Polyline.TagString does not show linefeeds

I've configured TagStrings for Markers, Polygon and Polylines.
They show on hovering with the mouse pointer over the objects.
All TagStrings have linefeeds, which were converted from CRLF to \n.
This works fine for Markers.TagString and Polygon.Tagstring, their hints show linefeeds.

The Polyline.Tagstring is shown in one line and does not respect the linefeeds.

          with WebGMap.Polylines.Add() do
            with Polyline do
              TagString := StringReplace(GPSTracks[Track].ToShortString(0, MyFormatSettings),
                                         CRLF, '\n', [rfReplaceAll]); //Titel                              ;

The ToShortString() method looks like this:

function TTrack.ToShortString(Indent: Byte; MyFormatSettings: TFormatSettings): string;
  IndentStr: string;
  IndentStr := StringOfChar(' ', Indent);
  Result :=
    IndentStr + 'Name        = ' + Self.Name                               + CRLF +
    IndentStr + 'Description = ' + Self.Description                        + CRLF +
    IndentStr + 'Tracktype   = ' + Self.TrackTypeAsString                  + CRLF +
    IndentStr + 'Duration    = ' + Self.DurationAsString                   + CRLF +
    IndentStr + 'Distance    = ' + Self.DistanceAsString(MyFormatSettings) + CRLF +
    IndentStr + 'Trackpoints = ' + IntToStr(Self.TrackpointsCount)         + CRLF +
    IndentStr + 'Waypoints   = ' + IntToStr(Self.WayPointsCount);
Small correction: Polygon.TagStrings do not show linefeeds either.
If CRLF=#13#10 is used, then the object isn't shown at all.
If \n is used, the TagString does not show linefeeds.


Please note that hints on Polygon and Polyline objects are handled as HTML.
This means you can use a line break tag "<br>" to show linefeeds