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Request payments with QR codes in a TMS WEB Core application

Thursday, August 13, 2020

After releasing our free TWebQRCode component for TMS WEB Core, we wanted to see if there is a way to make payments with QR codes. While most solutions rely on different services and API keys, there's one European standard that many banks adopted already in some European countries. If you are curious about the full list of supported countries and banks, please head over to

This standard is called EPC QR code and it is actually nothing more than a structured content that can be used to initiate a SEPA credit transfer.
Structuring the content manually is OK for some people, but we went a step further and updated our TWebQRCode component so you can take advantage of EPC QR codes to request payments with as little effort as possible:

  • TWebQRCode.GenerateEPCCode is a new method with parameters based on the EPC QR guidelines. The mandatory fields are the BIC code, beneficiary name and beneficiary IBAN number.
    //Generate EPC QR code with mandatory fields
    WebQRCode1.GenerateEPCCode('BIC', 'Beneficiary name', 'Beneficiary IBAN number');
    //Generate EPC QR code to request 5.5 EUR payment
    WebQRCode1.GenerateEPCCode('BIC', 'Beneficiary name', 'Beneficiary IBAN number', 5.5);
  • TWebQRCode.CorrectionLevel is a new property where you can set the error level of the QR code. The error level determines how much of the QR code can be missing while keeping it readable. An EPC QR code must be generated with M error level. The GenerateEPCCode method takes care of the correct error level setting under the hood.
  • We also updated the JavaScript file that we use in the TWebQRCode component, so if you experience any issues after downloading the component again, please try to clear your browser cache first.
You can download the updated TWebQRCode component from our TMS WEB Core Partner page. We also created a small application to demonstrate how easy it is to use TWebQRCode to generate payment requests. You can check it out by clicking the button below!

There are some countries that adopted a different format. For example the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic uses Short Payment Descriptor. While we are unable to test this, one of you might find the idea interesting enough to test it with our TWebQRCode component or to create your own component for it. 😉 And don't forget, if you have a component that's worth sharing with others then contact us, become a TMS WEB Core Partner and enjoy the benefits!

Tunde Keller

This blog post has received 1 comment.

1. Thursday, August 20, 2020 at 1:47:35 PM

Slovenia also uses a different format.

Dino Gomezel

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