TAdvRicheditor - font problem


After using bullet in editor, font permanently changed to symbol. Change font do nothing.



Do you have more detailed / exact steps? I could not reproduce this here so far.

It's very easy.

When you create document from scratch in TRichEditor all is OK.
But usecase from customer - make/have document in MS Word (Wordpad) and now copy/paste into TRichEditor.

Numbered List OK, but bullet section is corrupted


I guess you refer to TAdvRichEditor and not TRichEditor.
Please provide sufficiently detailed steps and provide this MS Word or WordPad file.
You say : "after using bullets", so, how do I interpret that? The document has no bullets and you apply bullets in TAdvRichEditor? Or it already has bullets (which ones?) and what exact operations do you do?

I am very sorry. I mean TAdvRichEditor. I send example RTF file to you.   

1. Open it in MS Word (Wordpad) 
2. Ctrl+A in Word
3. Ctrl+C in Word
4. Ctrl+V in TAdvRichEditor 

Voil? :)



We traced & solved this issue. The next update will address this.

Super. Thank you :)