TTMSFMXTaskDialog progress message

Hi is possible to have a simple progress message like 'wait...' on task dialog when button is pressed ?

like this :     tkDialog.Show(
    Procedure(ButtonID: Integer)
      // Se ? schiacciato un bottone custom ne ricavo il valore di ritorno associato per compiere l'azione
      If ButtonID >= CB_1 Then Begin

or the only way is to use progressbar ?

Perhaps you can take a look at TAniIndicator?

there is no possibility to 'simple' write on a property or change a title of the dialog when button is pressed ?

No unfortunately not, the only alternative is to use the progress bar

can you give me a sample that activate the progress bar (with text evenctually) on button click (es mrOk) of taskdialog ? thx

The progressbar is only visible during the opening of the taskdialog. When clicking a button, the dialog is automatically closed, so not entirely clear what you want to achieve here? You cannot block the dialog from closing when clicking a button unfortunately.

the problem is when button is clicked there are some long operations that freezes dialog before it close and user unknown if program is blocked or in work ... 

As the TTMSFMXTaskDialog is part of the UI that will not work unfortunately. TAniIndicator is possibly a better solution.

TAniIndicator need to use a thread for spinning its complicated ... i think is a fine solution to consider to implement a wait message into TMSFMXTaskDialog, maybe is a good idea ...
