Segmentation fault (11) for TTMSFMXCloudGMail.

I use the latest version of TTMSFMXCloudGMail. (windows7/64, C++ Builder XE10 Seattle). Create a new FMX project, add a TTMSFMXCloudGMail on the empty form. Runs ok on windows, but get "Segmentation Fault (11)", then AV,... on Android. It is easy to reproduce. Has anyone had this problem? How to fix that?

Thanks in advance!


Just add more information about this. When I see this "Segmentation fault (11)" message, I hit break, then I see this:
function TRttiType.GetHandle: PTypeInfo;
  Result := PTypeInfo(inherited Handle);

The line Result:=.... causes AV.

Can TMS support team help on this please?


We are able to reproduce this issue here, yet we haven't found a workaround.
As soon as we find a workaround, we will apply a fix that will be available in the next version.

We have meanwhile been able to fix this issue, the next version will address this.

Hi, Pieter,

I just update my FMX pack and the TTMSFMXCloudGMail component has a version of Is this the latest version you just fixed?

I think I need to use this fixed version now, is it a way for me to get it? I will get the official updates with my FMX pack later, but I would like to use it for one of my project now. Is it possible?




Please contact us by direct email to obtain this fix if it's urgent.
It is not yet included in the latest release.
the latest release is scheduled for tomorrow

Pieter Scheldeman2016-05-19 15:49:08

Hi, I think the fix still need a bit more work. I have this codes:

  TMSFMXCloudGMail1->App->Key = "";
  TMSFMXCloudGMail1->App->Secret = "
  TMSFMXCloudGMail1->App->CallBackURL = "";
  TMSFMXCloudGMail1->App->CallBackPort = 8889;

This codes worked a couple of month ago on Android. Now I got "Segmentation fault (11)". and then AV at DoAuth(). I am not sure what I did wrong or if this component still needs more work. On windows 7, it is ok.

I am anxious to have it working for my project. Can TMS team help me ASAP? Thanks!



It seems to be a Berlin specific issue with C++ Builder. We are not able to reproduce this on Delphi and could be related to the limitation of the amount of Android classes that can be instantiated, we have already improved this in the latest version, but it seems that the time at which the DoAuth is called is crucial. Are you able to reproduce this from a butten click?

Additionally, this issue is only reproducible on C++ Builder, as we are not able to reproduce this in Delphi.

Hi, Pieter,

My C++ Builder version is XE 10 Seattle, not Berlin. These lines posted before are inside a button click event.
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject Sender)
  //gmail credentials
  TMSFMXCloudGMail1->App->Key = "
  TMSFMXCloudGMail1->App->Secret = "

  TMSFMXCloudGMail1->App->CallBackURL = "";
  TMSFMXCloudGMail1->App->CallBackPort = 8889;
Is it a workaround for this problem? Thanks!

Hi, we will further investigate this as soon as possible.


v3.0.0.1 should fix this issue, are you using the latest version?
The component version number will not change as this is an internal issue and not specifically related to the TTMSFMXCloudGMail component.
Pieter Scheldeman2016-05-26 11:48:51


We have further investigated this here and have applied a fix for this issue, the next version will address this.