Hi, i can't see firedac adapter DB in my component list, this download in other pack??

Hello Belmar,
it's not installed in component palette, but source code is available. You should add the location of the source in your Delphi library path. The directory to be added is "<workflowdir>\source\drivers" where <workflowdir> is the directory where you installed TMS Workflow Studio. Then you use it at runtime:

uses {...}, wsFireDac;

procedure TForm1.Form1Create(Sender: TObject);
  DB: WorkflowFireDacDB;
  DB := TWorkflowFireDacDB.Create(Self);
  DB.Connection := FDConnection1;
  WorkflowStudio1.WorkflowDB := DB;

Perfect, thanks!!


can i use this source for Delphi Tokio?

You should, yes.


In my Delphi Tokio the unit wsFireDac can not be find? Is there no visuell component for the FireDac DB?

wsFireDac is in Workflow Studio source code folder, in subfolder \source\drivers.

Do you have that unit there? Indeed there is no visual component installed, you have to add wsFireDac in a custom package you create and then install that package.