Version History



  • Improved : SelectionRectangle drawing with various line widths in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : Selection editor added for TAdvOfficeHint to insert all used units in uses list
  • Improved : Scrolling in TAdvMemo when code folding is enabled
  • Improved : Grid scroll position to show the selected item in TAdvGridDropDown
  • Improved : FilterDropDown multi-monitor high DPI handling in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with PreviewMenu text area width in TAdvPreviewMenu


  • New : Public property SelectionRectangleWidth added to TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : FormatType only applied when cell contains a float number in TDBAdvGrid
  • Fixed : Rare case when message is sent to grid and results in setting focus in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with OnClick triggering when mouse wheel selection changes in TAdvStringGrid


  • Fixed : Issue with filter and conditions with spaces in TAdvFilterPanel


  • New : OnClickItem event added in THTMLCheckGroup
  • Improved : ReturnIsTab now also works when EditorEnabled = false in TAdvDBLookupCombobox
  • Improved : Performance when deleting large sections of text in TAdvMemo
  • Improved : Pascal syntax highlighting in TAdvMemo
  • Improved : Modified flag handling in TAdvRichEditor
  • Improved : Drawing of "today" on TPlannerCalendar
  • Improved : CPU usage when TAdvSmoothDatePicker dropdown is closed
  • Fixed : Rare issue with reparenting parent form in TAdvToolPanelTab
  • Fixed : Issue with precision in DPI scale calculation in TAdvDropDown
  • Fixed : Issue with PreviewFast = true in TAdvPreviewDialog in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with GlowButtonAppearance.SystemFont = false and using custom fonts in TAdvToolBar
  • Fixed : Handling of andnbsp; in HTML formatted text in combination with word-wrap


  • New : Exposed GetFontCombo GetFontSizeCombo in TAdvRichEditorFormatButtonBar
  • Improved : RichEditor handling of actions in combination with read-only TAdvRichEditor
  • Improved : Grid now uses the public FormatType property to support the Excel float format in TDBAdvGrid
  • Improved : Font handling with inserting unformatted HTML in TAdvRichEditor
  • Improved : Find and replace behavior in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Regression with importing andquot; from HTML in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Rare issue with using andamp; identifier in link URLs in HTML engine
  • Fixed : Rare issue with indenting and bullets for HTML export in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Memory leak when deleting bullets in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with inserting recurring items programmatically in TDBPlannerMonthView
  • Fixed : Issue with TAdvWebBrowser handle creation
  • Fixed : Issue with OnChange triggering from some particular actions in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with FilterEdit and dynamic SQL command updating in TDBAdvGrid
  • Fixed : Field lookup is now by default case-sensitive in TAdvDBComboBox
  • Fixed : Drawing issue when adding messages with AutoSize = true in TAdvAlertWindow


  • New : Default param DoFocus added to various Open functions in TAdvMultiFileMemo
  • Improved : Performance to refill TAdvSearchComboBox
  • Improved : Column Title taken in account for column autosize in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Rare memory leak with OLE drag and drop and scrollbar type in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Rare issue with measuring text size in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Rare issue in HTML drawing engine handling special characters
  • Fixed : Issue with specific sequence of HTML inserted in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with runtime changes to Appearance.TextColorDisabled in TAdvGlowButton
  • Fixed : Issue with TInspectorBar creation at design-time when design time VCL styles changes happen
  • Fixed : Issue with SubItemSelect = true and ViewStyle = vsIcon in TAdvListView
  • Fixed : Issue with OnMouse* events in TAdvMultiButtonEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with Navigation.MoveRowOnSort and UndoSort = true in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Dark style text color initializations in TInspectorBar


  • Improved : Support for Win64 Modern C Builder 12.1
  • Improved : Set TAdvSmartMessage.Font to nil after destroy in TAdvSmartMessageBox
  • Fixed : Issue with using a grid gradient background drawing and ActiveRowShow = true in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with design-time VCL styles change handling in TAdvStringGrid in Delphi 12
  • Fixed : Issue with clipboard when using TAdvRichEditorHTMLIO.InsertHTML()
  • Fixed : Issue with applying color according to percentage in TAdvProgressBar


  • Fixed : Issue compiling Win64x target platform


  • Fixed : Issue compiling C in TMS Smart Setup
  • Fixed : display in TAdvProgressBar


  • New : Options.MouseWheelScrolling in TAdvPDFViewer
  • Improved : Handling of default value for date and time pickers in TAdvMultiInputQuery
  • Fixed : Issue with page changed event not being triggered when using mouse wheel scrolling in TAdvPDFViewer
  • Fixed : Issue with creating control at runtime in TAdvOfficeColorSelector


  • New : Support for VCL styles added in TAdvDBFormPanel TAdvDBFormBox
  • Fixed : Rare issue with saving to bin stream when both thousand and decimal separator is used in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with handling HTML import with malformed HTML in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with drawing when Max <> 100 in TAdvProgressBar


  • Fixed : Rare issue with selection hiding and filtering in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Rare issue with high DPI Delphi 12 and ParentFont = false in TAdvGlowButton
  • Fixed : Paragraph alignment issue in combination with badges in HTML formatted text
  • Fixed : Issue with using TAdvRichEditorHTMLIO in combination with VCL styles
  • Fixed : Issue with high DPI and search footer in Delphi 12 in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue in HTML engine with initialization for badge rendering


  • New : Virtual Hosting capabilities in TAdvWebBrowser
  • New : Support for different filter editor types in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : ReturnIsTab property added in TAdvMultiInputQuery
  • New : Property Lookup.Sorted added in TAdvEdit
  • New : OnFilterEditEditor event added in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : Icon property added for TAdvMultiInputQuery form
  • New : HeaderBorderColor FooterBorderColor properties added in TAdvResponsiveList
  • New : Fixed cell editor types: spin date time in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : Exposed SizeState as read-only public property in TAdvGlowButton
  • New : Exposed Key events in TAdvToggleSwitch
  • New : Exposed Enabled property in TAdvListEditor
  • New : Event OnFormatValue added to do custom value formatting in TAdvProgressBar
  • New : EmptyText property added for query values in TAdvMultiInputQuery
  • New : Combobox SpinEdit DatePicker TimePicker edit types added in TAdvMultiInputQuery
  • New : Charging and ChargingInterval property added to show charge animation in TAdvProgressBar
  • New : Caption.BorderColor Caption.BorderWidth added in TAdvPanel
  • New : ButtonMarginVer ButtonMarginHor properties added in TAdvSmoothMessageDlg
  • New : Badge support in HTML rendering engine added
  • New : AutoSizeRowOnDblClick capability added in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : VCL Styles handling for group caption with checkbox in TAdvGroupBox
  • Improved : Image size rendering in PDF export of TAdvRichEditor
  • Improved : Extra events exposed in TAdvProgressBar
  • Improved : Editing via rating control in cells in TDBAdvGrid
  • Improved : Alignment of control in item when header or footer is used in TAdvResponsiveList
  • Fixed : Rare rendering issue in HTML engine with rendering andamp;
  • Fixed : Rare issue with moving rows on TAdvStringGrid as child of other controls and focus
  • Fixed : Issue with tab to next control with specific masks in TAdvMaskEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with programmtically inserting text and Undo in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with main checkbox caDisable caControlsDisable action in TAdvOfficeCheckGroup
  • Fixed : Issue with editing with AutoSelect = true in TDBAdvEdit
  • Fixed : High DPI issue with difference between Delphi 11 VCL and Delphi 12 VCL in TAdvSmoothPopup
  • Fixed : Checkbox alignment issue when HotMailRowSelect = true in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Cell picture drawing issue due to regression in VCL TStringGrid in TAdvStringGrid


  • New : Customizable button captions on item editors in Planner item editors
  • New : Clipboard support via keyboard shortcuts added in TAdvIPEdit
  • Improved : Wordwrap handling in HTML engine
  • Improved : HTML generation (font color handling) in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Regression in ToolPanels for old Delphi versions
  • Fixed : Layout issue when only a GlpyhDown and no Glyph is set in TAdvToolButton
  • Fixed : Issue with not calling inherited in CMParentFontChanged in TAdvListEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with cell property colors and VCL styles in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with automatic grayscaling of 32bit BMP glyphs for TAdvToolBarButton
  • Fixed : Issue with ActiveCellShow = true and color gradient use in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Delphi 12 regression with respect to font size change with DPI changes in TAdvGlowButton


  • New : StyleElements exposed in TAdvSmoothTileList
  • New : Public method ApplyFilter added in TAdvGridFilterPanel
  • New : Minimum column width available in TAdvTreeView
  • Fixed : Regression in rendering wordwrapped text with HTML engine
  • Fixed : Issue parsing stroke opacity in SVG engine


  • New : TTMSFNCWebBrowser Setup settings Additional Browser Arguments and language properties available
  • New : Support for VCL Styles added in TAdvTabSet
  • Improved : Sort indicator drawing adaptions when VCL styles are used in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : Memory usage when importing HTML in TAdvRichEditor
  • Improved : Handling of paste RTF text in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Rare painting issue in fixed footer rows when many hidden columns are used in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with triggering OnSelectCell in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with input controls on high DPI in TAdvInputMetroTaskDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with TAdvOfficeStatusbar and VCL styles
  • Fixed : Issue with OnValueValidate in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with HTML Hints and high DPI regression in TAdvStringGrid due to Delphi 12 changes
  • Fixed : Issue in HTML engine with very long words and wordwrap


  • New : AdvPageTabVisibleCount property added in TAdvOfficePager
  • Fixed : Sensitivity to clicking 1 pixel left from dropdown button in TAdvTreeComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with panel size on high DPI on Delphi 12 in TAdvOfficeStatusBar
  • Fixed : Issue with invoking auto completion dialog from Ctrl-Space in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with color initialization on Delphi 12 in TAdvOfficeStatusBar
  • Fixed : Issue with URLShowInText = true in TDBAdvGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with RowSelect and node hit test to expand in TAdvTreeComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with RemoveAllComments when grid has hidden columns in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with Grid.ParentColor = true on Delphi 12 in TAdvStringGrid


  • New : TAdvSmoothSlideShow OnImageClick and Double Click event added
  • New : Style property added to have tcsDropDownList style in TAdvTreeComboBox
  • New : ShowEdit property added to have edit control in dropdown part in TAdvTreeComboBox
  • New : Set ListBox as public property accessible in TAdvSmoothComboBox
  • New : OnSaveFile OnOpenFile events added in TAdvRichEditorEditToolBar
  • New : OnDblClickSelectionChange event added in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Very rare issue in HTML rendering engine
  • Fixed : TStreamAdapter ownership changed to avoid access violations when destroying page streams in TAdvPDFViewer
  • Fixed : Issue with indent and wordwrapped text in THTMLStaticText
  • Fixed : Issue with GetSelectionColor from first OnSelectionChange event in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with DataSet.FieldList.Sorted = true in TDBAdvGrid


  • New : RAD Studio 12 support added
  • Fixed : Issue with OnClickCell triggered twice
  • Fixed : Issue with DB update after calling DBAdvMemo.Lines.LoadFromFile()


  • New : Clear method added to reset view in TAdvPDFViewer
  • New : Additional events exposed in TAdvWebBrowser
  • Fixed : Rare regression with specific user KeyDown handlers in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with high DPI in Delphi 11 for TAdvToolPanel/TAdvToolPanelTab
  • Fixed : Issue with font coloring for days outside displayed month in TPlannerCalendar
  • Fixed : Issue with accessing RichEdit from form OnCreate in TAdvLabel
  • Fixed : Issue with SaveToStream/LoadFromStream and selection in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with OnChange triggered twice for SpinType = sptFloat in TAdvSpinEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with Color when Enabled = false at design-time in TAdvSpinEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with CSS font size parsing in HTML import in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue after paste in TAdvDBLookupComboBox with only ListSource
  • Fixed : Importing HTML special characters andsup2; andsup3; in TAdvRichEditorHTMLIO


  • New : ReadOnly property added in TAdvOutlookColumn to have read-only checkboxes
  • Improved : Behavior with ItemHeight in multimonitor with different DPI situation in THTMLTreeView
  • Improved : Adaption for high DPI handling in THTMLTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with tab indexing when setting FreeOnClose = true in TAdvOfficePager
  • Fixed : Issue with one page PDF file in continuous scrolling mode in TAdvPDFViewer
  • Fixed : Issue with hex editing in TDBAdvSpinEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with OriginalCellValue access in specific circumstances in TDBAdvGrid


  • New : Property Animation added to select the animation type between classic and modern in TWebCopy
  • Improved : TAdvAvatarList design-time behavior
  • Improved : Performance when many tabs are used in TAdvOfficeTabSet
  • Improved : Centered text drawing for non wordwrapped text in TAdvSmoothPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with setting grid.FixedRows = 0 in TAdvGridDropDown
  • Fixed : Issue with persisting Shadow property in TAdvToggleSwitch
  • Fixed : Issue with auto size row in cells with image and wordwrap in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with HoverColor set related to underlying VCL bug in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with Assign() method in TPlanner
  • Fixed : Issue that rendering in TAdvRichEditor can get locked


  • Fixed : Issue with rendering HTML chars expressed in hex values in HTML engine


  • Fixed : Issue with package files from XE7


  • New : Vertical centered header text drawing in TAdvListView
  • New : Toggle switch cell type in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : Title property added in TAdvMultiInputQueryDialog
  • New : TAdvToggleSwitch control added
  • New : TAdvPipsPager control added
  • New : TAdvFrameView control added
  • New : TAdvAvatarList control added
  • New : TAdvAvatar control added
  • New : Support for long HEX character notation in HTML drawing engine
  • New : Support for arrows in HTML formatted text
  • New : Support for VCL styles added in TAdvPageControl
  • New : ShowPip PipColor properties added to show small notification pip on TAdvGlowButton
  • New : ScrollInView method added in THTMListBox THTMLCheckList added
  • New : Property ShowImageSelected added in TAdvListBox
  • New : Notes property added in TAdvMultiInputQueryDialog
  • New : Initial support for Delphi 12 beta
  • New : Automatic sort indicator drawing for custom header in TAdvListView
  • New : AutoSize property added for THTMLRadioButton THTMLCheckBox
  • New : Auto formatter for TAdvMemoHTMLStyler
  • New : 3 new special HTML characters added in HTML engine: ''andmiddot''''andsup2;''''andsup3;''
  • Improved : Removed limitation of working with grids with row count limited to 65535 when persiting in binary streams
  • Improved : Removed limitation of working with grids with row count limited to 65535 in TAdvGridWorkbook
  • Improved : Performance in HTML drawing engine
  • Improved : Color names in HTML attributes do not longer need ''cl'' prefix
  • Improved : AutoSize for TAdvOfficeRadioButtonGroup TAdvOfficeCheckGroup
  • Fixed : Rare issue with AdvanceOnEnter mode on MDI forms
  • Fixed : Issue with undo and AutoExpand = true in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with inplace spin editor and VCL Styles in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with floating footer and color banding in TDBAdvGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with autosizing for Layout blGlyphTopAdjusted in TAdvGlowButton
  • Fixed : Issue with ShowError and focus change in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with OnCheckBoxClick returned state when grouping is used in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with HTML rendering in GDIP based HTML engine


  • Fixed : Issue with registering TAdvSVGImageCollection
  • Fixed : Issue with DefaultTabPosition = tpTop and ShowShortCutBar = false and drawing of first tab in TAdvNavBar


  • New : Updated file copy animation on progress dialog in TWebCopy
  • Improved : When DropWidth = 0 the dropdown width automatically adapts to the control width in TAdvTreeComboBox
  • Fixed : Rare issue with drawing disabled imagelist images on Win64 in TAdvGlowButton
  • Fixed : Issue with default LookupBkColor LookupTextColor values in TColumnComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with TAdvPolyPager header item caption font size in high DPI
  • Fixed : Issue with OnClick triggered during Find() in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Edge Chromium fallback implementation causing multiple copies in Windows temp folder during runtime update mechanism in TAdvWebBrowser


  • Fixed : Issue with registration of TAdvSVGImageCollection


  • New : LookupBkColor LookupTextColor LookupUnderline properties added in TColumnComboBox
  • New : CopyToClipboard method added in TAdvIPEdit
  • New : ClearIPAddress method added in TAdvIPEdit
  • Fixed : Label font handling change with high DPI in TAdvComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with inplace editor size calculation in high DPI situations in TParamListBox
  • Fixed : Issue with changing LabelFont at runtime in code in TAdvComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with TAdvMemoFindDialog.CloseDialog when TAdvFindDialog is used
  • Fixed : Issue with OwnsObject = true and sorting in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : High DPI handling for TreeView dropdown font in TAdvTreeComboBox


  • New : AdvWebBrowser Download management
  • New : AdvWebBrowser DevTools protocol methods and events
  • Improved : filtering taking special characters into account in TAdvTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with selection colors when turning VCL styles on/off in THTMLTreeView


  • New : MouseWheel property added to disable mouse wheel selection when dropdown is closed in TAdvGridDropDown
  • New : Draw text with common base alignment when control.Linespacing = -1 in HTML engine
  • New : Added FindPrev method to Find and replace dialogs in TAdvMemoFindDialog TAdvMemoReplaceDialog
  • Improved : Made CanMovePositionRight virtual method in TAdvTrackBar
  • Fixed : SelectionFontColor initialization for THTMLTreeView
  • Fixed : Paint issue when ShowSelectedImage = true in TAdvTreeComboBox
  • Fixed : Memory Leak in TAdvSVGImageCollection
  • Fixed : Issue with export when last column is a hidden column in TAdvGridPDFIO
  • Fixed : Issue with drawing of empty code list in TAdvCodeList
  • Fixed : Issue with detecting whether position can move left or right in TAdvTrackBar
  • Fixed : Issue with destroy component after dock/undock in TAdvOfficePager
  • Fixed : Issue with brush not being set for checkbox in black styles in TAdvOfficeCheckBox
  • Fixed : Issue with Appearance.TextStyle for psText panel style in TAdvOfficeStatusBar


  • New : OnSearchDone event added in TAdvListBox
  • Improved : TAdvOfficeCheckBox TAdvOfficeRadioButton drawing in dark Office themes
  • Improved : Selection and Font drawing when seFont seClient not set in StyleElements in THTMListBox
  • Improved : Initialization of design-time editor in TParameterListBox
  • Improved : Handling of ESC / Enter key handling on modal dialogs in TParameterListBox
  • Fixed : Issue with custom keyboards in high DPI in TAdvTouchKeyboard
  • Fixed : Issue with MoveNode not being able to move to root in TAdvTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with Invalid class typecast in the TAdvSmoothPopup on Delphi 11
  • Fixed : Issue toggling Visible property in TAdvWebBrowser during initialization
  • Fixed : Issue in TAdvSmoothLedLabel with flicker on high refresh rates
  • Fixed : Initialization issue for high DPI for tab font height in TAdvOfficePager


  • Improved : OnCardItemAppearance exposed in TDBAdvCardList
  • Improved : Office dark style appearance in TAdvOfficeCheckBox TAdvOfficeRadioButton TAdvOfficeCheckGroup TAdvOfficeRadioGroup TAdvGroupBox
  • Improved : High DPI handling in multimonitor situation in TAdvInputTaskDialog
  • Improved : Dialog width calculation when custom control is used in TAdvInputTaskDialog
  • Fixed : Showing selected item in dropdown after opening dropdown in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Rare issue when closing form from inplace editor active in TParamListBox
  • Fixed : Issue with selecting printer in TAdvPDFViewer
  • Fixed : Issue with paste in empty TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with font picker in high DPI in TInspectorBar
  • Fixed : Issue with customizing parameter hints via OnParamHint in TParamListBox
  • Fixed : Issue with LengthLimit for EditType = etMoney in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Issue when closing dropdown with ESC key in TAdvSearchEdit
  • Fixed : Design-time issue with TCurvyPanel when hosted on other TCurvyPanel


  • Fixed : Issue with virtual edit mode in specific conditions in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with right click on TAdvWebBrowser


  • New : Use popupmenu or manipulate context menu in TAdvWebBrowser
  • New : Print and save to PDF in TAdvWebBrowser
  • New : Password property to open encrypted PDF files in TAdvPDFViewer
  • New : Navigate with custom method and data in TAdvWebBrowser
  • New : Manage Cookies in TAdvWebBrowser
  • New : LoadDocumentFromStream method in TAdvPDFViewer
  • New : Exposed IntValue Int64Value and Value public properties in TAdvMultiButtonEdit
  • Improved : Rendering of TCurvyComboBox in style csDropDownList
  • Improved : Drawing of time axis in half day display mode in TPlannerPDFIO
  • Fixed : Rare issue with RTF parsing in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Memory leak with new multi block definitions in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with virtual cell editing and ESC to terminate editing in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with uninitialized rect when Caption is empty in TAdvSmoothPopup
  • Fixed : Issue with setting element colors to Windows system color values in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with repaint after control resize in TParamListBox
  • Fixed : Issue with persisting tabs in streams in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with pasting text when DataSource is not used in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with initializing keys in CreateWnd in TAdvTouchKeyboard
  • Fixed : Issue with handling ESC when dropdown is closed in TAdvTreeComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with export to PDF and hidden columns in TAdvGridPDFIO
  • Fixed : Issue with dataset edit mode with TDBAdvSmoothDatePicker
  • Fixed : Issue with closing custom editor from application in TParamListBox TParamCheckList
  • Fixed : Issue with block boundary detection when no syntax styler is used in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with TParamCheckList and 64bit
  • Fixed : Handling of Padding in auto sized label in THTMLabel


  • New : WordWrap added in TCurvyPanel
  • New : StyleElements exposed in TAdvSmoothTimeLine
  • New : PopupMenu added in TCurvyPanel
  • New : Multi start block/end block definitions support added (comma-separated) in TAdvMemo
  • New : Events OnLoaded / OnSaved added in TFormSize
  • Improved : TAdvMetroForm maximize/normal state via double-click handled
  • Fixed : Rare issue with filtering and floating footer row in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with linebreaks in HTML hint text in THTMLHint
  • Fixed : Issue with auto range scrollbar in merged cells in TAdvStringGrid


  • New : TDBAdvMultiEditButton component added
  • New : TAdvPDFViewer component added: native PDF file viewer component
  • New : OnClick event added in TCurvyPanel
  • New : OnCardBeforeEdit event added to intercept editor before editing starts in TAdvCardList
  • New : Caption property added in TCurvyPanel
  • Improved : Handling input of multiline text with different linefeed characters in TAdvRichEditor
  • Improved : HTML formatted hint rendering in multimonitor high DPI situations in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Rare issue with MouseActions.EditOnDblClickOnly and edit validation in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with return key when default mrOK button is on the form in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with SVG registration (please reinstall latest TMS FNC Core as well)


  • Improved : Handling input of multiline text with different linefeed characters in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with return key when default mrOK button is on the form in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with SVG registration (please reinstall latest TMS FNC Core as well)


  • New : ptStringList property editor in TInspectorBar
  • New : OnItemDblCick OnDblClick event added in TAdvPicturePane
  • New : Methods PostChar/PostString added to post custom keys to the input control in TAdvSmoothTouchKeyboard
  • New : Exposed properties ReturnIsTab AllowNumericNullValue FloatValue MaxFloatValue MinFloatValue in TAdvMultiButtonEdit
  • New : Exposed properties Precision PrecisionDisplay Prefix Suffix in TAdvMultiButtonEdit
  • New : Added public function SetSplitterSize() in TAdvSplitter
  • Improved : OnDownloadedEULA event handle to allow easier custom handling
  • Improved : Now uses Color/ColorTo for background color drawing when no panels are in the InspectorBar
  • Improved : MouseActions.AutoFocus will only focus grid when application is active in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : OnKeyPress event not triggered for return key in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with setting Button.Style back to bsCustom in TAdvMultiButtonEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with returning checkbox state in filtered grid from OnCheckBoxClick event
  • Fixed : Issue with popup menu over items in TAdvPicturePane
  • Fixed : Issue with importing RTF for alignment on pictures in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with destroy for floating pages in TAdvOfficePager
  • Fixed : Incorrect wildcard handling in SFTP directory listing


  • New : TParamLabelEditor TParamListBoxEditor TParamCheckListEditor TParamTreeviewEditor components
  • New : Property SQLFalseSQLTrue added in TAdvDBFilterDialog
  • New : Event OnError for write errors when persisting to file in TFormSize
  • New : Event OnDrawItemProp added in TColumnListBox
  • New : BorderColor property added to TAdvDBComboBox
  • Improved : Extra safeguard added against accessing toolbar rows on a TAdvDockPanel
  • Fixed : TAdvSmoothPopup high DPI fixes for Delphi 11
  • Fixed : Rare issue with OnEnterOnExit with FocusAlign on frames in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Label visibility when control visibility changes in TAdvMultiButtonEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with header sort color indication and hidden columns in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with drawing when ShowRoot = false in THTMLTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with caption font for HTML text on high DPI in TAdvPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with RepaintRect when specifying cell coordinates outside visible range in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with RTF import and line-height of zero-length lines in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with HTML export with system colors in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue in TPlannerCalendarGroup.ChangeYear()
  • Fixed : Floating footer font size for calculated values on high DPI in TDBAdvGrid
  • Fixed : Delphi 11.2 issue with column resizing in multi-monitor situation in TDBAdvGrid TAdvColumnGrid
  • Fixed : DefaultItem color initialization issue in TPlannerWaitList


  • New : Virtual ImageList support added for TImagePicker
  • New : Property grid.Navigation.AllowSelectAll added in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : Property MoveLines added to move lines up/down with Alt-Up/Alt-Down keys in TAdvMemo
  • Improved : SQL syntax styler. New keywords and single-quote values added
  • Fixed : Update Text property from ListSource change adapted in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with restoring the filter logic operations in TAdvGridFilterPanel
  • Fixed : Calculation of filter dropdown auto size with high DPI in TAdvStringGrid


  • New : IntIPAddress property to get/set IPv4 address as longword
  • New : DB-aware version of TAdvIPEdit : TDBAdvIPEdit added
  • Improved : TAdvSpinEdit LabelFont handling in multimonitor cases with different DPI
  • Improved : High DPI VCL styles based checkbox and radiobutton drawing
  • Improved : Do not draw menu border when MenuBorderColor = clNone in TAdvMainMenu
  • Improved : Changed OnBeforeAutoCompletion to allow to show auto completion list when no character is typed in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Use Precision when setting the FloatValue programmatically in TAdvSpinEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with selection after handling OnClickHyperLink in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with handling OnItemMoving and setting Allow = false in TPlanner
  • Fixed : Issue with ListSource refresh when ListSource dataset changes in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with CaptionSize and highDPI in TAdvPolyPager


  • New : function IsInvalid: boolean added to verify current input against set min/max in TAdvSpinEdit
  • New : Text property is read/write now in TAdvRichEditor
  • New : TAdvRichEditor.WantReturn added
  • New : TAdvRichEditor.AutoCompletion added
  • New : Padding property added in THTMLabel
  • New : Event OnExpandCollapsChange event added in TAdvSmoothExpanderPanel
  • Improved : URL detection in TAdvRichEditor
  • Improved : TAdvEdit.Lookup.Font uses parent font settings now
  • Improved : LookupPopup.Font setting uses ParentFont in TAdvListEditor
  • Improved : Handling of footer in non-native dialogs with VCL styles in TAdvTaskDialog
  • Improved : Behavior on high DPI for TTreeList
  • Fixed : Rare issue with radiobutton handling and ActiveRowShow in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with LabelFont handling when ParentFont = false in TAdvSpinEdit


  • Improved : TDBAdvGrid design-time column font initialization
  • Improved : Rendering on high DPI in TWebCopy
  • Improved : PDF export when VCL styles are used in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : Label top positioning on form in THTMLDialog
  • Improved : Column OLE drandg and drop in BidiMode RightToLeft in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with setting custom keyboard at design-time in TAdvTouchKeyboard
  • Fixed : Issue with highDPI in combination with form.Scaled = false in TAdvTouchKeyboard
  • Fixed : Issue with date inplace editor in Win64 in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with copying a single line of text as RTF on clipboard in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with clipped text for large font in code blocks in TAdvCodeList
  • Fixed : Issue with automatic column merging and ftSuppress filter type in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with URL extraction on multi-line wordwrapped lines in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with ListSource lookup on first keypress in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Incorrect logging statement in TWebUpdate application updater


  • New : TAdvResponsiveManager component added
  • New : Property AutoHeight added in THTMLDialog
  • New : LookupList property exposed in TAdvEdit
  • New : Exposed Form in TAdvGridFilterDialog
  • Improved : Text rect calculation for auto sizing items in TAdvSmoothListBox
  • Improved : Find and replace dialog trigging from TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with up-search with WholeWordOnly option in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with handling URL''s longer than control width in TAdvSmoothListBox
  • Fixed : Issue with callback proc in 64bit mode in TAdvTaskDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with AutoDropDownSize on high DPI in TCheckListEdit
  • Fixed : Issue in TAdvStringGrid with column drag and drop in BidiMode = bdRightToLeft
  • Fixed : Floating point error when printing with specific settings in TPlanner


  • New : TAdvResponsiveManager beta
  • New : Event OnCreated added that is triggered when the internal popup window is created
  • Improved : HTML parser to handle
    as well as
    in TAdvRichEditor
  • Improved : Extended range of supported HTML entities for mini HTML rendering
  • Improved : Drastic performance improvement for filtering with FilterType = ftSuppress in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : Changed paste behavior for TAdvEdit to allow to process multiline pasted text
  • Improved : Ability to handle TWideMemoField blob fields added in TDBHTMLabel
  • Fixed : Issue with ungrouping and searchfooter in TDBAdvGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with multiple instances using the same ListSource on the form in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with high DPI in Delphi 11.x in TAdvTouchKeyboard
  • Fixed : Issue with grouping and column property handling for group header rows in TDBAdvGrid TAdvColumnGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with disjunct row selection and suppress rows in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with OnClick triggered for programmatic Row changes in TAdvStringGrid (bug in base class TStringGrid)
  • Fixed : Issue with OLE column draganddrop in BidiMode RightToLeft in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with HTML parser with
    tags in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue in TAdvSmoothTouchKeyboard with high DPI support in Dephi 11 on low DPI Form


  • New : UpButton DownButton as public properties on TAdvSpinEdit.Button exposed
  • Improved : Drawing caption selected color simultanously in TAdvOfficeColorSelector
  • Fixed : Rare issue with Find and setting memo cursor after reaching end of find in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Minus button center drawing for vertical orientation in TAdvTrackBar
  • Fixed : Issue with restore filder for specific conditions in TAdvDBFilterPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with load from list source on first dropdown in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with handling paste of multiline text in TAdvListEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with TDBAdvMoneyEdit and setting DataSource.Enabled = false
  • Fixed : Issue with KeepHorizScroll and mouse wheel handling in TDBAdvGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with EditorEnabled = true in TCheckListEdit


  • New : Support for TVirtualImageList added in TTodoList
  • New : Event OnValuePaste added in TAdvListEditor
  • Improved : Optimized triggering of OnValueValidate in TAdvEdit
  • Improved : High DPI handling for TAdvFontSelector TAdvOfficeComboBox
  • Improved : Date/Time Picker positioning on high DPI in Parameter Controls
  • Fixed : Small GDI based text rendering issue in TAdvSmoothListBox
  • Fixed : Rare issue with TAdvDockPanel toolbar positioning in high DPI
  • Fixed : Rare autocompletion issue after auto completed text is after ; char
  • Fixed : Issue with transforms in certain SVGs
  • Fixed : Issue with specific conditions for fields with and without spaces in TAdvDBFilterPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with search on whole word in specific cases in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with parsing alignment information from RTF in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with parameter controls when form hosting these is closed via default button
  • Fixed : Issue with handling AltGr key in specific conditions in TAdvSearchEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with dragging items in TAdvKanbanBoard
  • Fixed : Issue with WheelIncrement < 0 in TAdvSearchList
  • Fixed : Issue with OnContextPopup in TAdvMemo


  • New : function SelectedPenWidth() added for TAdvPenWidthSelector
  • New : Support for filtering in grouped or collapsed rows (for FilterType = ftSuppress) in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : Splitter in design-time editor for Parameter controls
  • New : Property SQLFalseSQLTrue to customize default boolean field values for queries in TAdvDBFilterPanel
  • New : MarkerImageList is now compatible with TVirtualImageList in TAdvMemo
  • New : GetPlannerGridClass protected virtual method to allow to override the grid inside the Planner
  • Improved : Multi-monitor high DPI handling in TAdvDropDown controls
  • Improved : Item height handling for newer operating systems and high DPI in TDriveListBoxEx TFileListBoxEx
  • Improved : High DPI handling for multimonitor for selector controls
  • Improved : High DPI handling for What''s New dialog and Progress form
  • Fixed : Rare issue with long URLs and wordwrap in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Rare issue with RTF font parsing and bullets in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Rare issue with AutoTab = true and focus handling in TAdvDateTimePicker
  • Fixed : Memory leak in TAdvGlassButton
  • Fixed : Memory leak for specific caption drawing in TAdvPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with multi-monitor high DPI handling in TAdvTreeComboBox
  • Fixed : Auto completion handling in specific scenarios in TAdvMemo


  • New : HeaderFlat added in TTodoList TDBTodoList
  • Improved : TAdvEdit TAdvSpinEdit TAdvLUEdit and descending components fix for DPI monitor switch handling
  • Improved : Font handling when form.Scaled = false in TAdvSmoothListBox
  • Improved : Drawing of time axis in half day display mode in TAdvPlannerPDFIO
  • Fixed : TAdvSmoothDock disabled functionality implemented.
  • Fixed : Potential Win64 issue in TAdvTabSet
  • Fixed : Issue with use in Win64 environment in TAdvOfficePager
  • Fixed : Issue with text highlight and alignment in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with rendering header in TTodoList
  • Fixed : Issue with incremental auto goto when sorted in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with getting token at cursor when token is preceeded by specific characters in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with TAdvToolBarButton caption text color when VCL styles are used
  • Fixed : Issue in filter restore with fieldname containing spaces in TDBAdvFilterPanel


  • Improved : Design-time editing for Parameter Controls
  • Fixed : Issue with vert. text align when BidiMode = bdRightToLeft in TAdvOfficeCheckBox
  • Fixed : Issue with spaces in fieldname in Access when used with TAdvDBFilterPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with initialization of CompletionSmooth setting for progressbars in TPlanner
  • Fixed : Issue with incorrect selection change after changing format in specific circumstances in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with OnIsFixedCell and hidden column handling in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with HTML export in connection with wordwrap in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : FilterEdit handling when BidiMode <> bdLeftToRight in TAdvStringGrid


  • New : Support for images in filter action buttons in TAdvDBFilterPanel
  • New : Exposed OnContextPopup event handler in TAdvMemo
  • New : ControlLook.GrayedGlyph added in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : CSVLineBreak property added in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : ImageIndex property editor in Object Inspector in TAdvToolPanel
  • Improved : High DPI handling for filter action buttons in TAdvDBFilterPanel
  • Improved : Caret position handling after SetSelection* calls in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Item.CaptionFont handling in multimonitor high DPI situation in TInspectorBar
  • Fixed : Issue with use on TAdvControlDropDown and use of Enter key in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with use on Delphi 11.1 and Win64 in TFolderDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with menu font size when custom menu styler is used in high DPI in TAdvMainMenu
  • Fixed : Issue with handling field names with spaces in TAdvDBFilterPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with empty blob fields with TDBAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with code block completion in TAdvMemo


  • New : Property HoverCursor added in TAdvWordCloud
  • New : Methods ChangeMonth() ChangeYear() added in TPlannerCalendarGroup
  • New : ColumnByTag[AValue]: TGridColumnItem property added in TAdvColumnGrid
  • Improved : Performance for handling mouse scrolling in TAdvPolyList
  • Improved : Height calculation in TAdvFindDialog TAdvReplaceDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with grid sort and Navigation.KeepHorizScroll in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with executing loops with multiple HTTP errors in TWebData
  • Fixed : Issue with caret and AutoSize = false in TAdvListEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with SaveKbdLayout on newer Delphi versions in TAdvTouchKeyboard
  • Fixed : Issue with ParentFont property handling for TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with ClearSelection and caret position in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : GDI HTML render engine for center aligned text issue


  • New : Support for named picture element export to PDF in TAdvRichEditor
  • New : Exposed popup menu access in TPlannerWaitList
  • New : Default parameter IncludeInvisible: boolean = false for SelectAll method
  • New : Capability to load and save hotspots to file from the hotspot editor for THotSpotImage
  • New : CanSize property added in TAdvGroupBox to make groupbox sizeable at runtime
  • New : BidiMode right-to-left support added in TAdvToolPanel caption
  • New : Anti-aliased signature drawing in TAdvSignatureCapture
  • Improved : Using RangeSelectAndEdit = true together with DropDownVisibleAlways = true in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : High DPI handling in Delphi 11 for TAdvGridFilterPanel TAdvGridFilterDialog
  • Improved : Font initialization in TAdvRichEditorFormatButtonBar
  • Improved : Drawing with GridLineWidth > 1 and VCL styles in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : Compact window dropdown autosizing in TAdvToolBar
  • Fixed : Regression with subitem triangle drawing for TAdvMenus
  • Fixed : Issue with dropdown enable for TAdvDBLookupComboBox without DataSource
  • Fixed : Issue with TIME param input in newer Delphi versions in TParamTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with OpenWidth handling for ppRight positioned tabs in TAdvToolPanelTab
  • Fixed : Issue on sorting with both MoveRowOnSort and MoveRowOnScroll = true in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Inconsistent column index from OnCheckBoxChange with hidden columns in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Border rendering when Ctl3D = false in TAdvEdit


  • Improved : Code to retrieve folder tree from OS in TAdvExplorerTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with using custom glyphs for checkboxes in combination with VCL styles
  • Fixed : Issue with setting StyleElements = [] for button in TAdvEditBtn
  • Fixed : Issue with runtime created pages in TAdvToolBarPager for high DPI
  • Fixed : Issue with persisting system colors to stream in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with high DPI font handling on Delphi 11 in TAdvSmoothStatusIndicator
  • Fixed : Issue with hidden row height handling during DPI changes in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with handling Ctrl-LeftCtrl-RightCtrl-Up from TAdvToolBarPager


  • New : Event OnChanging added in TAdvTreeComboBox
  • Improved : Search footer rendering in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : More extensive status information during SFTP connection establishing in TWebUpdate
  • Fixed : TAdvGraphics draw icons not shown
  • Fixed : Small inconsistency with OnRowUpdate in combination with OnRowChanging in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Regression with menu button positioning
  • Fixed : Rare multi-row selection issue when selected cell is clicked twice in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Lookup high DPI issue on older Delphi versions in TAdvListEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with read-only cells method called with column index -1 in TDBAdvGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with LabelFont handling in Delphi 11 with high DPI in TAdvDBLookupComboBox


  • Improved : Drag column mode for BidiMode = bdRightToLeft in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : Behavior with checkbox in combination with edTimeEdit inplace editor in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : Behavior on high DPI for inplace editor in TAdvListEditor
  • Improved : Autosize handling for runtime created toolbar buttons in TAdvToolBarButton
  • Fixed : Text color issue in combination with checkbox and VCL styles in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Show empty text when dataset is not active in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with special HTML characters not being rendered in TAdvTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with line drawing when start drawing on clear button in TAdvSignatureCapture
  • Fixed : Issue with gpTop GlyphPosition when Caption is empty on TAdvToolBarButton
  • Fixed : Issue with button ordering when mixing menu toolbar with toolbar controls
  • Fixed : Issue with TAdvOfficePaget tab drawing in combination with high DPI and VCL styles
  • Fixed : Default font initialization for header fonts in TDBAdvGrid


  • New : Support for virtual image lists added in Parameter Controls
  • New : Support for TVirtualImageList for HeaderImages in TAdvListView
  • New : Property EmoticonSize added in TAdvEmoticonPickerDropDown
  • New : Password type inplace editor added in Parameter Controls
  • Improved : Combobox dropup via button click in TAdvOfficeComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with saving item.KeyString value in TAdvTouchKeyboard
  • Fixed : Issue with prior button image index assignment in TDBAdvGlowNavigator
  • Fixed : Issue with SelectOnRightClick for topmost row in TPlanner
  • Fixed : Issue with OnContextPopup when the inplace editor is active in TAdvListEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with LabelFont initialization in controls with attached label in specific circumstances


  • New : VCL styles support added in TAdvMoneyEdit
  • New : Support to persist keyboards with unicode characters in TAdvTouchKeyboard
  • New : Support for use of TVirtualImageList for use in high-DPI scenarios for TDBAdvGlowNavigator
  • New : Support for drawing overlapped events added in TPlannerCalendar TPlannerCalendarGroup
  • New : Setting SelectionColor SelectionTextColor = clNone allows to always use specified custom color in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • New : CalculatorLook.BorderColor added in TAdvMoneyEdit
  • New : Binary identifier setting in syntax styler to highlight also binary formatted numbers in TAdvMemo
  • New : AutoShowCalculator property added in TAdvMoneyEdit
  • Improved : cblChrome close button appearance in high DPI in TAdvOfficeTabSet
  • Improved : LabelFont handling in connection with ParentFont in controls with attached label
  • Improved : Alignment preserve when entering new line in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : TAdvSmoothLabel Caption shadow high DPI handling for Delphi 11
  • Fixed : Rounding issue with label font height calculation in high DPI scenarios in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : MoveNode no longer destroys and recreates node in TAdvTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with setting line alignment from linebreak in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with persisting color in DB for TDBAdvColorPickerDropDown
  • Fixed : Issue with page control border when none of tabsheets has TabVisible = true in TAdvPageControl
  • Fixed : Issue with opening share drives in TAdvExplorerTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with cell font color when using VCL style checkboxes in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with caret after selection dlb click in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with anchor detection with centered paragraphs in TAdvAlertWindow
  • Fixed : Issue with Ctrl-A and editing mode in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : High DPI issue when used on frames for TAdvOfficePager


  • New : Visible property to show or hide the extra needles
  • New : VCL Style enabled cell checkbox drawing in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : OnItemClick and OnItemDblClick events in TAdvKanbanBoard
  • New : Added wpSftpList support in TWebCopy
  • New : Added support for use of TVirtualImageList in TPlannerMonthView
  • Improved : Error handling when invalid time was entered in TAdvTimePickerDropDown
  • Improved : Dropdown control sizing in Delphi 11 for high DPI in TAdvControlDropDown
  • Improved : Closed button look in high DPI scenarios in TAdvOfficeTabSet
  • Improved : ButtonWidth handling with high DPI in TAdvEditBtn
  • Improved : Added Key in TAdvSmoothListBoxItem.CopySettings()
  • Fixed : Rare issue with AdvanceInsert in specific circumstances in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with property type panel value editing in high DPI in TInspectorBar
  • Fixed : Issue with per monitor DPI handling for TAdvToolBarMenuButton in Delphi 11
  • Fixed : Issue with handler for OnClickCell and OnClick in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with HighlightColor HighLightTextColor in TAdvRichEditor


  • New : Property FindText added to control whether the node is looked up or not in TAdvTreeComboBox
  • New : BeginUpdate/EndUpdate methods added in TAdvWordCloud
  • Improved : High DPI drawing of sys icons and per monitor DPI handling in TDirectoryListBoxEx TFileListBoxEx
  • Improved : Exposed Font and Align properties for TAdvGradientDirectionSelector
  • Fixed : Rare alignment issue in Delphi 11 during form loading in TAdvPanel
  • Fixed : Per monitor high DPI issue in TAdvRTFLabel
  • Fixed : LabelFont color initialization for Office 2019 white mode in TAdvComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with double automtic row insert in specific circumstances in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with AutoSize = true and adding words in TAdvWordCloud
  • Fixed : Isse with clipping and use of large images in TAdvRichEditor


  • Improved : telephone type specifier adding in export in TvCard
  • Improved : Label font size initialization at design-time for high DPI in TAdvSpinEdit TAdvComboBox TAdvDropDown ...
  • Improved : Exception handling for opening unsupported files from TAdvRichEditorEditToolBar
  • Fixed : Width of dropdown button handling for high DPI in TCheckListEdit
  • Fixed : Rare issue with stopping editing from OnCellChanging in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with radiobutton / text spacing on multimonitor setup with different DPI in TAdvOfficeRadioButton
  • Fixed : Issue with parsing unicode chars from RTF in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with getting filter in 64bit in TAdvListView
  • Fixed : Issue with cell balloon handling and cell selection in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with VCL styles and high DPI in TAdvOfficePager
  • Fixed : Issue with OnHintForToken OnHintForWord and comments in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with OnEditCellDone for custom inplace editors in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with Label persistence in QueryValues in TAdvMultiInputQueryDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with AdvanceOnEnter AdvanceInsert and read-only cells in TAdvStringGrid


  • New : TVirtualImageList support added in TInspectorBar
  • New : TAdvOfficePage.TextAlignmentTAdvOfficePage.TextVerticalAlignment added
  • Improved : THTMLStatusBar high DPI support for Delphi 11
  • Improved : Stop editing by setting Key = #0 in OnKeyPress() in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : RowHeight updating via Zoom() in high DPI / Delphi 11 in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : Popup toolbar behavior in high in TAdvRichEditor
  • Improved : Performance in TAdvRichEditor
  • Improved : MultiPanel mode with VCL styles in TInspectorBar
  • Improved : Lookup dropdown font high DPI handling in TAdvEdit
  • Improved : Behavior of TAdvListEditor on high DPI screens
  • Fixed : Memory leak in TAdvPolyList items
  • Fixed : Issue with use of system font and high DPI in THTMLStatusBar
  • Fixed : Issue with programmatic insert of controls in TAdvToolBar under high DPI in Delphi 11
  • Fixed : Issue with multi-monitor high DPI handling in TAdvSpinEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with high dpi in TAdvSmoothPanel and TAdvSmoothExpanderButtonPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with custom EditLink based inplace editing on edit exit in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with application menu height in TAdvToolBarForm
  • Fixed : Issue with ShowWeeks = true in TPlannerCalendar
  • Fixed : Issue with Padding conflicting with Padding TWinControl. Property renaming to TextPadding in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with HTML engine and line-height attribute for

    tag for TAdvStringGrid

  • Fixed : Issue in TPlannerCalender with ShowGoToToday
  • Fixed : Issue in TAdvDateTimePicker with timepicker position on high DPI
  • Fixed : Initialization of grid row heights with high-DPI in TAdvGridDropDown


  • New : Property URLUnderline added in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : Prefix added in TAdvSpinEdit
  • New : Padding added in TAdvEdit TAdvMaskEdit TAdvSpinEdit
  • New : Images in TAdvDBLookupComboBox use column''s alignment for rendering
  • New : ImageList images support in TAdvSmoothTabPager tab
  • New : HTML formatted text support in TAdvSmoothTabPager tab
  • New : Design-time preview for TAdvMultiInputQueryDialogEditor
  • New : Added Target parameter in AdvRichEditor.GetContentAsHTML
  • New : Added OnBeforeSortNodes and OnAfterSortNodes events in TAdvTreeView
  • New : Added HyperLinkTarget property in TAdvRichEditorHTMLIO
  • New : Added HotSpot.BeginUpdate/HotSpot.EndUpdate to do runtime hotspot picture updates
  • Improved : Vertical division of weeks in TPlannerCalendar TPlannerCalendarGroup
  • Improved : Drawing with large DayFont size in TPlannerCalendar TPlannerCalendarGroup
  • Fixed : Regression with Ellipsis drawing for TAdvOfficeCheckBox
  • Fixed : Issue with font initialization with high DPI when adding cell graphics in TAdvColumnGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with LookupNode function in TAdvTreeView not auto-expanding
  • Fixed : Issue with DisjunctRowSelectDrag in combination with hidden rows in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue for OnGetCurrentTime in plDay mode in TPlanner
  • : Improved: Checks for Application.MainForm in case of use via DLL in TFormSize


  • New : Slider.Indent property added to set more indent to allow longer tickmark text in TAdvTrackBar TAdvRangeSlider
  • New : GDIPImageTextButtonItem added properties ButtonImageMargin
  • New : Event OnCanDisjunctRowSelectDrag added in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : EdidType etInt64 added in TAdvEdit and descending classes with property Int64Value: int64
  • Improved : Using subdomain with CertCheck = ccDisabled in TWebUpdate
  • Improved : Use of TabMargin on tabs with and without image in TAdvPageControl
  • Improved : Handling of checkboxes in high DPI in TAdvListView
  • Improved : Automatic handling of date/time detection for sorting in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : TDBAdvSpinEdit handling for IncrementSmart/DecrementSmart in specific circumstances
  • Fixed : Rare issue with font size on high DPI during runtime creation in TAdvSearchEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with vertical alignment when TAdvOfficeCheckBox.Ellipsis = true
  • Fixed : Issue with toolbar caption font high DPI handling during DPI change in TAdvToolBar
  • Fixed : Issue with popup custom inplace editors in high DPI with Delphi 11 in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with hovering background color in specific Office styles on toolbar in TAdvGlowButton
  • Fixed : Issue with cell objects and font size handling in high DPI in TDBAdvGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with TDBAdvRichEditorRTFIO when destroying component
  • Fixed : Issue with LabelFont setting at design-time in TAdvTreeComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue in URLToFile function when request parameters are used in TWebUpdate
  • Fixed : GDIPItems change image size when using svg imagelist or picture container


  • New : Public method FindNext on TAdvMemoFindDialog
  • New : Public method FindNext ReplaceNext on TAdvMemoFindReplaceDialog
  • New : GDIPImageTextButtonItem added properties ButtonImageStretch and ButtonImageAspectRatio when using larger images
  • Improved : High DPI handling for TInspectorBar font property types
  • Improved : High DPI handling for TInspectorBar combobox property types
  • Improved : Default button size in TMoneyEdit
  • Improved : Button glyph center alignment in TAdvMoneyEdit TMoneyEdit
  • Improved : BorderColor updating during editing in TAdvSearchEdit
  • Improved : Automatic TAdvMemo pickup when creating TAdvMemoFindDialog TAdvMemoFindReplaceDialog
  • Fixed : Windows version retrieval for non Unicode Delphi versions in TEXEInfo
  • Fixed : Small color issue in Office2013 light gray style in TAdvPanel
  • Fixed : Regression with FixedFont scaling for high DPI in Delphi versions prior to 11 in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Rare issue setting cell text from OnButtonClick in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Navigation with righ key when ColWidths[x] = 0 in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with invoke dataset edit during runtime creation / setting visible in TAdvDBDateTimePicker
  • Fixed : Issue with handling OnClick for TAdvTabSet when programmatically adding/removing items
  • Fixed : Issue with getting button control from compact ribbon toolbar for TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with VCL styles initialization in TAdvOfficePager
  • Fixed : Issue with VCL Style Windows10 on Delphi 11 in TAdvGlowButton
  • Fixed : Issue with TAdvSignatureCapture background handling
  • Fixed : Issue with IncrementSmart/DecrementSmart and OnChange event in TAdvSpinEdit
  • Fixed : Hover drawing of dropdown button in specific modes in TAdvGlowButton
  • Fixed : High DPI font handling regression in Delphi versions 10.x in TDBAdvGrid
  • Fixed : Default panel text color for esCustom style in TAdvNavBar


  • New : Support for text fields for TDBAdbvRichEditorRTFIO TDBAdvRichEditorHTMLIO
  • New : Property AutoSizeDirection added in TAdvGlowButton
  • Improved : TAdvOfficeTableSelector high DPI handling with Delphi 11
  • Improved : Performance of ContractAll in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : HTML detection in Caption in TAdvMetroTile
  • Fixed : Issue with restoring control border color by TAdvToolTip
  • Fixed : Issue with node handling and grid.MouseActions.DisjunctRowSelectDrag = true in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with dblclick in combination with modal dialogs consuming focus in TAdvTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with color updating in TDBAdvRichEditorRTFIO and TDBAdvRichEditorHTMLIO
  • Fixed : Issue with ParentFont = true and font handling in high DPI in TAdvGlowButton
  • Fixed : Issue with OnChange and PgUp/PgDn in TAdvSpinEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with FixedFont on high DPI with Delphi 11
  • Fixed : Issue retrieving and inserting nodes based on row parameter in TAdvTreeView


  • New : Property grid.MouseActions.DisjunctRowSelectDrag added in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : Background picture property added to TAdvSignatureCapture
  • Improved : Less sensitive downward scrolling in combination with more options in TAdvTableView
  • Improved : Changed interface to use TImageCollection as well as ImageLists in THTMLStatusBar
  • Fixed : TAdvSmoothMessageDialog auto width issue
  • Fixed : Issue with setting Appearance.TranspHover = true in TAdvGlowButton
  • Fixed : Issue with returning existing categories for empty IDs in TAdvTableView
  • Fixed : Issue with function GetLastChildOfParentNode in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with day of week param in OnGetWeekDayName event in TAdvSmoothCalendar
  • Fixed : Issue with AutoSize on TAdvOfficeRadioGroup THTMLRadioGroup


  • New : TPlannerMonthView.XYToItem() function added
  • New : Support with ADR tag for the AppData\Roaming target folder in TWebUpdate
  • New : Support for HTML formatted text on grid cell buttons in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : Public function GetCaptionSize: TSize added in TAdvPanel
  • New : Property Item.NotesLineSpacing added in TAdvSmoothListBox
  • New : Property CommandLinksTextColor, CommandLinksBorderColor, CommandLinksBorderColorHot added in TAdvTaskDialog
  • New : Block brackets support added in TAdvMemo
  • Improved : TAdvOfficePager rendering on Windows 11
  • Improved : Rendering on high DPI with Delphi 11 in TAdvPanel
  • Improved : PDF Export in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : High DPI rendering with Delphi 11, Windows 11 of TAdvToolBarPager
  • Improved : High DPI rendering with Delphi 11, Windows 11 of TAdvOfficePager
  • Improved : High DPI rendering with Delphi 11, Windows 11 of TAdvGlowButton
  • Improved : Design-time initialized TColumnListBox has not column by default
  • Fixed : TAdvRichEditor initialization on record change of TDBAdvRichEditorRTFIO
  • Fixed : Issue with button background painting in TAdvEditBtn
  • Fixed : Issue with OnMouseDown for non-editable cells in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : DrawTool rendering of shapes in TPlanner
  • Fixed : Access violation in TAdvSmoothMessageDialog while closing with non modal dialogs


  • New : Support for Windows 11 added in TEXEInfo
  • New : Property InstructionTextColor added in TAdvTaskDialog TAdvInputTaskDialog
  • New : Property DropDownButtonWidth added in TInspectorBar
  • New : Made properties OleDropTarget / OleDropSource public properties in TAdvCardList
  • New : GrayScale TintColor CustomFillColor CustomStrokeColor and CustomOpacity properties in SVG engine and SVG image collection
  • New : Bitmap accessor for TPictureItem in TPictureContainer
  • Improved : VCL styles handling for button in TAdvEditBtn
  • Improved : High DPI handling in TAdvTabSet for Delphi 11
  • Improved : High DPI handling in TAdvPageControl for Delphi 11
  • Fixed : Issue with setting selected node before control handle is allocated in TAdvTreeComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with mouse wheel handling and Navigation.MoveRowOnScroll = true in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with destroying internal SortIndexes list in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with Tab key and SuppressColumn() in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with TDBAdvRichEditorRTFIO in specific destroy order cases
  • Fixed : High DPI handling in TAdvSearchEdit for Delphi 11
  • Fixed : High DPI handling in TAdvDropDown for Delphi 11


  • New : Function NodeWidth: integer in TAdvMemo
  • New : Function GetLastChildOfParentNode(Index: integer): integer in TAdvMemo
  • New : Event OnNewLineIndent added in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Rare issue with pressing enter breaking specific keywords
  • Fixed : Rare issue with anchored combobox and doublebuffered parent in TAdvComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with moving columns with sortindexes with hidden columns in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with high DPI in Delphi 11 with TAdvControlDropDown
  • Fixed : Issue with high DPI in Delphi 11 for TAdvPageControl tab font
  • Fixed : Issue with grid.AllCells[] and hidden columns in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with font initialization in high DPI in TAdvSearchEdit TAdvSearchComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with destroying dataset while filter is active in TAdvDBFilterPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with codefolding lines when no gutter is visible in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with TAB handling when dropdown is active in TCheckListEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with NarrowDown() in combination with FixedRowHeight = 0 in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue when entering incorrect masked input cell edit in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Font size rendering issue in HTML formatted text in high DPI in Delphi 11 in TAdvStringGrid


  • Improved : Zoom handling in TAdvRichEditor
  • Improved : Exposed StyleElements property for TInspectorBar
  • Fixed : Rare issue with editing with hidden columns and DirectEdit = true and custom inplace editor in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Possibly issue with very long balloon text in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with popup positioning on high DPI in THTMLPopup
  • Fixed : Issue with password editing and entry length in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with horiz. arrow drawing in TPlanner with small row heights
  • Fixed : Issue with OnCellClick for click on focused cell in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with Notes font and high DPI in TAdvGlowButton
  • Fixed : Auto sizing of HTML formatted text with high DPI in TAdvStringGrid TDBAdvGrid
  • : New: UserAgent property in TAdvWebBrowser
  • : New: ShowDebugConsole method to programmatically open the debug console in TAdvWebBrowser
  • New: ExecuteJavaScriptSync method to synchronously execute JavaScript in TAdvWebBrowser


  • New : TextVertAlign property added in TAdvMetroTile
  • New : Public read-only properties CharWidth/CharHeight exposed in TAdvMemo
  • New : OnGetNodeData event Data* properties to link to virtual node structure in TAdvTreeView
  • New : OnFocusedChanged event in TAdvTreeView
  • New : KEY expands one level - KEY collapses one level * KEY expands recursively / KEY collapses recursively in TAdvTreeView
  • Improved : Text rendering in combination with VCL styles use in THTMLTreeView
  • Improved : Docked toolbars with caption in high DPI in TAdvToolBar
  • Fixed : Regression with hover state painting in TAdvGlowButton
  • Fixed : Rare rendering issue in specific ranges in TAdvProgressBar
  • Fixed : Rare issue with read-only cells and column header checkboxes in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Rare issue with editing with hidden columns and DirectEdit = true in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Rare issue with edGridDropDown and Navigation.AdvanceOnEnter = true in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Rare issue of actions in combination with ribbon toolbar in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Rare HTML generation issue with text background color in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with tsaFull not fully drawing background for node in TAdvTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with text down color in combination with VCL styles in TAdvGlowButton
  • Fixed : Issue with multi selection for filtered items in TAdvSmoothImageListBox
  • Fixed : Issue with copying grid at designtime in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with anchors and P tag in HTML engine
  • Fixed : Issue with TAdvToolbar root menu-item updating
  • Fixed : Issue with LeadingZeros = false in TAdvSmoothLedLabel
  • Fixed : Issue with LabelFont and high-DPI on Delphi 11 in TAdvEdit TAdvMaskEdit
  • Fixed : High DPI FixedFont handling for Delphi 11 due to breaking changes in Delphi 11


  • New : SaveToJSON() overload added to save grid as JSON string in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : Event OnAfterPaint added in TAdvMemo
  • Improved : Exposed TAdvToolBar.Persistence as public property
  • Improved : Delphi 11 related high DPI handling
  • Improved : Cancelling hint when mouse moves between cell and non cell area in grid in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : SearchPanel control position when BiDiMode = bdRightToLeft in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Rare issue with multiple consecutive comments in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Rare issue with MouseActions.DirectEdit and popup menu in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Item text color initialization issue in TAdvColorPickerDropDown
  • Fixed : Issue with transparent icon drawing in hover state in TAdvGlowButton
  • Fixed : Issue with delete char and TDBAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with default value property AutoBlockEnd in TAdvMemo syntax styler components
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebUpdate SFTP connections in Delphi 2007
  • Fixed : Issue with TAdvGridImportDialog file progress event
  • Fixed : Issue with OnGetDisplText() when grid.PageMode = false in TDBAdvGrid


  • New : WaitForComplete() extended with parameter OnlyCancelTimer in TAdvCircularProgress
  • New : Public access to dialog form for non-native TAdvTaskDialog
  • New : Property NoCacheIsEmpty added in TWebImage
  • New : LoadFromFile() LoadFromStream() added in TWebImage
  • New : Interaction.MouseWheelDelta property to control mouse wheel scrolling sensitivity in TAdvTreeView
  • New : FilterEdit.AutoHotKeys property added in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : Exposed MaxLength to grid.FixedEdit in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : Exposed CharCase to grid.FixedEdit in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : TAdvSmoothGauge StyleElements published for VCL styles
  • Improved : MDI Button drawing in TAdvToolBarPager optimized when caption height is increased
  • Improved : Increased size of version info label in TWebUpdateWizardForm
  • Improved : Design-time PictureContainer editor
  • Improved : Conversion of date with long date format without exception from IDE
  • Fixed : TAdvStringGrid.SearchFooter behavior in mode BiDiMode bdRightToLeft
  • Fixed : Issue with hanging scroll actions in TAdvTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with background color painting in scrolling Planner
  • Fixed : Issue with assigning nil to TPicture property when SVG is loaded
  • Fixed : Issue with Visible property from Action not being updated at runtime in TAdvStickyPopupMenu
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebCopy SFTP in Delphi 2007
  • Fixed : Issue with ReadOnly and PgUp/PgDn in TAdvSpinEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with PrevChar after non text element in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with OnMouseEnter and OnMouseLeave not called in TAdvTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with EditorEnabled = false and shortcut keys in TAdvTreeCombo
  • Fixed : Issue with AutoTab and moving focus between 2 TAdvDateTimePicker controls


  • New : SyntaxStyler.AutoBlockEnd property added to auto insert block end in TAdvMemo
  • New : Image hint export to HTML support added in TAdvRichEditor
  • Improved : Caret position after dbl-click to select a word in TAdvRichEditor
  • Improved : Added flexibility to parse non-ISO formatted dates in TvCard
  • Fixed : TAdvSmoothTabPager vertical font caused memory leak
  • Fixed : Made TColumnComboBoxEditLink.Images property work with a TVirtualImageList
  • Fixed : Made ButtonImages property work with a TVirtualImageList in TAdvPreviewMenu
  • Fixed : Issue with using MemoSource and code folding in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with closing SFTP sessions in TWebUpdate
  • Fixed : Issue with ShowGroupCount for grouping in TDBAdvGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with P alignment in HTML anchor tests in HTML engine
  • Fixed : Issue with BODY Font-Family parsing in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Filter dropdown display in BiDiMode bdRightToLeft in TAdvStringGrid TDBAdvGrid


  • New : VerticalSpacing property added in TAdvMultiInputQueryDialog
  • New : String compare function COMPARE() added in TAdvSpreadGrid
  • New : OnRightClick event implemented and behavior blocked in TAdvSmoothButton TAdvSmoothToggleButton
  • New : Event OnFileProgress added in TAdvGridImportDialog
  • New : Design-time interface to reorder toolpanels
  • New : Changed default ButtonVertAlign value to tlCenter in TAdvOfficeCheckBox TAdvOfficeRadioButton
  • New : Added support for GB and GB/sec formatting in FileSizeFmt/FileSizeFmtSpeed in TWebCopy
  • Improved : Rendering on high DPI in TGDIPImageSectionItem
  • Improved : HighDPI drawing in TAdvDropdown
  • Improved : Drawing of positioned toolbar buttons on left or right aligned TAdvDockPanel
  • Fixed : Rendering issue with BidiMode right to left in TAdvMainMenu TAdvPopupMenu
  • Fixed : OnGridHint also triggered when mouse is over area without cells in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with using TAdvMenuStyler on data module in TAdvMainMenu
  • Fixed : Issue with using Font for caption drawing in TAdvShapeButton
  • Fixed : Issue with updating the progress bar state from the OnTimer event in TAdvTaskDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with node and row indicator drawing combined in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with category filtering in TAdvSearchEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with LabelMargin persisting in TAdvDropDown components
  • Fixed : Issue in selection with TAdvGridDropDown
  • Fixed : Issue in TAdvOfficePager with the close button drawing on Office 2019 style with the Chrome look
  • Fixed : Font size issue in merged cells in combination with highDPI in TAdvStringGrid


  • New : With PictureWidth = 0 PictureHeight = 0 picture automatically sizes in TAdvGlowButton
  • New : ShowDropDown method added to TAdvSearchEdit
  • New : Property ShowAccelChar added in TAdvDataLabel
  • New : Prefix SYSWOW64 added for TWebUpdate to handle installation of files under SysWOW64
  • New : Event OnKeyboardPosition added in TAdvPopupTouchKeyboard
  • Fixed : Rare issue with and followed by space character in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with rendering item in top Planner cell in TAdvPlannerPDFIO
  • Fixed : Issue with persisting window state in database in TFormSize
  • Fixed : Issue with page end and multirow cells in TAdvGridPDFIO
  • Fixed : Issue with high DPI selected font for cells with cell properties in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with dotted lines in TAdvPDFLib
  • Fixed : Issue with declaration tagNMHeader for Delphi 11 in TAdvListView
  • Fixed : Issue with active font for right and left aligned tabs on high DPI in TAdvPageControl
  • Fixed : Issue with Transparent property for TAdvGroupBox
  • Fixed : Issue calculating page fit width in TAdvGridPDFIO
  • Fixed : Drawing of checkboxes when scrolling on Win10 in TCheckFileListBoxEx
  • Fixed : Drawing issue with menu item text with shortcuts in TAdvPopupMenu


  • Fixed : Regression with introduced high DPI calculations in TAdvGridDropDown
  • Fixed : Issue with exporting extremely large pictures to RTF


  • New : TAdvFindDialog TAdvReplaceDialog Position property added
  • New : Support for TVirtualImageList in TAdvToolPanelTab
  • New : OnMultiItemSelect event introduced in TAdvSmoothImageListBox for better handling when multiselect is enabled
  • New : Event OnChangeScale added in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : Added EditorEnabled property to TAdvGridDropDown
  • Improved : Text vs control rendering for different vertical alignment in TAdvOfficeRadioButton / TAdvOfficeCheckBox
  • Improved : Support for adding Goto actions in TAdvPDFLib
  • Improved : Rendering of HTML formatted text in high DPI in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : Maximum sizing with auto hide taskbar in TAdvToolBarForm
  • Fixed : Issue with repaint after EndUpdate in TAdvSmoothCalendarGroup
  • Fixed : Issue with Transparent property on TAdvGroupBox
  • Fixed : Issue in TAdvSearchEdit with ESC char in dropdown triggering Cancel property


  • Fixed : Issue with AdvGDIP.hpp in C Builder


  • New : Double-click on border handling to auto maximize form height in TAdvToolBarForm
  • Improved : Status and ErrorCode handling in TAdvWebBrowser OnNavigateComplete event and TAdvCustomWebBrowserNavigateCompleteParams
  • Improved : OnColumnSize() event triggered during stretch invoked resize in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : HTML GDI text drawing
  • Fixed : Regression with sorting on Win64 with TAdvListView
  • Fixed : Rare issue with sorting and disjunct selected rows in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue withh column moving and indexed sorting in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with tab borders in combination with hidden tabs in TAdvPageControl
  • Fixed : Issue with retrieving correct item when filtering in TAdvKanbanBoard
  • Fixed : Issue with friendly names for filtering in TAdvColumnGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with formatting when exporting progressbar to PDF from TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with edMemoDropDown inplace editor type in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with combining AllSelect mouse action and filtering in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with changing LabelFont at runtime in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with TDBPlannerCalendar and event OnEventInsert
  • Fixed : Issue with OnFixedCellEdit event handler in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with DropDownHeight and ShowTimePicker = true in TAdvTimePickerDropDown
  • Fixed : Issue with DataSource.OnDataChange triggered from TDBAdvOfficeRadioGroup
  • Fixed : Issue with 10.4.2 high DPI breaking change with frame handling in TDBAdvGrid
  • Fixed : High DPI rendering of items in TAdvDetailDropDown
  • Fixed : AdvSmoothImageListBox HTML caption location
  • Fixed : Adapted rendering of TAdvBadge for high DPI


  • Improved : Rendering in Shape tsRectangle of TAdvToolTip
  • Improved : Performance of mousewheel zoom in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : InputFromCSV() overload added with TEncoding parameter in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : Fixed font handling with ScaleBy() when high DPI is disabled
  • Improved : Added flag WS_EX_COMPOSITED in Windows params in THTMListBox
  • Fixed : Regression with badge high DPI handling in TAdvBadge
  • Fixed : Issue with themed checkbox and Windows XP Windows 2000 Windows 2003 in TAdvGroupBox
  • Fixed : Issue with reparenting TAdvWebBrowser
  • Fixed : Issue with items with double quotes in TCheckListEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with drawing with only 2 columns in THTMLTreeList
  • Fixed : Issue with columns font when VCL styles are used in TAdvSmoothSpinner
  • Fixed : Issue with TAdvToolBar caption height on high DPI
  • Fixed : Issue int TAdvOfficePager with tab width when TextSelectedBold and MultiLine


  • New : Uses child controls for autosize in TAdvPanel
  • New : Uses Padding for rendering and autosize in TAdvPanel
  • New : Transparent property added in TAdvSmoothRotaryMenu
  • New : Property ColorDown made public in TAdvSmoothButton
  • Fixed : Issue with triggering OnCaptionClick for click on min/max button in TAdvPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with highlight in TAdvListBox
  • Fixed : Issue with high DPI during runtime creation of TAdvBadge
  • Fixed : Issue with TAdvToolBarButton and not assigned ToolBarStyler
  • Fixed : Issue with OnBeforeUnSelectNode and OnAfterUnSelectNode not called in TAdvTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with InsertAsRTF() position in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with AddCheckBoxColumn and grouping in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with 10.4.2 breaking change in runtime font size handling in TAdvStringGrid TDBAdvGrid
  • New: TAdvSmoothSplashScreen FadeInSettings and FadeOutSettings to customize fading behavior


  • Fixed : Regression with high DPI multimonitor handling for TAdvStringGrid


  • Improved : Painting performance in TAdvProgressBar
  • Improved : High DPI drawing in TAdvStringGrid for cell fonts and sort indicators
  • Improved : Changed TImageList property in TAdvSmoothMegaMenu to TCustomImageList type
  • Fixed : VCL styles and disabled spin buttons in TAdvSpinEdit
  • Fixed : Shortcoming with certain VCL styles for background color in THTMLHint
  • Fixed : Regression with Navigation.AdvanceOnEnter = true in TDBAdvGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with using TEXEInfo on Windows XP
  • Fixed : Issue with parsing bullets from RTF in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with SFTP connection to subfolder in TWebUpdate
  • Fixed : Issue with Navigation.MoveRowOnSort = true and disjunct row selection in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with HTML import and export when hyperlinks are used


  • New : function NumSuppressedRows: integer added in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : TAdvSmoothRotaryMenu BackgroundPicture implemented
  • New : Head property added to TAdvRichEditorHTMLIO
  • New : BodyClass property added to TAdvRichEditorHTMLIO
  • New : AutoSize property added in TAdvGraphicCheckLabel
  • Improved : Wait cursor handling in TWebUpdate wizard
  • Improved : SortIndexes.Clear updates sort indicators
  • Improved : Added AIncludeRows parameter to XYToColumn to include rows while detecting which column is located at X and Y coordinate in TAdvTreeView
  • Fixed : TAdvSmoothExpanderPanel Height set when MinimumPanelHeight used in runtime creation
  • Fixed : Regression with stricter date format checking in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Rare issue with threading in TAdvSmartMessageBox()
  • Fixed : Memory leak issue in TTreeList
  • Fixed : Issue with vertical text align in TAdvTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with scrolling while list is not visible in TAdvGridDropDown
  • Fixed : Issue with repainting speed buttons on TAdvSpinEdit with VCL styles
  • Fixed : Issue with font color in combination wwith code block caption in TAdvCodeList
  • Fixed : Issue with changing Enabled at design-time in TAdvSpinEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with boolean filters for non-English Delphi in TDBAdvFilterPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with badge positioning on buttons on ribbon
  • Fixed : Issue with VCL styles based rendering in THTMLHint
  • Fixed : Issue with TDBItemSource initialization
  • Fixed : Issue when doing custom sort in Win64 in TAdvListView
  • Fixed : Issue in TAdvSmoohtListBox with initializing time when using VCL styles
  • Fixed : DPI calculation when parent form is not Scaled


  • Fixed : Issue with reparenting TAdvWebBrowser in Windows
  • Fixed : Issue with cell properties and high DPI in TAdvStringGrid


  • New : PictureWidth PictureHeight properties to control size of SVG on TAdvGlowButton
  • New : GridFixedLineWidth property added in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : Case-sensitive property added in TCheckListEdit
  • New : Added RowLines RowLineColor to THTMLTreeList TTreeList
  • New : Added FullRow to THTMLTreeList TTreeList
  • New : Added Bands capability to THTMLTreeList TTreeList
  • Improved : VCL Styles handling for TMS Smooth Controls with font colors
  • Improved : Transparent drawing in TAdvSmoothPanel
  • Improved : Performance for adding HTML formatted items in TAdvSmoothListbox
  • Improved : More strict automatic date check for sorting in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : Custom cell border drawing in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : Code block highlighting in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with use of grid.FontSizes[] in high DPI scenario in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with missing AColumn parameter from OnIsNodeChecked event (breaking change) in TAdvTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with leaving password editor in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with highlighting and formulas in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with excluding font from StyleElement with VCL Styles in THTMLabel
  • Fixed : Issue with csDropDownList and and character in TAdvGridDropDown
  • Fixed : Issue with RemoveSelectedRows in specific circumstances in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with ReadOnly and clipboard copy in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with FixedColAlways = true and editing in fixed col in TAdvStringGrid


  • New : NextDot/NextAuto property added in TAdvIPEdit
  • New : IAdvDataBinderGrid interface added to TAdvStringGrid
  • New : IAdvDataBinderGrid interface added to TAdvListView
  • New : Event OnGridSelectCell event added in TAdvGridDropDown
  • New : Adaptions to support Delphi and C Builder 10.4.2 Sydney
  • Improved : Scrolling behavior when searchpanel is visible in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : Flexibility to open dropdown on controls with different owner than parent in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Improved : AutoValidate for etFloat etMoney type in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Text drawing transparency in help panel in TInspectorBar
  • Fixed : Issue with toggling enabled at runtime in TAdvLabelEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with suppressing rows and export to file in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with mouse wheel and inplace spin editor in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with default drag events not being called in TAdvTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with accented chars in search in TAdvSearchEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with OnEnter in specific circumstancees when FixedRowAlways = true in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with EditPostMode = epRow and Navigation.AdvanceOnEnter = true in TDBAdvGrid
  • Fixed : Issue in TAdvSmoothListBox with bottom line drawing on ScrollToItem


  • Fixed : Regression due to in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with runtime change of VCL Style in TAdvToolbarPager


  • Fixed : Issue with rectangle clipping in SVG since latest update
  • Fixed : Issue with EnableAcceleratorKeys default value in TAdvWebBrowser


  • New : TEXEInfo returns different editions of Windows 10 versions
  • New : Support for IME based emoticon entry in TAdvRichEditor
  • New : Property Navigation.AllowDeleteCells property added in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : Property DropDown added in TEditLink for TAdvStringGrid
  • New : Keyboard support in TAdvWatch
  • New : Gradient support in SVG engine
  • New : Event OnCardItemAppearance added for dynamic appearance configuration per card item in TAdvCardList
  • New : EnableAcceleratorKeys to enable/disable keyboard accelerator keys in TAdvWebBrowser
  • Improved : Drawing performance in TAdvRichEditor
  • Improved : Disabled drawing in TVirtualImageList in combination with SVGs
  • Fixed : Tab advance insert in combination with readonly cells in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : TAdvSmoohtPopup per monitor high DPI fixes to work in additional uses
  • Fixed : Regression with AutoSelect = true in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Rare issue with label font and value error handling in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with using different cell alignments and tab editing in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with switching WordWrap at runtime and scrollbars in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with setting Enabled at runtime in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with programmatically turning off line modified state
  • Fixed : Issue with moving parent nodes inside children in TAdvTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with mouse wheel and inplace spin editor in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with case-sensitivity in HTML import for special chars with TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with boolean fields in SQL command in TAdvDBFilterPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with Resolution handling in TAdvTimePickerDropDown
  • Fixed : Issue with OnClick event not being triggered in TAdvTableView
  • Fixed : Issue with Hyperlink handling and linebreaks in RTF in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue in TAdvSmoothListBox with bottom line of border on last item not visible


  • New : TPictureList.ThumbnailSizing property added to control whether it performs automatic stretch shrink both or none on pictures
  • New : TPictureList can automatically load SVG images from a folder too
  • New : TAdvSmoothFilter Font property introduced
  • New : OnFilterEnter and OnFilterExit event added in TAdvSmoothListBox
  • New : Emoticon support in smooth controls HTML engine
  • Improved : TAdvSmoothPopupTouchKeyboard Font property published
  • Improved : Special character support in smooth controls HTML engine
  • Improved : SVG drawing quality
  • Improved : Added check with VCL styles if tab color is different from text color in TAdvOfficePager
  • Fixed : Issue with selection event being triggered when programmatically selecting an item in TAdvKanbanBoard
  • Fixed : Issue with runtime VCL style changing in TAdvOfficeTabSet
  • Fixed : Issue with opening TAdvSmoothPopUp for second time on different DPI
  • Fixed : Issue with handling buttons with badges on toolbars
  • Fixed : Issue with code folding when no memo syntax styler is assigned in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with TDBAdvOfficeRadioGroup when dataset is in Insert mode
  • Fixed : Issue with RTF generation with multiple hyperlinks
  • Fixed : Issue in TAdvOfficeStatusBar with StretchPanel size on high DPI.


  • New : Public property PrintRow: integer added to know row being printed from event handlers
  • Fixed : Rare issue with AdvanceOnEnter and edit alignment in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with synchronizing selected DB record in TDBPlannerMonthView
  • Fixed : Issue with state setting for use in TDBCtrlGrid in TDBAdvOfficeCheckBox
  • Fixed : Issue with showing balloons on overlapping items in TPlannerMonthView
  • Fixed : Issue with return value of function AddCodeFolding in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with parsing inline images in HTML files in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with keyboard size after runtime creation in TAdvPopupTouchKeyboard
  • Fixed : Issue with high DPI when menu system font is used in TAdvMainMenu
  • Fixed : Issue with filtering of numeric values when parenthesis is used in TAdvStringGrid


  • New : Public property .Octets[Index] exposed in TAdvIPEdit
  • Fixed : Regression with auto button positioning on TAdvToolBar at design-time
  • Fixed : Issue with TAction imageindex change on buttons using action
  • Fixed : Issue with OnItemEdited event in TPlannerMonthView
  • Fixed : Issue with OnDblClick event in TAdvIPEdit


  • New : UIStyle property added in TAdvCheckTreeView
  • New : TAdvToolTip component for web-style control input validation indication
  • New : OnBefore* OnAfter* events added for navigator in TDBInspectorBar
  • New : Enable use of TVirtualImageList on TAdvOutlookList
  • New : Emoji support in HTML engine
  • New : DragScroll property in TAdvSmoothImageListBox similar to disable scrolling with the left mouse button.
  • New : Balloon hint for TAdvEdit TAdvSpinEdit TAdvComboBox and all descendent components
  • Improved : Item Post not performed on item dblclk in TDBPlannerMonthView
  • Fixed : Rare issue with focus after hovering toolbar options menu in TAdvToolBar
  • Fixed : Rare issue with SubUnGroup() combined with OnRowChanging
  • Fixed : Issue with use of badges on TAdvToolBar controls
  • Fixed : Issue with retrieval of image references on HTTPS in TWebData
  • Fixed : Issue with font size of TAdvMainMenu items in TAdvToolbar on high DPI
  • Fixed : Issue with SQL Date separator quote handling in TAdvDBFilterPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with Navigation.KeepHorizScroll = true and FixedCols = 0
  • Fixed : Issue with HTML rendering for andgt; and andlt; special chars in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with DropDownWidth handling in TAdvGlowButton
  • Fixed : Issue with AddText(textfont) overload and text color in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue in TAdvToolBar with position of controls in floating dock on high DPI
  • Fixed : Auto sizing of menu toolbar buttons on a docked panel in TAdvToolBar


  • New : UseFixedFont property added in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : TAdvFormStyler compatibility added and UIStyle property exposed
  • New : Support for use with TAdvFormStyler added in TAdvCheckTreeView
  • New : Support for HR color attribute in HTML rendering in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : SelectError() returns the last found element where an error was found in TAdvRichEditor
  • New : Exposed SignaturePoints as public property in TAdvSignatureCapture
  • Fixed : Rare issue with OnGetEditorProp when VCL styles are used in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Rare issue when setting ItemIndex of unfocused TAdvComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with using TDBAdvOfficeComboBox with no DataSource assigned
  • Fixed : Issue with toggling Enabled property at runtime in TAdvSpinEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with hiding options menu from TAdvToolBar in particular circumstances
  • Fixed : Issue with autosizing of runtime created TAdvToolBarButton
  • Fixed : Issue with OnKeyUp() for VK_RETURN key in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with NextEdit() in combination with filter editing in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with DPI change on runtime created forms in THTMListBox


  • New : XlsEndRowXlsEndCol properties added in TAdvGridExcelIO
  • New : SaveRectToHTMLString method added in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : Property StyleElements exposed for TAdvToolBarPager
  • New : Property LeadingZeros added in TAdvEdit
  • New : OnMouseLeave OnMouseEnter events exposed in TAdvPageControl
  • New : GridEndRowGridEndCol properties added in TAdvGridExcelIO
  • New : Event OnBeforeEdit added in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : CopyRectToClipboardAsHTML method added in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : Component TAdvSearchComboBox added TComboBox replacement with filter as you type
  • New : BiDi mode property added for TAdvSmoothButton
  • Improved : Vertical checkbox versus text drawing in psProperties mode in TInspectorBar
  • Improved : Support for editing blob memo fields with TMemoInspectorEditLink in TInspectorBar
  • Improved : Rendering of always visible spin buttons on high DPI in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : Hint width calculation with TAdvOfficeHint
  • Improved : AutoTab between parts of date entry in TAdvDateTimePicker
  • Fixed : ItemHeight handling in per monitor DPI case in THTMLTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with use of system colors and clipboard in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with save to JSON with linefeeds in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with retrieving ItemIndex from the OnSelect event in TAdvSearchEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with importing base64 encoded picture from HTML in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with high DPI when menu item controls are used in TAdvStickyPopupMenu
  • Fixed : Issue with design-time deleting TAdvRichEditor connected to TAdvRichEditorHTMLIO
  • Fixed : Issue with control creation order and shortcut hint handling in TAdvToolBar
  • Fixed : Issue with PreciseCheckBoxClick in centered cell with text in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with NarrowDown() and non-incremental search in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with LookupBar initialization in TAdvSmoothListBox
  • Fixed : Issue when many vertical oriented radiobuttons are used in a single cell in TAdvStringGrid


  • New : Property DragScroll: boolean added in TAdvSmoothListBox
  • New : Overloads for AppendToCSV() SaveToCSV() in TAdvStringGrid to specify encoding
  • New : Detection of Windows Server 2019 in TEXEInfo
  • Improved : Rendering of TAdvPopupMenu with menu items with break
  • Fixed : Memory leak OLE drag and drop in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with using lookup combobox of non-numeric type in TDBAdvGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with using FixedRowHeight on highDPI multimonitor config with different DPI
  • Fixed : Issue with style change after logout or RDP exit in TAdvToolBarPager
  • Fixed : Issue with setting default button on TAdvMessageDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with setting .Text property in code during form create in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with retrieving ItemIndex after setting at runtime in TAdvSearchEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with high DPI when custom caption font is used
  • Fixed : Issue with choosing no border color in TAdvToolBar
  • Fixed : Issue with checkbox in dropdown in TAdvGridDropDown
  • Fixed : Issue with backspace on last char in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Design-time handling of TAdvDirectoryEdit glyph


  • New : TAdvWebBrowser Demo added
  • New : Method grid.LaunchEdit() added to trigger start edit via PostMessage() in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : ImageList support added in TAdvGlassButton
  • Fixed : TAdvToolbarPager high DPI drawing of caption buttons for older styles
  • Fixed : TAdvSmoothPopup additional fixes for per monitor high dpi
  • Fixed : Selection color intialization with VCL Styles when seFont = false in StyleElements in TAdvSearchList
  • Fixed : Issue with scrolling in grid when grid.UseRecNo = true in TDBAdvGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with incremental search lookup reset in TAdvSearchEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with destroying TAdvDockPanel at design-time
  • Fixed : Issue with custom TColumnComboBoxEditLink used in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with checkbox size calculation in high DPI in TAdvOfficeCheckBox
  • Fixed : Issue with Transparent = true on parent controls with gradients in TAdvTrackBar
  • Fixed : Issue with ItemIndex retrieval from OnSelect event in TAdvSearchEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with FormControlEditLink and esPopup style in high DPI in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with FileVersionInt function in TEXEInfo
  • Fixed : Display issue with cancel after edit in TDBAdvGrid


  • Fixed : VCL Style registration code issue in TAdvOfficeColorPicker
  • Fixed : Rare case of horiz. scrollbar updating when grid.ScrollProportional = true
  • Fixed : Issue with centering text when Ellipis = true in TAdvOfficeCheckBox
  • Fixed : Issue with anchor click handling in TAdvTreeView


  • New : TAdvStringGridSelectAll TAdvStringGridClear actions added
  • New : Support for TYPECOLORIMAGE specifiers for LI elements in THTMListBoxTHTMLabelTHTMLComboBoxTHTMLCheckBoxTHTMLRadioButton
  • New : Support for TYPECOLORIMAGE specifiers for LI elements in HTML formatted cells in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : Method MoveToGroup() CopyToGroup() added to move panels between groups in TAdvPanelGroup
  • Improved : VCL Styles usage in dropdown with scrollbars
  • Improved : TAdvWebBrowser compatibility with latest Edge Chromium stable updates
  • Improved : TAdvOfficeFontSelector with VCL styles handling
  • Improved : Row heights handling when switching between monitors with different DPI in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : High DPI text drawing precision in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : VCL style got cleared in TAdvOfficePager when changing monitors with different DPI
  • Fixed : Text color of TAdvToolbarButton in Office 2016 Black style
  • Fixed : Regression with setting TabVisible = false in TAdvPageControl
  • Fixed : Rare issue with spellcheck when wordwrap is enabled in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with image resize andnd update in TDBAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with RDP reconnect when no VCL styles are used in TAdvGlowButton
  • Fixed : Issue with HTML rendering in combination with per monitor DPI changing
  • Fixed : Issue in TAdvMultiColumnDropDown and ColumnSizeWithDropDown = true
  • Fixed : High DPI issue with OwnerDraw = true in TAdvListView


  • Fixed : Memory leak in TAdvGroupBox
  • Fixed : Issue with column width synchronization during startup in TAdvDropDown


  • New : TPlannerCalendarEditLink component added
  • New : TDBAdvRichEditorRTFIO demo added
  • New : TAdvToolBarContainer.ShowBorder property added
  • New : TAdvSmoothTouchKeyBoard per monitor high DPI support
  • New : Redesigned design-time HTML property editor
  • New : Autoposition of controls in toolbar takes AlignWithMargins/Margins in account
  • Improved : VCL Styles and high DPI compatibility in TAdvDropDown controls
  • Improved : Rendering with VCL Styles of Windows 10 * type in TAdvSpinEdit
  • Fixed : THTMLComboBox ItemHeight size on per monitor dpi
  • Fixed : Specific issue with copy to clipboard as HTML in relationship with MS Word in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Regression with ScaleForDPI call in TAdvDropDown
  • Fixed : Potential issue with deleting assigned FocusControl in TAdvTaskDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with use on parent controls with Ctl3D = false in TAdvListEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with repeated RTE clipboard paste in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with highlight text containing and character in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with high DPI in TColumnComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with dropdown size on per monitor DPI in TAdvDropDown
  • Fixed : Issue with dataset update from clipboard paste in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with border appearance when BorderStyle = bsNone in TAdvTouchSpinEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with VCL styles and scrollbar update when seClient = false in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with TAdvToolBarMenuButtontext color with TMS styles
  • Fixed : Issue with MarginHorz setting for blGlyphRightAdjusted layout in TAdvGlowButton
  • Fixed : Issue with InsertAsRTF() and update TDBAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue in TAdvPanel with Background image size when starting on high DPI screen
  • Fixed : Design-time issue with copy and paste of TAdvPopupMenu
  • Fixed : Calculation of MinRowHeight/MaxRowHeight in multimonitor scenario in TAdvStringGrid


  • New : RangeCharacter / RangeCharacterFrequency properties added in TAdvEdit
  • New : CaptionFont added in TAdvGroupBox TAdvOfficeRadioGroup TAdvOfficeCheckGroup
  • Improved : VCL Themes handling in TAdvDropDown
  • Improved : Handling of persistence with different DPI on monitors in TFormSize
  • Fixed : Issue with signing in spawned updater in TWebUpdate
  • Fixed : Issue with import from HTML with SUB/SUP tags in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with function NewVersionAvailable when sFTP based update is used
  • Fixed : Issue with dropdown initialization when DataSource is not assigned in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebUpdate wizard and sFTP access
  • Fixed : Issue with OnClickSub not exposed in TAdvMultiButtonEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with LoadFromCSV() and file encoding in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with AutoCloseTimeOut for repeated execution in TAdvInputTaskDialog


  • New : Property AutoSize added in TAdvGroupBox
  • New : OnValueSelect/OnValueUnSelect events added in TAdvListEditor
  • New : LoadFromCSVStream overload with Encoding parameter in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : Alignment property added in TAdvGraphicCheckLabel
  • Improved : High DPI compatibility in TAdvDropDown controls
  • Improved : Font handling when ParentFont = true in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Stack overflow issue with edDataCheckBox inplace editor in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Rare issue with OnComboChange event with opening combobox editor
  • Fixed : Issue with editing via setting DataSet.Edit in TDBAdvOfficeRadioGroup TDBAdvOfficeCheckGroup
  • Fixed : Issue with changing Default property at runtime for TAdvGlowButton
  • Fixed : Issue with MaxHorizontalExtent calculation in THTMListbox
  • Fixed : Issue with Enable in TAdvDBLookupComboBox when no DataSource is assigned
  • Fixed : Issue with EmptyText background color in TAdvGDIPicture
  • Fixed : GDIPImageItem description font size and image sizes on high DPI


  • New : NextEdit() method added in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : Use in combination with a TVirtualImageList on high DPI in TAdvOfficeStatusBar
  • Improved : ShowFixedInplaceEdit() behavior when a Filter Edit is used in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : Printing title text on TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : Lookup in TAdvGridDropDown
  • Improved : Loading the filter shows the filter value automatically when a Filter Edit is used in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : Exposed Align property for TAdvColorSelector
  • Improved : Behavior when keying ''-'' on selected signed value in TAdvSpinEdit
  • Improved : Autocompletion type identifier rendering in high DPI in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : TAdvToolBarPager UpdateApperance access violation if page appearance didn''t exist
  • Fixed : TAdvRichEditorHorizontalRuler position on creation
  • Fixed : Rare issue with loading from CSV with multiline values in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Isuse with DPI scale initialization in THTMLStaticText
  • Fixed : Issue with using cell objects and RemoveRowList() method
  • Fixed : Issue with unbalanced

    tag in HTML export in TAdvRichEditor

  • Fixed : Issue with paste from clipboard in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with paste from clipboard and caret in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with dataset activation in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with TAdvEdit when used on a TTitleBarPanel in Delphi 10.4
  • Fixed : Issue with Paste into selected text in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with OnComboObjectChange when starting combobox inplace editor in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with HintShowXY in TPlanner
  • Fixed : Issue with AutoDropWidth = true and scrollbar in dropdown in TAdvComboBox
  • Fixed : Inplace editor vertical positioning in TAdvListEditor
  • Fixed : AppColor difference for Selection and ActiveCell color with Grid components when using TAdvFormStyler Office 2019 styles


  • New : TAdvWebBrowser now has out of the box support for the new Edge Chromium browser included by default in Windows 10
  • Improved : Precision for dropdown button click in high DPI in TAdvOfficeColorSelector
  • Improved : Label font high DPI handling
  • Improved : High quality resampling of icons for non-native dialogs in TAdvTaskDialog
  • Improved : High DPI font handling in TAdvOffice*Selectors
  • Fixed : Rare regression with updating dataset from edit OnChange event in TDBAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with selected text painting on high DPI screens on TAdvOfficeFontSelector TAdvOfficeFontSizeSelector
  • Fixed : Issue with font retrieval from TTabPersistent element in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with activating dataset when control window handle is not created in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Backward navigation with arrow keys in combination with readonly-cells in TAdvStringGrid


  • New : THTMLCheckGroup.CheckedAsString property added
  • New : Support for HTTPS added in TWebPictureContainer
  • Fixed : Verification checkbox height on high DPI in non-native TAdvTaskDialog
  • Fixed : Regression with using Notes rectangle when no Notes are used in TAdvGlowButton
  • Fixed : Issue with collapsed TAdvToolBarPager and changing active page


  • New : EmptyText/EmptyTextFocused in TAdvMemoDropDown
  • New : Added Value property for TAdvUpDownEdit
  • Improved : Setting color at design-time switches off Transparent automatically in TAdvGroupBox
  • Improved : Positioning of controls in THTMLRadioGroup THTMLCheckGroup when caption is empty
  • Improved : Font use on TAdvMemoDropDown in dropdown memo
  • Improved : Changed Images property to TCustomImageList type in TAdvCardList
  • Fixed : Verification text rendering issue in TAdvInputTaskDialog
  • Fixed : VCL Styles are not used in TAdvCardList when seClient is excluded from StyleElements
  • Fixed : TAdvGlowButton added check to forced paint when ButtonSizeState was set
  • Fixed : Issue with focus handling in invisible tab sheets in TAdvPageControl
  • Fixed : Issue with dynamically setting footer icon from OnInputValidate in TAdvInputTaskDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with combination of custom color and custom focus color in TAdvComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with adapting text color via OnCustomDrawItem in THTMLTreeList
  • Fixed : Issue with VCL style color retrieval for Windows XX styles in TAdvSpinEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with TAdvEdit text positioning when BorderStyle = bsNone
  • Fixed : High DPI issue in TAdvSmoothGauge with section margins


  • Improved : TDBAdvOfficeRadioGroup TDBAdvOfficeCheckGroup take DataSource.AutoEdit in account
  • Fixed : TGDIPButtonItem button size was not correct on high DPI
  • Fixed : TAdvSmoothListbox items caption width not correct on high DPI greater than 200 per cent
  • Fixed : TAdvGlowButton Glyph location in left and right layout with notes longer than caption
  • Fixed : Rare issue with etFloat validation after clipboard paste in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Painting issue for TAdvDateTimePicker when runtime themes are disabled
  • Fixed : Loading color issues in TAdvPolyPager
  • Fixed : Issue with ptCustom font value for drawing in TInspectorBar
  • Fixed : Issue with header text height in high dpi with HeaderOwnerDraw in TAdvListView
  • Fixed : Issue with font style settings for horizontal category headers in TAdvRatingGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with dropdown when drop down grid is empty in TAdvGridDropDown
  • Fixed : Issue with UIStyle value for previous existing TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with OnChanged handled for key interaction in TAdvTrackBar
  • Fixed : Issue with OnChange event trigger sequence when FreeOnClose is used in TAdvPageControl
  • Fixed : Design-time issue when resizing and copy and paste in TAdvMetroPanel


  • New : Support for high DPI VCL Styles handling in THTMLCHeckList
  • New : ModalResult property added for TAdvGlassButton
  • New : Added compatibility with TVirtualImageList in TSectionListBox
  • Fixed : TAdvSmoothTabPager use of AppColor in Office2019 White style with TAdvFormStyler
  • Fixed : TAdvOfficeTabSet use of AppColor in Office2019 White style with TAdvFormStyler
  • Fixed : TAdvOfficePager use of AppColor in Office2019 White style with TAdvFormStyler
  • Fixed : Rare issue with handling left/right arrow key on combobox in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with use of TCurvyPanel on a TAdvTabSheet
  • Fixed : Issue with runtime color initialization in TAdvSpinEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with restarting calculation from TAdvCalculatorDropDown in TAdvCalculatorDropDown
  • Fixed : Issue with presetting Look = glListView and UIStyle in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with multiple line comment definitions in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with GetHyperlinkDetails() and casing of URL in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with CanUndo = true and ReadOnly = true in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Issue in TAdvPolyPager with the TMS style colors when reading from form file.
  • Fixed : Incorrect word-break issue on URL in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Checkbox drawing in THTMLCheckList in Win64
  • Fixed : Background color issue in Delphi versions prior XE2 in TAdvWordCloud


  • New : Public method ZoomReset added in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : Event OnProgressColor added in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : Event OnControlVisibleChange added in TAdvToolBar
  • New : AllowBlank added to TDBGridColumnItem in TDBAdvGrid
  • Fixed : TAdvSmoothListbox issue resizing in TAdvSmoothListboxItem when notes were changed to an empty text and autosize was enabled
  • Fixed : TAdvOfficeHint updated Office2019 colors
  • Fixed : TAdvAlertWindow Initialisation of font height
  • Fixed : Issue with scanning image refs using HTTPS in TWebData
  • Fixed : Issue with EditorEnabled = false in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with EditHint when ScrollHints = shNone in TAdvSpreadGrid


  • Improved : High DPI checkbox drawing in THTMLCheckList
  • Improved : Design-time disabling of themed TAdvGroupBox checkbox drawing
  • Fixed : Rare issue with left arrow key and CursorWalkEditor = true in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with style initialization in TAdvPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with setting checkbox state in grid with NarrowDown
  • Fixed : Issue with Undo and wordwrapping in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with TAdvToolBarStyler initialization
  • Fixed : Issue with TAdvPanel style initialization


  • New : TDBPlannerCalendar per monitor support for high DPI
  • New : TAdvOfficeHint per monitor support for high DPI
  • New : OnScrollChanged event added in THTMLStaticText
  • New : ButtonWidth property added in TAdvMoneyEdit
  • New : BorderColor property added in TAdvMultiButtonEdit
  • New : Automatic folder persistence for TGDIPPictureContainer editor
  • New : "Save to file" action for selected images in TGDIPPictureContainer editor
  • Improved : Lookup is happening on trimmed text entered so leading spaces are ignored
  • Improved : Hint rendering with help and rounded in TAdvOfficeHint
  • Fixed : Rare memory issue when using together with EurekaLog in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Rare issue with navigation and visible search footer in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Rare issue with CursorWalkEditor and combobox inplace editor in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with step by step via TAdvMemoFindReplaceDialog in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with OnSelect from keyboard selection in TAdvGridDropDown
  • Fixed : Issue with Filter popup menu when VCL styles are used in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue in TAdvToolBarPager with default caption height
  • Fixed : Issue font import/export in combination with bullets in TAdvRichEditor


  • Improved : TAdvRichEditorHorizontalRuler improved AutoPosition positioning and drawing for High DPI
  • Improved : Higher quality image stretching added in TAdvRichEditor
  • Improved : Font rendering on high DPI screens in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with mixing password and non-password style inplace editors in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with keyboard lookup in TAdvGridDropDown
  • Fixed : Issue with font height with AdvMenuStyler in AdvToolBarOfficeStyler on high DPI
  • Fixed : Issue with design-time column width indication in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with clipping for HTML formatted text in TPlannerMonthView
  • Fixed : Issue with cell validation when DirectEdit := true in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with border drawing in TAdvDateTimePicker on Delphi 7
  • Fixed : Issue with TAeroSpeedButton text drawing with VCL styles
  • Fixed : Issue with TAdvMemoFileSaveAction with MemoSource is used
  • Fixed : Issue with HideRow() and Real to Displ row index conversion in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue in TAdvToolBarPager with caption height difference between design-time and run-time
  • Fixed : Issue in TAdvRichEditorHorizontalRuler with initial value for AutoWidth and AutoPosition set to True
  • Fixed : Issue in TAdvOfficeStatusBar with retrieving correct panel index on high DPI


  • New : TAdvListBox UIStyle property for TMS styles added
  • New : Support for high DPI in the RibbonToolBars
  • New : SeperatorColor added in TVistaBackground for TAdvOfficeStatusBar to show seperation in white styles
  • New : Public property RTFAnsiEncoding: boolean added in TAdvRichEditor
  • New : Property TAdvRichEditorHTMLIO.PlainHTML added
  • New : Functions GetLineIndexWrapped GetLineIndexWrappedEnd added in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : VCL styles check updated to work in 10.4 Sydney
  • Fixed : Rare issue with using return and OnChange event handler in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Rare issue with TAdvSplitter and drawing with non DoubleBuffered controls
  • Fixed : Potential issue with font picker dialog causing focus leave on TInspectorBar
  • Fixed : Paint issue in TPlannnerCalendar with the height of the header background
  • Fixed : Issue with setting focus to next control when closing the OptionWindow in TAdvToolBar
  • Fixed : Issue with disabled colors in Office 2019 styles
  • Fixed : Issue with auto sizing of hint when HintWidth = -1 in TAdvOfficeHint
  • Fixed : Issue with TWebUpdate in non UAC mode
  • Fixed : Issue with SaveToDoc() and row numbers in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with OLE drag and drop in grid without fixed column in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with InsertTextAtXY in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with GetThemePartSize on Win64
  • Fixed : Issue in TAdvToolBarPager with the top border color
  • Fixed : Issue in TAdvToolBarPager with the caption text overlapping the caption buttons
  • Fixed : Issue in TAdvToolBarPager with initialized tab width in Office 2019
  • Fixed : Issue in TAdvOfficeStatusBar with panel width on high DPI
  • Fixed : Issue in TAdvOfficePager with UIStyle property and Office 2003 Blue style
  • Fixed : Issue in TAdvMultiButtonEdit images now change between black and white according to button text color.
  • Fixed : High DPI handling for embedded HTML controls in TPlanner


  • New : function FilteredRows: integer added in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : Support for Delphi 10.4 Sydney / C Builder 10.4 Sydney
  • Fixed : TAdvPanel issue with clearing caption glyphs when changing the style
  • Fixed : Rare issue with using BeginUpdate/EndUpdate and using SearchFooter in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with using StyleElements in TAdvSmoothTrackBar
  • Fixed : Issue with ptCustom property type and display of value in TInspectorBar
  • Fixed : Issue with focus drawing when BidiMode = bdRightToLeft in TAdvOfficeCheckBox
  • Fixed : Issue with button glyph painting in TAdvMaskEditBtn
  • Fixed : Column setretching when StretchColumn = -1 in TAdvStringGrid


  • Fixed : Issue with TAdvUtils.GetImageType causing problems in i.a TAdvToolBarPager


  • Fixed : Issue with compatibility with Windows 8


  • New : VCL Styles support added in TAdvMetroCategoryList
  • New : Transparent property added for TAdvOfficeRadioButton TAdvOfficeCheckBox
  • New : Tabs collection added to have list of programmable tabs in TAdvRichEditor
  • New : THTMLRadioGroup THTMLCheckGroup inherited all TAdvGroupBox features
  • New : TCurvyPanel.BorderWidth property added
  • New : TAdvTouchKeyBoard demo added
  • New : TAdvTouchKeyBoard Support for multiple characters when SpecialKey is skNone and KeyValue -1
  • New : TAdvRichEditorHorizontalRuler integration in TAdvRichEditor
  • New : TAdvRichEditorHorizontalRuler component introduced
  • New : TAdvListEditor WantTab property to shift through the items with the TAB key
  • New : TAdvInputTaskDialog demo added
  • New : TAdvGridCSVPager.ColumnHeader property added
  • New : TAdvDurationEdit component introduced
  • New : TAdvDualListBox Top up down and bottom buttons added to change the order of the items in the right listbox
  • New : TAdvDBLookupComboBox BorderColor added
  • New : TAdvBadgeCalendar component introduced
  • New : StyleElements property added in TAdvSmoothTrackBar
  • New : SetSelectionRightIndent() method added in TAdvRichEditor
  • New : Public property DragCaret added in TAdvMemo
  • New : Property grid.MouseActions.AllSelectAllFixedColumns: boolean added in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : Property DisabledShadow added to THTMLRadioGroup THTMLCheckGroup
  • New : Overload of Save() function in TAdvRichEditorHTMLIO to specify encoding
  • New : OnlyShowStateCaption property in TAdvTouchKeyBoard makes it possible to only see the caption of the current state
  • New : OnAutoResize event added in TAdvListEditor
  • New : Method HideHoverButtons added in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : Method HasHTMLForm(ColRow) added in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : KeyString property on TAdvTouchKeyItem in TAdvTouchKeyBoard to set custom text
  • New : HexValue property when Edit Type is etHex in TAdvEdit and TAdvEditBtn
  • New : Grid OnIsFixedHoverCell event added in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : EditAlign and EditType properties added in TAdvMultiButtonEdit
  • New : Color property for TInspectorItem in TInspectorBar
  • New : ButtonTransparent property added in TPlannerDatePicker TPlannerMaskDatePicker TAdvMaskEditBtn
  • Improved : Themed high DPI rendering in TAdvStringGrid TInspectorBar TAdvGroupBox TAdvOfficeCheckBox TAdvOfficeRadioButton
  • Improved : CursorWalkEditor also applies to edComboList inplace editor in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : ColumnSize.SynchNormalCellsOnly behavior in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : Changed ImageIndex type to TImageIndex in TAdvToolButton
  • Improved : Calling Clear resets the default font in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : UIStyle initialization issue in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : TAdvToolBar look in TAdvToolBarPager was changed when style in bsCustom
  • Fixed : Memory leak issue with InsertMultiLineText() in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with z-order for badges on TAdvGlowButton
  • Fixed : Issue with using backspace while autocompletionlist is showing in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with updating font and font-size from TRichEditFormatToolBar
  • Fixed : Issue with transparent drawing of pen width selection in dropdown button in TAdvOfficePenWidthSelector
  • Fixed : Issue with setting dataset Active false and radio button enable in TDBAdvOfficeRadioGroup
  • Fixed : Issue with runtime label font initialization in TAdvComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with responsiveness of tabs after a hidden tab in TAdvOfficeTabSet
  • Fixed : Issue with per monitor high DPI support for non native task dialogs
  • Fixed : Issue with mousewheel handling on closed TAdvGridDropDown
  • Fixed : Issue with irregular autocompletion start tokens in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with group header / summary color when using merged header/summary in TDBAdvGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with goTabs set and HTML forms in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with font charset handling in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with esPopup special inplace editors and mousewheel in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with color initialization of TAdvNavBarPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with checkbox overlapping text when using very long VerificationText messages in TAdvTaskDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with checkbox click in TAdvGridDropDown
  • Fixed : Issue with balloon on combobox entry in TAdvInputTaskDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with balloon in validation on grid in form hosted in other form in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with Undo for DeleteTextAtXY in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with TAdvRichEditorBulletType in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with TAdvGridCSVPager for C
  • Fixed : Issue with SearchFooter position when ScrollBarAlways = saBoth in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with OnChange for setting values programmatically with FloatValue/IntValue in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with DisabledTextColor and drawing Prefix/Suffix in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with CheckAllCheck on read-only TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : EditCanModify not called within BeginUpdate/EndUpdate block in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : DataSet state issue after assigning DBAdvRichEditor.DataSource


  • New : UIStyle property for AdvOfficeSelectors and TAdvOfficeScrollSelector
  • New : Dropdown arrow color can be set with ArrowColor and ArrowColorDisabled in AdvSelectors
  • New : AdvSmoothEdit BorderColor property implemented
  • Improved : The unit GDIPMenu is added on design-time creation of TAdvSmoothMegaMenu
  • Improved : Drawing precision of images in TAdvRatingGrid
  • Improved : Changed TImageList property to TCustomImageList for compatibility with TVirtualImageList in TColumnComboBox TColumnListBox
  • Fixed : Small regression with grid.MouseActions.DirectEdit = true and grid.Navigation.CursorWalkEditor = true in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Small issue with control color initialization in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : OnChange event handler for programmatic changes in TAdvSpinEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with vertically centering images in TImagePicker
  • Fixed : Issue with font size set in runtime on high DPI in TAdvSmoothListBox.
  • Fixed : Issue with TRatingCategory.OnImageIndexTRatingCategory.OffImageIndex initialization in TAdvRatingGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with SimpleLayout property persistence when copying TAdvSmoothButton
  • Fixed : Issue with SetFocus when control cannot get focus in TAdvMultiFileMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with FocusFont = true in TAdvComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with FilterDropDown listbox and high-DPI in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue when using larger than 16x16 custom filter dropdown glyphs in TAdvStrinGrid


  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyles in TAdvProgressBar TPlannerMaskDatePicker TAdvSearchList and THTMLabel
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyles and button colors can be adjusted in TAdvMultiButtonEdit
  • New : TRatingCategory.OnImageIndexTRatingCategory.OffImageIndex properties added in TAdvRatingGrid
  • New : Support for high DPI in TAdvMaskEditButton and TPlannerMaskDatePicker
  • New : StyleElements property exposed in TAdvSearchEdit
  • New : StyleElements property exposed in TAdvDropDown
  • New : Possible to make no page active (ActivePageIndex to -1) in TAdvOfficePager TAdvOfficeTabSet and TAdvSmoothTabPager
  • New : GridLines GridLineColor properties added in TAdvRatingGrid
  • New : DropDownWidth property added in TAdvGlowButton
  • New : Button colors of TAdvEditButton TAdvMaskEditButton and TAdvSpinEdit can now be set and changes with new Office styles
  • New : Added error balloon tips for invalid entries in TAdvInputTaskDialog
  • Improved : Office styles support in TAdvSearchEdit
  • Improved : Label positioning when ParentFont = true in TAdvComboBox
  • Improved : Changed Column[x].ButtonCaption setter to allow dynamic button caption config in TDBAdvGrid
  • Improved : Additional button painting when StyleElements is set to [] in TAdvMultiButtonEdit
  • Fixed : Support for High DPI of new dropdown arrow and high dpi resize on focus issue in TAdvSmoothEditBtn
  • Fixed : Rare issue with high DPI when using ShowError = true in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : ParentFont kept true on initialization for Edit Dropdown and other affected components
  • Fixed : No more difference between Group items and loose TAdvOfficeCheckBox and TAdvOfficeRadioButton styles
  • Fixed : Issue with styler and font color setting in TAdvComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with mouse wheel selection move on top and bottom row
  • Fixed : Issue with large imagelist image sizes in TAdvRatingGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with label font high DPI handling when ParentFont = true in TAdvSpinEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with hints on selector items in TAdvOfficeToolSelector
  • Fixed : Issue with gradient panel background color when using VCL styles in TInspectorBar
  • Fixed : Issue with custom border drawing in specific circumstances in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with adding new TPlannerMaskDatePicker control on form
  • Fixed : Issue with Paste after programmatic text insert in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Image was incorrectly scaled on high DPI in TImageTextItem
  • Fixed : Fixed : Support for High DPI of new dropdown arrow in TAdvEditButton and TAdvMaskEditButton
  • Fixed : Error in IDE when deleting assigned ComboBox of TAdvFormStyler in design-time
  • Fixed : Dropdown button colors in office 2019 styles in AdvSmooth dropdown components
  • Fixed : Color consistency for edit components and TAdvTrackBar in Office 2019 Gray and forcing color in dropdown for TAdvComboBox TAdvEdit and TAdvDropDown


  • New : TDBAdvRichEditorHTMLIO component added
  • New : TAdvStickyPopUpMenu high DPI per monitor handling implemented
  • New : OnBeforePopupMenu event added in TAdvRichEditor
  • New : GlyphIndex property added to support imagelist images for button in TAdvEditBtn
  • New : Event OnError added in TAdvIPEdit
  • New : BeepOnError property added in TAdvIPEdit
  • Improved : When Text = empty draw no line at bottom of TAdvSignatureCapture
  • Improved : Find and replace within selection in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : With Styler Font is used when item is not selected in TAdvStickyPopUpMenu
  • Fixed : Spin button strange issue with Windows XXX VCL styles in TAdvSpinEdit
  • Fixed : Regression with copy and paste control at design-time in TAdvGlowButton
  • Fixed : Issue with use of non-incremental programmatic narrowdown
  • Fixed : Issue with persisting UIStyle property in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with disjunct row selection in combination with PreciseCheckClick = true in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with MouseActions.DirectEdit custom inplace editors and cell validation in TAdvStringGrid


  • New : TAdvSmoothComboBox per monitor DPI handling
  • Improved : Function added in TAdvSmoothListBox to change DPI scale from TAdvSmoothComboBox
  • Fixed : Dropdown direction of TAdvSmoothComboBox with multiple screens
  • Fixed : C specific issue with AdvMemo.hpp file


  • New : Exposed StyleElements for TAdvSmoothToggleButton
  • Improved : Runtime VCL style switching handling in TDBAdvGrid
  • Improved : High DPI handling for column fonts in TDBAdvGrid
  • Fixed : Small issue with parsing image width / height from HTML file in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Repeat find in wordwrapped text in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Regression with editing via a TDBAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Regression with OnChange event for spin button click in TAdvSpinEdit
  • Fixed : Per monitor high DPI handling of TAdvToolBarButton
  • Fixed : Issue with wordwrapped hyperlink click
  • Fixed : Issue with using TAdvToolBarPager without styler component
  • Fixed : Issue with setting control disabled and changing dataset enabled state in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with precision for high DPI calculationn for label of TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with label font for high DPI in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with default UIStyle property of TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with TAdvToolBarPager overlapping of the TAdvPage captions when width was too small in Office 2019
  • Fixed : Issue with Form.KeyPreview and default handling of ESC and RETURN keys
  • Fixed : Issue with ESC handling in TDBAdvEdit TDBAdvEditBtn


  • New : Support for persisting indent in HTML in TAdvRichEditor
  • New : Support for per monitor DPI in TAdvSmoothListBox
  • New : Support for HTML DIV import support for font settings on SPAN in TAdvRichEditor
  • New : Property Transparent added in TAdvScrollBox
  • New : Property AutoDropDown: boolean added in TInspectorBar
  • New : Introducing TAdvWebBrowser
  • New : Initialization of TMSStyle based components
  • New : Event OnRowCountChange added in TAdvStringGrid
  • New : Changed SelStartXSelStartYSelEndXSelEndY to become read/write properties in TAdvMemo
  • New : Added automatic VCL Styles support for AdvMessageBox() AdvMessageDlg()
  • Improved : Use of Columns[x].ButtonWidth/Columns[x].ButtonCaption in TDBAdvGrid
  • Improved : Use of Columns[x].ButtonWidth/Columns[x].ButtonCaption in TAdvColumnGrid
  • Improved : TAdvMemo HTML JS WEB styler background color handling with VCL styles
  • Improved : High DPI handling in application with multiple forms using a ribbon
  • Improved : Dynamically changing inplace editor button width in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : TAdvTrackBar TrackLabel and TickMark font color changes with dark office style
  • Fixed : TAdvOfficeStatusBar UseSystemFont property wasn''t stored in form file when true
  • Fixed : Regression with default tree node drawing in TInspectorBar
  • Fixed : Rare issue with using TAdvRichEditorHTMLIO and font persistence
  • Fixed : Rare issue with cell validation and balloon hints on inactive forms in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with text selection in etMoney edit type in TDBAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with switching between VCL styles and TMS styles at runtime in TAdvGlowButton
  • Fixed : Issue with selected nodes and switching VCL styles at runtime in TAdvTreeComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with save with RTF cells and Unicode in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with find at end of text with wrap in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with entry when EditMask is set in TAdvSmoothDatePicker
  • Fixed : Issue with design-time deactivating dataset with TDBAdvGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with customizing cell button color via OnGetCelLColor in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with changing StyleElements at runtime in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with cell button text color in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with SVG rendering engine
  • Fixed : Issue with OnKeyDown and ESC key in TAdvListEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with OnChange event handler when typing text in spinedit with selection in TAdvSpinEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with FindText() with option frWholeWord in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with Display.ScaleToFit when no high-DPI is enabled in the application in TPlanner
  • Fixed : Empty On and Off caption wasn''t applied in runtime for TAdvSmoothSlider
  • Fixed : Dropdown alignment in TAdvTreeCombobox
  • Fixed : Display on wrong position when there is a load delay in TAdvTreeCombobox
  • Fixed : AdvToolBar right line wasn''t drawn in AdvToolBarPager when RoundEdges was false
  • Fixed : AdvOutLookList checkbox drawing on high DPI
  • Fixed : AdvOutLookList Office 2019 Black style color settings


  • New : TAdvTrackBar TickMarks property ShowFirstLastStep and ShowTextAtSteps
  • New : Support for using TVirtualImageList imagelists added in TAdvOfficeStatusBar
  • New : Property grid.Navigation.SkipReadOnly added in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : VCL Styles support in TAdvDropDown
  • Improved : VCL Style color settings for tabs in TAdvOfficePager
  • Improved : TAdvOfficeTabSet Performance of drawing behavior with large number of tabs
  • Improved : Drawing with VCL Styles in TAdvPanel
  • Improved : Detection of text format on clipboard for Paste in TAdvMemo
  • Improved : Compatibility with hex encoded special chars in HTML for import in TAdvRichEditor
  • Improved : All fixed column cells can now be used to set the active DB record upon click
  • Fixed : VCL Styles and grid button text color issue in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : UIStyle set to tsCustom after initial Office look in TAdvPanel
  • Fixed : UIStyle set to tsCustom after initial Office look for the AdvSmoothComponents
  • Fixed : Tabwidth on high DPI with use of FWidth in TAdvSmoothTabPager
  • Fixed : Rare issue with cell validation and grid.MouseActions.DirectEdit = true in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Rare issue with cell validation and CursorWalkEditor = true in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with painting when put on a DoubleBuffered parent control in TAdvTrackBar
  • Fixed : Issue with label color when setting Enabled = false at design-time in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with OnEnter event when grid.FixedRowAlways = true in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with OnChange being triggered during destroy in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with LengthLimit handling in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with FindTextCount() when text to find occurs multiple times on single lines in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with Find and Replace in combination with selection in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with Ctrl-arrow operations when a syntax styler without any delimiters is attached in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with AbsTimeToCell() in TPlanner
  • Fixed : High DPI awareness for TAdvToolBarButton
  • Fixed : Design-time copy and paste handling of TAdvGlowButton
  • Fixed : AdvPanel Caption was reintroduced with office 2019 internal styler


  • Fixed : non native dialog closing for custom buttons in TAdvTaskDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with style initialization in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with label caption font with high DPI in TAdvDateTimePicker
  • Fixed : Issue with calling Clear while a fixed cell inplace editor is active in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with a disabled button added to a cell with VCL Styles in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with Unicode characters in HTML formatted cells in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with OnChange handler for setting the .Value property programmatic in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Gutter line drawing color issue in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Compiler warnings for older versions in TFormSize asgHTMLE.pas and TGDIPicture


  • Improved : Item.ValueFont also used for ptCustom property type in TInspectorBar
  • Fixed : Office 2019 style was not only forced on creation in TAdvMemo TAdvTrackBar TAdvStringGrid and TAdvGlowButton
  • Fixed : Issue with user dropdown sizing and auto dropdown sizing in TAdvDropDown
  • Fixed : Issue with OnItemClick in value area for imMultiPanelActive mode in TInspectorBar
  • Fixed : Design-time update Font.Color in AdvGlowButton


  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothWin8Marquee
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothTrackBar
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothToggleButton
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothTimeLine
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothTileList
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothTabPager
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothStepControl
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothSplashScreen
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothSpinner
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothSlider
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothSlideShow
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothScrollBar
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothRotaryMenu
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothProgressBar
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothPopUp
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothPanel
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothPageSlider
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothMessageDialog
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothMenu
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothMegaMenu
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothListBox
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothImageListBoxPicker
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothImageListBox
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothGauge
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothExpanderGroup
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothDock
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothDatePicker
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothComboBox
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothCircularProgress
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothCalendarGroup
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothCalendar
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothCalculator
  • New : UIStyle property for TMSStyle in TAdvSmoothButton
  • New : Support for SFTP in TWebCopy and TWebUpdate
  • New : Selection colors for Office 2019 styles in THTMLTreeView THTMLCheckList and THTMLComboBox
  • New : Internal Office styler implemented in TAdvToolBar and TAdvToolBarPager
  • New : Internal Office styler implemented in TAdvPreviewMenu
  • New : Internal Office styler implemented in TAdvPopUpMenu
  • New : Internal Office styler implemented in TAdvPanel
  • New : Internal Office styler implemented in TAdvOfficeTabSet
  • New : Internal Office styler implemented in TAdvOfficeStatusBar
  • New : Internal Office styler implemented in TAdvOfficePager
  • New : Internal Office styler implemented in TAdvMainMenu
  • New : Internal Office styler implemented in TAdvCardList
  • New : Exposed StyleElements on TAdvDockPanel
  • New : AutoDropWidth property added in TAdvComboBox
  • Improved : TAdvOutlookList per monitor support for high DPI
  • Improved : High DPI handling for completion interaction in TTodoList
  • Improved : Changed TAdvShapeButton to work in TAdvToolPager with internal styler
  • Fixed : Use of TextColorChecked when working with groups in TAdvGlowbutton
  • Fixed : Tabwidth and status size for high DPI
  • Fixed : Regression with starting grid edComboList inplace editor
  • Fixed : Rare issue with rendering text with hex code in HTML in HTML formatted text supporting components
  • Fixed : Performance of Begin- and EndUpdate was broken in TAdvOfficeTabSet in v3.8.0.0
  • Fixed : Issue with turning off VCL Styles at runtime in TAdvGlowButton TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with setting radio button enabled from FormCreate in TAdvOfficeRadioGroup
  • Fixed : Issue with saving to file when TrimTrailingSpaces = false in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with mouse wheel scrolling in imMultiPanelActive mode
  • Fixed : Issue with design-time painting of a TAdvToolPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with design-time painting of TAdvTrackBar and TAdvRangeSlider
  • Fixed : Issue with border when gutter is invisible and border is turned off in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with VCL style color initialization in THTMLTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with TDBAdvRichEditor.Clear
  • Fixed : Design-time style painting of TTodoList
  • Fixed : Design-time style painting of TPlannerDatePicker
  • Fixed : Design-time style painting of TPlannerCalendar and TPlannerCalendarGroup
  • Fixed : Design-time style painting of TPlanner
  • Fixed : Design-time style painting of TInspectorBar
  • Fixed : Design-time style painting of THTMListBox
  • Fixed : Design-time style painting of THTMLTreeList
  • Fixed : Design-time style painting of TDBDAdvGlowNavigator
  • Fixed : Design-time style painting of TAdvPolyPager
  • Fixed : Design-time style painting of TAdvOutlookList
  • Fixed : Design-time style painting of TAdvOfficeSelector
  • Fixed : Design-time style painting of TAdvOfficeComboBox
  • Fixed : Design-time style painting of TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Design-time style painting of TAdvAlertWindow
  • Fixed : Design-time style painting of GDIP components and TCustomItemsContainer
  • Fixed : Design-time creation style is now retrieved from AdvStyleIF for TPlannerMonthView
  • Fixed : Creation style is changed to default style defined in AdvStyleIF in AdvSearchEdit and AdvDropDown


  • Fixed : Regression with high dpi label font size handling in specific case in TAdvEdit TAdvComboBox TCheckListEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with Midas.dll dependency in Win64 in TAdvSpellCheck
  • Fixed : Design time color and down arrow in high DPI in the TAdvQuickAccessToolBar
  • Fixed : Caption height for high DPI in TAdvToolBarPager


  • New : Support for TAB during HTML export in TAdvRichEditor
  • Improved : Made InsertFromStream() compatible with file streams in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Small color setting issue in AquaBlue fantasy styler for TAdvToolBar and TAdvMainMenu
  • Fixed : Rare issue when destroy happens while dropdown is visible in TCheckListEdit12:17 08/01/2020
  • Fixed : Issue with updating Item.FloatValue in TInspectorBar
  • Fixed : Issue with setting caption and tab height and tab width on high DPI in TAdvToolBarPager
  • Fixed : Issue with rendering HTML with PictureContainer pictures in high DPI in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with position of controls in AdvToolBarContainer on per monitor DPI in TAdvToolBarContainer
  • Fixed : Issue with label font size handling in high DPI scenarios in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with label font size handling in high DPI scenarios in TAdvComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with hyperlink font color in HTML export in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with SwapRows() when grid has hidden columns
  • Fixed : Issue with DatabaseFileName = '''' in TAdvSpellCheck


  • New : Multiple line comment identifiers (comma separated) in TAdvMemo
  • New : Multiple hex identifiers (comma separated) in TAdvMemo
  • New : Arabic support for TWebUpdate
  • Improved : High-DPI support for TAdvSmoothPopupTouchKeyboard
  • Improved : High DPI handling for inplace editors in TTodoList
  • Improved : High DPI handling for header resizing in TTodoList
  • Fixed : Regression with handling DataSource.Enabled for case when no DataSource is used in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Printing in combination with grid.SuppressColumn() in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with Column[].Font handling in TDBAdvGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with ButtonAlign = baLeft and EditAlign = eaRight in TAdvEditBtn
  • Fixed : Caption visibility issues in TAdvPanel


  • New : FollowMainForm property added in TFormSize
  • Improved : TAdvEdit TAdvMaskEdit TAdvComboBox TAdvSpinEdit label uses StyleElements
  • Fixed : Regression with AutoCreateColumns and high DPI font handling
  • Fixed : Issue with drawing caption of invisible tabs in TAdvNavBar
  • Fixed : Issue with TDBAdvMemo when DataSource.Enabled = false
  • Fixed : Issue with TAdvDBLookupComboBox when DataSource.Enabled = false
  • Fixed : Issue with Signed and TDBAdvEdit DataSet edit state
  • Fixed : Issue with OnChange event handling in TAdvUpDownEdit


  • New : StyleElements property exposed in TAdvSmoothCalendar
  • Improved : Behavior of grid popup menus with VCL styles used in combination with TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Selected font usage when VCL styles is used with seFont = false in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Regression with TFormControlEditLink and control assignment
  • Fixed : Rare issue with VCL styles disjunct row selection and mouse wheel use in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with fixed column border color when nodes are used in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with TAdvRichEditorHTMLIO when loading from stream when no encoding is specified
  • Fixed : Issue with ShowPassOnClick and mouse capture in TAdvEditBtn
  • Fixed : Issue with SaveToBin* LoadFromBin* functions and OnLoadCell/OnSaveCell
  • Fixed : Issue with OnChange triggering when EditType = etFloat or etMoney in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : DefaultHandling = true with form.KeyPreview = true in TAdvEdit


  • New : Office 2019 Ribbon application creation wizard
  • Improved : Workaround added in TAvdRichEditor for mail clients that cannot render anddollar; in HTML encoded correct
  • Improved : TFormControlEditLink popup editing handling in TAdvStringGrid
  • Improved : Handling of URLs over multiple lines with wordwrapping in TAdvMemo
  • Improved : Handling of Office black style colors in TAdvEdit TAdvSpinEdit TAdvComboBox
  • Fixed : changes in colors for flat look in Office 2019 styles
  • Fixed : Regression with introduction of TMemIniFile in TAdvToolBar
  • Fixed : Rare regression with OnSetEditText() event for specific event handler code in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Pager Caption height with multiple AdvToolBarPagers
  • Fixed : Issue with runtime column font setting for TDBAdvGrid with high DPI
  • Fixed : Issue with caption color on Office 2016 2019 AdvToolBarForm


  • New : TToolPanels support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TTodoList support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TProgressItem support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TPlannerMonthView support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TPlannerDatePicker support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TPlannerCal support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TPlanner support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TInspectorBar support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : THTMLTreeList support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TGDIPMenu support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TGDIPImageTextButtonSectionItem support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TGDIPImageTextButtonItem support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TGDIPHeaderItem support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TGDIPGroupItem support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TDBPlannerDatePicker support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TDBAdvGlowNavigator support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TCustomItemsContainer support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TCustomEditor support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvTrackBar support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvToolButton support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvToolBarPager support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvTimePickerDropDown support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSplitter support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothWin8Marquee support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothTouchKeyBoard support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothToggleButton support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothTimLine support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothTileList support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothStepControl support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothSplashScreen support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothSpinner support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothSlider support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothSlideShow support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothScrollBar support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothRotaryMenu support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothProgressBar support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothPopUp support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothPanel support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothPageSlider support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothMessageDialog support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothMenu support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothMegaMenu support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothListBox support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothImageListBoxPicker support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothImageListBox support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothGauge support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothExpanderPanel support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothExpanderGroup support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothExpanderButtonPanel support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothDock support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothDatePicker support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothComboBox support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothCircularProgress support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothCalendarGroup support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothCalendar support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothCalculatorDropDown support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothCalculator support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmoothButton support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSmartMessageBox support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvSVGImageCollection to support SVG in TVirtualImageList (RAD Studio 10.3 Rio and newer only)
  • New : TAdvPreviewMenuStyler support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvPolyPager support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvPanel support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvOutlookList support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvOfficeTabSetStyler support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvOfficeStatusBarStyler support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvOfficeSelectors support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvOfficePagerStyler support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvOfficeHint support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvOfficeComboBox support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvOfficeButtons support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvNavBar support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvMultiColumnDropDown support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvMenuStylers support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvMemo support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvLookupBar support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvGridDropDown support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvGrid support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvGrid support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvGlowButton support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvFontCombo support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvExplorerTreeView support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvDropDown support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvCardList support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : TAdvAlertWindow support for Office 2019 styles
  • New : Switched internally to TMemIniFile for persistence for better performance in TAdvToolBarPager
  • New : StyleElements property added in TGridColumnItem of TAdvColumnGrid
  • New : StyleElements property added in TDBGridColumnItem of TDBAdvGrid
  • New : StyleElements property added in TAdvSmoothImageListBox
  • New : StyleElements property added in TAdvOfficeStatusBar
  • New : StyleElements property added in TAdvMultiButtonEdit
  • New : Overload SaveToCSV() in TAdvStringGrid with TGridRect parameter
  • New : OnOLEDropText event added in TAdvEdit
  • New : Have AdvShowMessage() AdvMessageDlg() functions use VCL styles
  • New : GDIPImageTextItem per monitor DPI handling
  • New : Form background automatically adapts for Office 2016 and Office 2019 styles
  • New : File OLE drag and drop support added in TAdvEdit
  • New : Designtime and runtime SVG Support
  • New : AdvSmoothTrackBar support for Office 2019 styles
  • Improved : Tab key handling in TAdvSearchList
  • Improved : StateImage position for multiline nodes in THTMLTreeView
  • Improved : Per monitor High DPI handling in TPlanner
  • Improved : Per monitor High DPI handling in TAdvToolBarPager
  • Improved : Office default color theme retrieval
  • Improved : Key handling for autocompletion list in TAdvMemo
  • Improved : Display of linked items when scrolling is used in the TPlanner
  • Fixed : URL highlighting for word-wrapped text in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : TAdvTaskDialog per monitor DPI handling fixed for non native.
  • Fixed : TAdvShapeButton High DPI handling for Frame in TAdvShapeButton.
  • Fixed : TAdvOfficeTabSet per monitor DPI handling for page height and font size without styler
  • Fixed : TAdvOfficePager per monitor DPI handling for page height and font size without styler
  • Fixed : TAdvMetroTaskDialog per monitor DPI handling.
  • Fixed : Rare issue with using datasource before grid handle is created in TDBAdvGrid
  • Fixed : Rare issue with TAdvEditBtn with button alignment
  • Fixed : Rare issue with HOME key handling for specific settings of readonly cells in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : OnDraw Event issue with vertical spacing
  • Fixed : Issue with undo after paste in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with signed input for TAdvUpDownEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with setting DataSource.Enabled = false with TDBPlannerDatePicker TDBAdvSmoothDatePicker
  • Fixed : Issue with repeatedly initializing the TAdvGridColumnPicker
  • Fixed : Issue with multi-monitor high DPI handling in TAdvToolBarPager
  • Fixed : Issue with import of centered images from HTML in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with high-DPI in specific circumstances for TAdvInputTaskDialog
  • Fixed : Issue with font handling for runtime created column with high DPI in TAdvDBLookupComboBox
  • Fixed : Issue with dynamic VCL style switching in THTMLTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with dropdown color due to VCL styles in TAdvMultiColumnDropDown
  • Fixed : Issue with design-time button layout changes in TAdvTouchKeyboard
  • Fixed : Issue with accelerator keys and OnChanging event in TAdvPageControl
  • Fixed : Issue with TabToNextAtEnd = true when there is only one control on the form
  • Fixed : Issue with OnDblClick event triggering in TAdvSearchList
  • Fixed : Issue with LengthLimit handling for strings in TAdvEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with DirectMove = true and drag when only Planner cells are selected in T(DB)Planner
  • Fixed : Issue with AutoSize handling in TAdvOfficeRadioButton
  • Fixed : Issue when only persisting form size without form position in TFormSize
  • Fixed : Cursor navigation insert copy and paste caret handling in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Completed missing TAdvRichEditor emoticon shortcut
  • Fixed : AdvSmoothMenu indicator placement on resize and size on high DPI
  • Fixed : AdvOfficeComboBox arrow size on high DPI and updated style of arrow
  • Fixed : AdvNavBar Popup indicator drawing and width on high DPI
  • Fixed : AdvGlowButton drop down high dpi handling


  • New : VCL Styles support added in TAdvSplitter
  • New : Caption.LeadingZeros property added in TAdvSmoothLEDLabel
  • Improved : TAdvGridPDFIO uses grid display cells instead of grid cells
  • Improved : High DPI handling in TAdvMultiButtonEdit
  • Improved : Handling OnCustomDrawItem to change item colors dynamically in THTMLTreeList
  • Fixed : Regression with scrollbar update and VCL styles use in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Rare issue with inserting long text programmatically in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with unicode characters for export to XML in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with non default ANSI charset handling in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with border drawing on TAdvPageControl with all sheets TabVisible = false
  • Fixed : Issue with Swipe = true in TDBAdvCardList


  • New : TDBMultiMonthSource.HeaderDateFormat property added in TDBPlanner
  • Improved : Handling of double-quotes in list text in TCheckListEdit
  • Fixed : Rare issue with Tab and read-only cells in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with setting font on selected linebreak in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with scrollbar updating when VCL styles are used in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with handling text that is wider than the control width in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with cell button and high DPI in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with affix file handling in TAdvSpellcheck
  • Fixed : Issue with VCL Styles and cell button in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with TFormControLEditLink and TabEdit in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with OnModified not triggered in specific cases in TListLink
  • Fixed : Issue with ActiveRowShow when grid has no normal rows in TAdvStringGrid


  • New : Property CompressionQuality and CompressionLevel public properties added in TAdvSignatureCapture
  • Improved : Thumb position precision in TAdvTrackBar
  • Improved : Thumb paging with mouse in TAdvTrackBar
  • Fixed : Rare issue with combining parent control hint and trackhint in TAdvTrackBar
  • Fixed : Issue with font handling in high DPI when moving columns in TDBAdvGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with date based filtering in TAdvDBFilterPanel


  • New : HighlightWholeWord public property added in TAdvMemo
  • Improved : Transparency for tsRoundRect thumb style in TAdvTrackBar
  • Improved : Position of trackhint in TAdvTrackBar
  • Improved : Handling of PageSize > 0 in TAdvTrackBar
  • Fixed : Issue with showing tickmarks when ShowImageAtSteps = false in TAdvTrackBar
  • Fixed : Issue with '-' handling in TAdvMoneyEdit
  • Fixed : Disabled text color in Office 2016 white style in TAdvGlowButton


  • New : OnItemDblClick event added in TAdvResponsiveList
  • Improved : Tab key can be used in TAdvSearchEdit dropdown to select item
  • Improved : Handling of decimal separator with clipboard in TAdvSpinEdit
  • Improved : Code block display in combination with block indicators in comments in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : VCL specific issue with OnPasteBitmap in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with label position on TAdvMultiButtonEdit on container controls
  • Fixed : Issue with grid created without parent & sorting in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with floating footer painting related to fixed columns use in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with changing TabAppearance.Font at runtime for TAdvOfficeTabSet
  • Fixed : Issue with Navigation.AdvanceAutoEdit = false and tab in TAdvStringGrid


  • New : ResetUndoRedo method added in TAdvRichEditor to programmatically reset the Undo/Redo stack
  • New : Changed the TImageList interface to TCustomImageList in T(DB)Planner
  • Improved : OnKeyDown handler when keys are handled that shouldn't be allowed in TAdvEdit
  • Improved : Handling of clipboard when clipboard contains multiple lines in TAdvSpinEdit
  • Improved : HTML export from TAdvRichEditor for bullet items
  • Fixed : Small issue with footer drawing in Look glWin7 in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Rare issue with specific selected rows during ungrouping in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Rare issue when combining a hyperlink and button in a cell in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with sized images in RTF in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with printing with images in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with inplace editor style initialization in combination with TAdvFormStyler in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Issue with drawing long text in THTMLTreeView
  • Fixed : Issue with default item text color in TAdvOfficeToolSelector
  • Fixed : Issue with TAdvTouchKeyboard used on TAdvPanel
  • Fixed : Issue with OnClipboardPaste handler in TAdvSpinEdit
  • Fixed : Issue with OnChange after clipboard paste in TAdvRichEditor
  • Fixed : Issue with GetBottomIndex in LayoutMode = lblBubble in TAdvSmoothListBox


  • New : StyleElements exposed in TAdvMemo
  • New : OnAfterDropDown event added in TAdvDropDown
  • Improved : Small change to handle case when setting Max to lower value than Position in TAdvProgressBar
  • Improved : Notes rendering on high DPI in TAdvMainMenu
  • Fixed : Issue with specific VCL Styles in TDBAdvGrid in combination with column settings
  • Fixed : Issue with printing TDBAdvRichEditor & linespacing
  • Fixed : Issue with decimals handling in TAdvCalculatorDropDown
  • Fixed : Issue with RTF copy to clipboard in TAdvMemo
  • Fixed : Issue with AFont.Size parameter in OnGetCellColor for high DPI in TAdvStringGrid


  • Fixed : Issue with xlsAdapter subfolder missing in library path after installation


  • Improved : Setting AdvStringGrid.SelectionColor = clNone hides selection
  • Fixed : Issue with turning VCL Styles off at runtime in TAdvOfficePager
  • Fixed : Added missing file AdvRichEditorEmailIO.pas


  • Improved : Fixed and optimized code for HideSelectedRows/HideUnSelectedRows in TAdvStringGrid
  • Fixed : Text color issue on TAdvToolBarPager for specific styles after expand/collaps
  • Fixed : HTML parsing for hex char specifiers like &#x000000; in HTML engine


  • New : VCL Styles support added in TSectionListBox, TAdvWordCloud, TAdvCodeList, TAdvListEditor
  • New : TInspectorBar per monitor support for high DPI
  • New : THTMLTreeView per monitor support for high DPI
  • New : TAdvRichEditor.OnPasteBitmap event added
  • New : TAdvPopUpMenu per monitor support for high DPI
  • New : Added Drag and Drop properties to TAdvSmoothButton
  • New : Added DblClick behaviour for the TAdvOfficeRadioButtons
  • Improved : TAdvGlowButton dropdown arrow uses Font.Color
  • Improved : Possible rare issue with TAdvEdit size handling for high DPI
  • Improved : Changed THTMLHint to enable use of TVirtualImageList
  • Fixed : TAdvSmoothEdit EmptyText font style adapts to font settings
  • Fixed : Issue with use on a datamodule of TAdvSmoothSplashScreen
  • Fixed : Issue with runtime VCL style switching in THTMLStatusBar
  • Fixed : Issue with runtime VCL style switching in TAdvOfficePager
  • Fixed : Issue with painting DisabledPicture in TAdvGraphicCheckLabel
  • Fixed : Issue with border of TAdvListEditor when no VCL Style was used


  • New : Introducing TAdvPDFLib and TAdvGraphicsPDFIO, components for PDF export functionality
  • New : Introducing TAdvKanbanBoard and TAdvTableView
  • New : First Release


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What our customers say

Thank you Mr. Fierens for your time and assistance. Just want to say your VCL Pack is fabulous.

- Mark Mihevc

Thank you for this superb tool collection!

- Henning Swiboda

Thanks for the effort to create the VCL grid goodies ! These chunks of outcome-oriented teaching-material are very useful. It's unbelievable how powerful the grid is when one knows how to unveil it's countless options...

- Feichtenschlager Thomas

I don''t know how I could have created and managed so many projects without the AdvStringGrid! And although there is already so much functionality in it I''m using my own derived version with automatic column widths, enhanced export to Excel (including text colors, backround colors, comments, merged cells and more), the possibility to fill in static data at design time and more. This often allows me to build a new tool in hours instead of days! Support is also great! Thanks.

- Raß Jacqueline

Keep up the great work...Every new release of TMS Component Pack is like Xmas. Top quality components! :-)

- Aidan Thomson via email


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