TTMSFMXCloudPayPal looping

Hello everyone, i'm testing the example TTMSFMXCloudPayPal...

PS: When you enter the URL that loads into WebBrowser in an external browser, it calls the login screen


Can you please make sure your app has been configured correctly?
Instructions can be found here:

Also make sure the TMSFMXCloudPayPal.APIEnvironment property is set correctly based on your PayPal's control panel settings.

Yes, i followed all the steps of the link. Secret and cliente ID configured correctly. The point is that I do not get any feedback, no event is triggered

Please enable logging and provide the LOG file so I can further investigate this.
Logging TTMSFMXCloudPayPal can be enabled by setting Logging to true and LogLevel to llDetail. The LOG is generated automatically in your machine's Documents folder.

Ooh nice, did not know about Log property. I'll send the generated log.

20170207T142624:HTTPS POST:
20170207T142626:HTTPS POST RES:200
20170207T142626:HTTPS POST RESULT:{"scope":"* openid*","nonce":"2017-02-07T16:19:24ZbvXnlJ8hAPHjYPD3sumeeXuOdzwKvh7XA98-JyGN3nA","access_token":"A101.LWN1hazGMe3LChHupkXzCntiTERexvYa70SUbGVrGNixUyGYX9lG2o1NR_VAh_D6.RUfx0rTLzlXjeUX1GS6znDV6l3i","token_type":"Bearer","app_id":"APP-80W284485P519543T","expires_in":31979}
20170207T142626:HTTPS POST:
20170207T142627:HTTPS POST RES:201
20170207T142627:HTTPS POST RESULT:{"id":"PAY-2DT47111LV4808036LCM7KMQ","intent":"sale","state":"created","payer":{"payment_method":"paypal"},"transactions":[{"amount":{"total":"1205.00","currency":"USD","details":{"subtotal":"1200.00","tax":"0.00","shipping":"5.00","insurance":"0.00"}},"description":"","item_list":{"items":[{"name":"Embarcadero","description":"Delphi XE8 Professional","price":"1200.00","currency":"USD","quantity":1}]},"related_resources":[]}],"create_time":"2017-02-07T16:26:26Z","links":[{"href":"","rel":"self","method":"GET"},{"href":"","rel":"approval_url","method":"REDIRECT"},{"href":"","rel":"execute","method":"POST"}]}

It seems that the LOG file content does not contain any errors.
Can you please provide the version of Delphi you are using and to which platform you are deploying your app?
If you're not deploying to Windows, can you try running your app on Windows to see if the same issue occurs?

I have not been able to reproduce this issue.
The PayPalDemo for TMS FMX Cloud Pack is working as expected on Windows when tested here.

Can you please provide a ready to run sample project that demonstrates the issue so I can further investigate this?
If you are using a demo application included with the product, please provide your exact configuration settings along with screenshots of your app configuration on the PayPal console.
You can provide this data via attachment to the following email:

Hello friend, this problem is solved. For some reason, only on my PC did not work, some certificates installed, or something related to encryption.

I created a mobile project to do some tests, in the iOS platform is working perfectly (A small problem is when loading a web page for mobile i only have the option to make the payment with a paypal account, i can not do with a credit card, tips ?)

But in android i get a return as failure in the

 "HttpsPost(ExtractServer(url), RemoveServer(url), headers, data, resdat);" 

function. I thought it was a libssl.a or libcrypto.a problem, it included the same ones in the project and it did not work.
Has anyone ever faced this problem?

Delphi Berlin 10.1
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition
iOS 9.3.5
Android 4.4.4


This issue has been fixed for Android.
The update will be available with the next release of the TMS FMX Cloud Pack.
Please note that the minimum required Android version is 5.