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TMS components and Delphi and C++Builder 12.1

Friday, April 5, 2024

Yesterday, April 4 2024, Embarcadero announced the general availability of the great new release v12.1 of Delphi and C++Builder!

TMS Software Delphi  Components

Delphi & C++Builder 12.1 bring several new interesting features. You can read about these in detail here:

The one we, developers, will immediately notice is of course the new split editor capability that will greatly enhance our daily software development experience.

And there is more great news. As Delphi & C++Builder 12.1 is a binary compatible release with Delphi & C++Builder 12, this means that all our components will continue to work seamlessly also with Delphi & C++Builder 12.1

Customers with active licenses

Our registered version component installers will work as-is also with Delphi & C++Builder 12.1. Selecting the option to install for Delphi or C++Builder 12 will install for both 12 or 12.1

Users evaluating TMS components

If you are still evaluating our components via a trial version, our trial versions for Delphi & C++Builder 12 will continue to work with Delphi & C++Builder 12.1. Just download these latest trial versions and go ahead and install these for Delphi & C++Builder 12.1. 

We are eager to hear how your experience with our TMS components in the latest & greatest IDEs from Embarcadero is going! 

Stay tuned also for further exciting news with upcoming products we have in the pipeline. One of these is most likely the most complex IDE integration we have been undertaking so far. It has been in the works for more than a year and it is becoming more and more ready each day now to see the light. Follow this blog or subscribe to our newsletter or social media channels to stay on top of all the news.

Bruno Fierens

This blog post has received 4 comments.

1. Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 12:18:06 AM

What about the new ''Modern 64 Bit'' Target Platform? Do you plan to release support for that?



2. Sunday, April 7, 2024 at 9:30:48 AM

Just for you to know, TMS Business doesn''t detect Android with RadStudio 12.1.
So when installing, you have to force Android and Android64 by ticking them and it works fine, all components do compile without error for Android32/64 despite the warnings.
The FNC suite detects Android and compiles for those platforms without warnings.


3. Monday, April 8, 2024 at 4:21:07 PM

Are you sure you are able to *deploy* Android applications from RAD Studio 12.1? In any case, please open a support request with details for this to be properly handled.

Wagner Landgraf

4. Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 9:56:22 AM

Just did.
Deploying to android works without problems, including when TMS Business components are included in the project.


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