Edit for floating point and physical unit

I'm using Component Pack version 8.5.2 and I'm in need of an edit component where the user can enter a floating point number, ideally limited to a certain number of digits after point. Also a unit should be shown after it.
Like this: "7.35 mm"

The only component from TMS I found that can show units is TUnitAdvEditBtn (but I would need this without the button). For floating point the TAdvSpinEdit seems to be the only component.
It would be nice if you would upgrade TAdvSpinEdit to show optional units.

Please let me know if this is already possible with other components. 

In TUnitAdvEditBtn you can set UnitAdvEditBtn.EditType = etFloat and UnitAdvEditBtn.Precision to define the number of accepted decimals.

Thanks, this works almost great.

The display of the unit seems to have a bug. When editing the number and then leaving the component so it loses focus, the unit is displayed blurred. I assume that with the OnExit Event the unit is overpainted but about 1 pixel to the side which makes it look blurred.

We've fixed this painting issue. The next update will address this.

Bruno, I have noticed the same/similar problem in the current release of tAdvColorPickerDropDown (Version The text is fine when it is first displayed, but if you change the selected colour the text goes fuzzy (when not selected - it is OK when the drop down has focus).

We applied an improvement so the text remains sharp. The next update will have this improvement.