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TMS Cryptography Pack 2016 Bug List and Feature Requests
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
To begin 2017, here is an update on TMS Cryptography Pack, that has now been available for six months. We received several bug reports and requests for new features that are listed in the Excel spreadsheet in the link.The good news is that no bug related to one of the cryptographic engines was reported and that we only found a single pure cryptographic bug. This bug was identified in the SPECK 24 bit mode and escaped our detection because the test program returned " true " independently from the test result of this mode. Hopefully no user was impacted.
There is one critical bug left for users who don't want to use or ship VCRuntime140.dll required for Windows 64 bit applications. This requirement is due to the use of Visual Studio C++ to generate the object files for Windows 64 as Embarcadero doesn't provide the required object format to interoperate with Pascal Object code. A bug report has been sent to Embarcadero.
There are 4 feature requests that we will address in the upcoming releases of TMS CP. They are:
- ASN.1 (BER, DER, CER, OER encodings)
- XADES/CADES/PADES signatures
- Unicode support for file names
- Stream operations support
We are always open to new suggestions.
Bernard Roussely

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