
Does this component work? It seems to just return an empty string.

Are there any examples?

I set the APIKey to my Google API Key but is there something else I need to do?

I am using Delphi 10.2 (Tokyo) with the latest VCL Cloud Pack



Can you please make sure you have enabled the URL Shortener API in the Google Developers Console?
Instructions can be found here: http://www.tmssoftware.com/site/cloudkey.asp#Google

Still can't make it work. Is there anything else I should set in this component. It just returns an empty string. Do I need a different API key specifically for the Shortener?

I'm not sure what is going wrong.

Can you please provide a LOG file so I can further investigate this?
Logging can be enabled by setting Logging to True and LogLevel to llDetail.
The LOG file is generated automatically in the machine's Documents folder.
Files can be submitted by sending an email to mailto:help@tmssoftware.com

The log file I sent gave me a clue. It seemed I just needed to create a new API Key. The one I still use for the Google Drive does not work for the URL Shortener.

Thanks for informing the cause was found.