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Draw attention to a tab in TAdvOfficePager to make it blink

To do this, make sure the tab is visible when it is not selected by setting AdvOfficePager1.ShowNonSelectedTabs = true and then set custom tab appearance colors for normal & selected state of the tab with:

   // make sure the default style color is used
  AdvOfficePager12.UseTabAppearance := false;
   // initialization of colors
  AdvOfficePager12.TabAppearance.Color := clRed;
  AdvOfficePager12.TabAppearance.ColorTo := clRed;
  AdvOfficePager12.TabAppearance.ColorMirror := clRed;
  AdvOfficePager12.TabAppearance.ColorMirrorTo := clRed;

  AdvOfficePager12.TabAppearance.ColorSelected := clRed;
  AdvOfficePager12.TabAppearance.ColorSelectedTo := clRed;
  AdvOfficePager12.TabAppearance.ColorMirrorSelected := clRed;
  AdvOfficePager12.TabAppearance.ColorMirrorSelectedTo := clRed;

To draw attention to the tab, now let the tab switch between the default style color and the custom color via a timer:

procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
  if DoAttention then
    AdvOfficePager12.UseTabAppearance := not AdvOfficePager12.UseTabAppearance
     AdvOfficePager12.UseTabAppearance := false;