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On our way to Verona: TMS WEB Core v1.1 coming

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

After a stunning start in Brescia on July 25, 2018 with the TMS WEB Core v1.0 release, we're well underway to our next destination along our Mille Miglia track: Verona. As explained, to visualize the roadmap of TMS WEB Core, we use the historic 1955 Mille Miglia race and each subsequent versions of TMS WEB Core will be named after cities along the Mille Miglia. That means that our next major TMS WEB Core v1.1 release will be named Verona. We expect to arrive in Verona in November.

So, what will be included in TMS WEB Core v1.1 Verona:

  • Initial Progressive Web Application (PWA) support
    A new project type with all necessary settings & preconfigured needed files will be available to let you start building progressive web applications out of the box.

  • Google Charts
    Google Charts will be available via an easy to use Pascal component offering most of the Google Chart types and features.

  • Google and Facebook signin
    Using Google or Facebook to offer signin for your web applications will be as easy as dropping a component on the form.

  • Autocompletion control
    As there is no native editable combobox in a browser, we've created an editable combobox with autocompletion.

  • Google ReCaptcha v3.0 support
    The next generation Google Captcha functionality wrapped in a Pascal component.

  • Accelerator keys support
    For heavy keyboard users, you'll be able to use accelerator keys for buttons, labels just like you do now in VCL applications.

  • Beta support for Lazarus
    A first version that can be used in the Lazarus IDE will be included.

  • PayPal payment support
    Also here, a RAD component based way to make integrating payment processing from your web application really easy.

  • Desktop browser bridge
    Send and receive commands/data between a TMS WEB Core web client and a desktop application hosting the browser that runs the TMS WEB Core client application.

  • Enhancements for TWebClientDataSet and DB-aware controls
    Several enhancements make it even easier to connect DB-aware controls to a dataset.

  • Many smaller improvements & fixes
    Many small enhancements and new functions to make the life easier for web client application development are included, too many to name here.

At the same time, a lot of work is also going into TMS XData, to make it work even more seamless as data backend for TMS WEB Core web client applications. We're making it even more RAD, let you write less code and give you more functionality. We're also hard at work to deliver this major TMS XData update in Q4 2018.

We will have a beta version of TMS WEB Core v1.1 Verona shortly for all TMS ALL-ACCESS users. Note also that TMS WEB Core v1.0 can still be purchased till Nov 1 at our discount launch price of 295EUR. From Nov 1, we'll switch to regular pricing 395EUR for a single developer license. Of course, existing TMS ALL-ACCESS and TMS WEB Core users will all receive the upcoming new TMS WEB Core v1.1 Verona release as a free update in the one-year subscription purchased.

Get started

Meanwhile, you can go ahead and explore the new & exciting territories of web client development that become available for Delphi developers with TMS WEB Core! You can download the trial version that is generally available, go ahead with the standalone version you purchased or with TMS WEB Core and additional tools that are all included in TMS ALL-ACCESS. Our team looks forward to all your comments, feedback, feature-requests to help steering the development of TMS WEB Core to the next stages!

Bruno Fierens

This blog post has received 2 comments.

1. Tuesday, October 30, 2018 at 1:57:09 PM

This is by far the most insanely efficient component to keep my project for a customer with Server and Client expert software web compatible. I just loved the simplicity with how I could ( once figured out the base line for development ) create web pages with all sort of support. This is by far one of the most valuable expansions of the PASCAL enviroemnt I have ever made!

Development that would have taken at least a month is now tested and ready for pre-test in 2 days. That is effectiveness gone through the roof! Keep up the good work TMS

Bo Palmblad, senior systems & network developer
Nordify Development AB and Software Crew AB

Bo Palmblad

2. Tuesday, October 30, 2018 at 4:35:26 PM

Thanks a lot Bo, for the fantastic comment! It heavily motivates us to continue all the work on the framework & tools!

Bruno Fierens

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