RunScript() methods
  • Fixed : TabIndex handling in TWebPageControl TWebSpeedButton
  • Fixed : Position issue with TJQXButton
  • Fixed : Keyboard navigation issue in TWebStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebSplitter design-time handling of height


  • New : ReadOnly property exposed for TWebMemo
  • New : Pascal JSON objects to JSON string generation
  • Improved : online documentation
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebRESTClient and header settings
  • Fixed : Form alignment issue when using forms in a container


  • Fixed : Issue with popup handling


  • Fixed : Issue with URL encoding in PWA manifest files
  • Fixed : Code-signing of utility applications


  • New : TWebSignin component added for signin with Google or Facebook
  • New : TWebEditAutoComplete / TWebDBEditAutoComplete component added
  • New : TWebDBComboBox added
  • New : TMS WEB Core Verona v1.1
  • New : Support for progressive web applications
  • New : Support for accelerator keys
  • New : Support for PayPal payments
  • New : Support for Google ReCaptcha v3 added
  • New : Support for Google Charts
  • New : IDE breakpoint forwarding to Chrome browser
  • New : Desktop browser bridge
  • Improved : Lots of improvements and fixes overall


  • Improved : Design-time experience for TWebGridPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with setting ParentElement/ParentElementID
  • Fixed : Issue with setting ElementPosition = epIgnore
  • Fixed : Issue with multiselect controls for editing ElementClassName property
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebDBEdit editing


  • Fixed : Signed helper executables


  • Improved : TWebDBGrid editing
  • Improved : Exposed ElementPosition property in TWebGridPanel
  • Improved : Added mouse button state in ShiftState in mouse events
  • Fixed : Small issue with Bootstrap class in demo
  • Fixed : Issue with handling popup dialogs moving
  • Fixed : Issue with floating point handling in JSON parsing
  • Fixed : Issue with add and remove web forms to TMS WEB Core projects


  • New : User/Password property added for TWebHttpRequest
  • New : Separated unit WEBLib.JSON for improved JSON handling compatibility with Delphi
  • New : CanFocus function added in base control


  • New : Wizard to create TMS WEB Core client & TMS XData backend projectgroup
  • New : TWebLabel.HTMLType added to specify H1..H6 label types
  • New : Pas2JS compiler v1.0.2 integrated
  • New : OnGetCellChildren event exposed in TWebDBGrid
  • New : Event OnShow added to TWebWaitMessage
  • New : EditType property added to TWebEdit
  • Improved : setting WebTableControl class names at runtime
  • Improved : REST client usage of the access token when not assigned
  • Improved : HTTPS handling for fetching dataset fields from JSON URL
  • Improved : Default TWebHttpRequest header initialization
  • Improved : Control alignment
  • Improved : CSS handling on controls
  • Fixed : Issue with linking of list control to HTML element
  • Fixed : Issue with italic and bold combined in one font
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebGoogleMaps event handling


  • New : TWebListControl added
  • New : TWebBadge added
  • New : Online help integration
  • New : OnRequestResponse event added in TWebHttpRequest and TWebRESTClient
  • Improved : Extended documentation
  • Improved : Bootstrap integration support
  • Improved : Appearance of disabled controls


  • Improved : Exposed ElementPostion for TWebRadioGroup
  • Fixed : Issue with update caption of popup form
  • Fixed : Issue with label when AutoSize=true
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebDBTableControl column classname TitleElementClassName added
  • Fixed : Issue with Radiogroup with ItemIndex = -1 preset fixed
  • Fixed : Exception with TDateTimePicker with Kind = dtkTime


  • New : OnUpdateRecord added in TWebClientDataSet
  • New : ElementHandle public property added in design-time
  • New : Application.ErrorType property added changed default error handling in debug mode
  • Fixed : Rare issue with row selection in TWebStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with design-time TWebDBGrid column width updating
  • Fixed : Issue with closing dataset assigned to TWebDBTableControl
  • Fixed : Issue with ElementClassName for runtime created controls
  • Fixed : Active dataset record selection on TWebDBGrid row selection


  • New : Various overloads for adding markers to Google maps with colors shapes images...
  • New : TextDirection property added on controls
  • New : TWebHTMLForm control added
  • New : AutoCompletion property added for TWebEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with use of Unicode characters in design-time


  • Improved : Separation of HTML design / control properties
  • Improved : Runtime form creating form resizing


  • Improved : Other keys than 0..9 no longer accepted in TWebSpinEdit
  • Fixed : Key code conversion in key events equal to VCL handling now
  • Fixed : Issue with font control on HTML bound controls
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebLinkLabel caption retrieval


  • Improved : Asynchronous Form loading
  • Fixed : Issue with using table panel label linklabel bound to HTML elements
  • Fixed : Issue with using properties on label bound to HTML element


  • New : First release


  • Fixed : Wrong version number reported in about and update notification window


  • Fixed : Memory handling PAS2JS compiler


  • Fixed : Smaller improvements and fixes


  • New : TWebDBTableControl
  • New : TWebDBResponsiveList
  • New : TWebDBGrid
  • New : Different new jQWidget jQuery UI controls
  • Improved : numerous smaller component and IDE integration improvements
  • Improved : IDE plugin handling compiler


  • New : TWebDBImageControl TWebDBTableControl
  • New : More jQWidgets controls added
  • New : FNC Grid demo extended with DB images
  • Improved : client dataset handling
  • Improved : Latest pas2js compiler integrated
  • Improved : IDE integration
  • Improved : Documentation
  • Fixed : Issues with compiler with trial file handling


  • Improved : Demos documentation and components


  • New : Javascript libraries helper context menu


  • New : Trial installer
  • Improved : Smaller improvements and fixes


  • New : License handling


  • New : jQuery Grid
  • New : WEBLib.Cookies unit
  • New : TWebDataModule added
  • New : Query parameter functions in WEBLib.WebTools
  • Improved : Various smaller improvements and fixes
  • Improved : Edge support
  • Improved : Alignment
  • Fixed : JS and Web stub units deployment


  • New : Technical Preview update
  • Improved : Unified demo style
  • Improved : Reorganized demo''s
  • Improved : Icon in Delphi IDE application/form wizard


  • New : Technical Preview



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€ 1,795

575 yearly renewal
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What our customers say

Thanks I will be upgrading. In the 30 years I’ve been doing development I’ve never been happier to spend $$$ on a product. Your product line is astounding. As a fellow wizard my hat goes off to your tech team lead by Bruno.

- Mike Margerum

On another note keep up the good work over there I am loving the TMS Web Core saves me learning a million lines of JavaScript at my age, its astonishing how good and fast it is and the range of demos have given me some additional insight as to what's now easy to achieve for me in web development.

- Paul Krasnowski

I just read the release notes about TMS WEB Core v1.8 Sirolo and noticed improvements about problems I reported. I greatly appreciate the reaction speed on such issues. I installed TMS WEB Core v1.8 Sirolo and tried dynamic frames, which was one of my biggest issues. They work now. This is great. This results in so much cleaner user interfaces. Thank you for this release.

- Huybrechts Michel

Thanks again for your great support & video webinars! You have changed the way I build Delphi apps, I can't begin to thank you enough for your products, Looking forward to your next updates! Please keep up the great work!

- Lawrence Green

First thanks for the great product and great support. Of course there’s a lot to learn when new to web programming. But until now we have been able to solve all problems with your help and hints. And each day bring a new nice surprise :) discovering features.

- Bo Nielsen


Full compatibility with VCL, FireMonkey and TMS WEB Core
Single high-performance multi-platform codebase