
I'm loving the Scripting component, but we ran up against a simple (seeming) problem. 

We can't call the MessageDlg with multiple buttons. For example this fails:

  MessageDlg('Test', mtInformation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0); 

While this succeeds

  MessageDlg('Test', mtInformation, mbOK, 0);

Error Is:
File library Unit1: Could not convert variant of type (Array Variant) into type (Integer) when evaluating instruction CallProc ($6,$4,$8BD604,$7241BD8,'MessageDlg').
Stack content is: [Integer:87276064].
Source position: 8,47
Position: 8, 47.

How can we present Message Dialogs with multiple options to the end-user?

Delphi XE3

Hi Dwayne, use it this way:

  MessageDlg('Test', mtInformation, SetOf([mbYes, mbNo]), 0);