Numerics in TTMSFMXEdit

I want to use the TTMSFMXEdit for editing numbers.

There is a possibility to configure the EditType to etSignedNumeric or etNumeric.

In my case I want to use etSignedNumeric, because negative values can be used.
However the user can't input the minus-sign.
This is because the minus-sign gets "eaten" (only 0-9 allowed).

Furthermore, is there a possibility to ALWAYS show a sign?
So a plus-sign for positive numbers and a minus-sign for negative numbers.



We have investigated this here and have applied a fix for the minus issue.
It's unclear though how you would distinct the difference between negative and positive number input. The minus sign is a key that is accepted, so the user should use the minus key to enter negative numbers and remove the minus key for positive numbers.

Hi Pieter,

Thanks for the quick reply.
Yes the minus-sign is necessary for negative input.

Positive input can be entered without a plus-sign, but the Text field should display a plus-sign for the positive values.
The edit field should allow a plus-sign as input, but it's optional.

Thank you for your feedback, we will investigate here if we can improve this behavior.