TTMSFMXGrid Row draging

This is a steps to reproduce my issue :

1- Create a new project;
2- Drop a TTMSFMX grid on a form and a Button;
3- Set this code in the Button onClick event:

   TMSFMXGrid1.options.Mouse.RowDragging := True;
   TMSFMXGrid1.Cells[2, 4] := 'This is text .';

4- Run projet, click Button and :
5- Drag the row containing text on a row below.
6- I get "out of range" error message.

Any suggestion ?
When we set the last cell to string (even empty string), the problem is gone :

TMSFMXGrid1.Cells[TMSFMXGrid1.ColumnCount-1, TMSFMXGrid1.RowCount-1] := '';

and we have do do this again after adding a row at runtime.

This workaround seam also prevent a cell text disapeare after dragging row. 

Thank you for your feedback. We'll investigate this issue as soon as possible.