Zooming and customValues


i use XYLine-Chart and custom X-Values with utMinute as UnitType.

When zooming with STRG and Mousemove the boundaries are not calculated with the x-values, but relative to the Unittype. 
This makes zooming somewhat unuseable...

Got the problematic section:
the problem appears, when you set 

AdvChartView1.Panes[0].YAxis.Size := 80;
AdvChartView1.Panes[0].YAxis.RightSize := 80;

then the zoomarea has an offset, which has some sideeffects....


We're investigating this and will report asap.

do you need any further informations to track down the problem or is the snipplet enough?

Kind regards


Can you perhaps send us a sample that demonstrates this issue, so we can further investigate with the exact same settings?

Kind Regards, 