authorisation exception on Twitter compoentn

Working with the latest TadvTwitter component in Delphi XE.

I get a "could not obtain ole control window handle" error message before it opens an authorisation browser window.

Also if I let TMS to create its own browser windows, it doesn't have any frame so cannot close and it doesn't close automaticaly

The demo seems fine, but I can't see what I've done differently.
Any ideas?

I'm not sure what could be the difference between your application and the demo as the TAdvTwitter only requires the AppKey and AppSecret as specific settings.
If the problem persists, can you please provide a ready to run sample application that demonstrates the issue so I can further investigate this?

Still haven't got to the bottom of this. The exception happens in TCloudBase.CreateOAuthForm on FOAuthForm.ShowModal;

an execpetion is thrown, but the webbrowser shows on its own and is not embeded in a form.
I have not been able to reproduce this issue.
The TMS Cloud Pack demos are working as expected when tested here.
Can you please provide a ready to run sample application that demonstrates the issue so I can further investigate 

It just seems to be  this one application (our biggest as it happens)> The demo is fine and even when I create a new app there is no problem. Just not sure where to go from here

I wonder if it could be the DevExpress skins?

no isn't that: anyone see anything unusual here:

exception class   : EOleError
exception message : Could not obtain OLE control window handle.
main thread ($4948):
0133843d +041 PatronClient.exe OleCtrls                           TOleControl.HookControlWndProc
013377d4 +068 PatronClient.exe OleCtrls                           TOleControl.CreateWnd
0051444e +016 PatronClient.exe Controls                           TWinControl.CreateHandle
00514714 +074 PatronClient.exe Controls                           TWinControl.UpdateShowing
00514742 +0a2 PatronClient.exe Controls                           TWinControl.UpdateShowing
005148bc +0bc PatronClient.exe Controls                           TWinControl.UpdateControlState
00517456 +026 PatronClient.exe Controls                           TWinControl.CMVisibleChanged
00510aa0 +2d4 PatronClient.exe Controls                           TControl.WndProc
00515364 +568 PatronClient.exe Controls                           TWinControl.WndProc
005be6e4 +594 PatronClient.exe Forms                              TCustomForm.WndProc
005bfd85 +385 PatronClient.exe Forms                              TCustomForm.SetWindowToMonitor
005106c4 +024 PatronClient.exe Controls                           TControl.Perform
0050f0ce +026 PatronClient.exe Controls                           TControl.SetVisible
005bdfda +03a PatronClient.exe Forms                              TCustomForm.SetVisible
005c2dcb +007 PatronClient.exe Forms                              TCustomForm.Show
005c301b +167 PatronClient.exe Forms                              TCustomForm.ShowModal
01c4c66f +12b PatronClient.exe CloudBase                 1909 +13 TCloudBase.CreateOAuthForm
01c51961 +191 PatronClient.exe CloudTwitter               268 +31 TAdvTwitter.DoAuth
01c5f5c8 +0b4 PatronClient.exe fmpExternalAccounts        538 +17 TmpfExternalAccounts.OauthAuthorizeActionExecute
004ce22b +00f PatronClient.exe Classes                            TBasicAction.Execute